sozobe wrote:
Finn dAbuzz wrote:There's no reason why a private individual cannot properly care for wild or exotics animals, and there's nothing more civilized about a public zoo than a private one.
A private individual
can, but it is clear that this one did
not. That's where the lack of laws concerns me. There were numerous visits from authorities but they couldn't do anything because the laws for private menageries are actually much more lax than for zoos. If the guy had chosen to display the animals, he would have run up against a bunch more regulations.
I admit to not reading all of the linked articles, but of those I have read the only indication of how he treated these wild animals was a bit about his having declawed a tiger cub.
Clearly releasing all of the animals to run will was not caring properly for them, but at roughly the same time he did that he killed himself and so I don't think we can say he was acting in his right mind.
I appreciate that the declawing of the tiger club was illegal and that many animal rights activists consider declawing an inhumane practice, but it's hard to put it in the category of sadism or neglect. The owner may not have been sufficently sensitive to the pain the cub experienced during its recovery, but it was a temporary experience and there was no danger that the animal was losing it's primary method of defense.
If there were documented cases of cruelty and neglect, that should be irrefutable evidence, but I didn't read of any.
There was also brief mention that the man had once been charged with animal cruelty because he was unable to reach livestock to feed them, and they starved. Terrible suffering for the animals but I would like to see additional detail. Why couldn't he reach them? I would suggest that there is a difference between his just not wanting to be bothered, and his living alone and getting laid up in the hospital for a few weeks.
Again, I'm not looking to make excuses for the guy, but from what I can tell the difference in requirements triggered by displaying the animals is the need to register them. Registering these animals would not have prevented the incident.