Well on the negative side of things in preparing camel - "Stressed camels tend to result in tough meat that has an inferior taste. The very best camel comes from a relaxed beast."
I'd imagine that this would be a stressed camel.
But if you must...Though camel meat can be cooked in almost any method in which you would cook lamb, (and it is a similar taste), the very best method is roasting. In a deep roasting pan, or double pan if available, place approximately an inch (15cms) of water. Add the Camel meat roast. A sprinkle of curry powder is a good touch if the meat is not already marinated. Cover the meat with aluminium foil which will be removed in the last half hour of cooking.
By roasting in the water rather than oil, the meat will remain tender rather than drying out to which it is prone. The addition of a few peeled onions to the water will enhance the overall flavour.