It's the ego in us that keeps us thinking about, dwelling on, even obsessing about, the bad and terrible things that happened to us during childhood. I don't think, however, that we can ever forget these things without forgiveness.
The ego will continue, forever, to bring to our minds all the negativity experienced. Once one of our torturors come to mine all of them come marching through. Of course, when the negative thoughts yet again come to mind, leaving us helpless blobs in our remembering, we have to change our thinking to something positive that also happened, even alongside it.
Just think, Those people are dead and forgotten, the actions quit long ago, they no longer exist. Just let the past go. Each time it pokes it's ugly head in your thoughts (that's the only place where they exist), bring a picture in your mind of something or someone you once, or still, love. Transfer that feeling to the situation in your thoughts, it's gone. I used to see my youngest son with his wife as they were being married. Or, my first puppy love. Or a beautiful beach. Or, getting A in a college course. Or the 1st time I saw my by-line in a newspaper. That's who you are.
We are not our ego, we are not these bodies. We are the spirit within that communes with our creator, the body only facilitates. The battle is between us, the spirit, against the ego. We are children of God, sons of God. That is the image from which we were created. We are Godlings. The ego has no power, unless we give it power. Remember all those little ditties we learned as children: A candle can put out a room full of darkness. I think I can, I think I can.
It is all in our thoughts. The only thoughts we give those we feel hurt and maimed us should be pity. Poor souls, who is fighting for THEM? I read somewhere recently we save ourself thousands of years of karma just by turning around, changing, living as if we know what and who we are. Not just flesh and bone, but spirit. Tell your ego it's time for he/she/it to go, now. Stand up and let the world know you know exactly who and what you are. Show all those ghosts back there, by your success. Every hair on your head is accounted for. You are loved. Believe it. It isn't so if you don't believe it.
I've had a lot of people who've helped me. I choose to remember those, only.
Some stupid, dumb things happened to me as a child. But, big BUT, there was always something happening in my life at the same time that made me happy. Lots of nature, friends I loved, fun we had. I choose to remember that. I happen to think there is always a way OUT of these rememberings in our minds. There is a ray of sunshine there, that is a promise. Choose to see that.