I am going to take your post Phoenix and use it for an example to explain my thought process so please do not read my answer as a direct statment TO you or a challenge to you.... your words just gave me a great example of what I am trying to explain
And I hear you, and I agree to a certain extent... but.. i will draw a better outline to my thought process below..
Shewolfnm- What happened to you is probably one of the most terrible things that could happen to a young child. But, holding on to the anger simply extends the punishment you have already endured.
I would whole-heartedly agree with this...up to a point. And the point is that I do not see experiencing the roller coaster of emotion that follows after something like that as being a way for him to keep damaging me. I find that bottling up, being taught to ignore, or otherwise shuffle out natural reactions like anger in a different way than just experiencing the raw emotion to be more of a long term issue.
I really do not think that feeling anger is a bad thing. I also do not see being angry because of something that has happened to you as a way for someone to have a hold on you. Anger is a natural reaction, it triggers the basic need to survive, it heightens your awareness of your surroundings and can trigger the fight or flight reaction that we as an animal have survived on for thousands of years. Granted, we dont have to live in such a primal state anymore, but anger is a great tool and just because we feel it does not mean we have no self control. That is like the dieter who says " I feel hungry" and takes that as a sign of failure. Our bodies always experience hunger...nothing you can do about that, its how we are made.
Anger is a natural, normal and very healthy response to someone who really hurt you....even if it is 30 years after the fact.
BUT... I agree with you in that for some people they never can let go of something or choose not to. Like Edgar said, his abuser destroyed his very ability to function as a human. He will never let go of that anger because every time he turns around something else has to be repaired because of what that man did to him. He is living in constant reflection of someone he should have never come in contact with. His anger isnt
damaging ....his anger is a
fuel that is pushing him forward to over come and relearn things even later on in his life. Because of the extreme issues he has endured..he can not let go. In any way. Its not possible. He has to relearn too much to ever fully let go, and the person who did that should , by all means.. have a terrible, horrible punishment on them. But..thats not possible either. He was able to die before hand. For him to feel anger about that is more than normal, and would be expected for the rest of his life. If he were to say he DIDNT feel angry anymore, I would question him and wonder why he felt so ashamed of anger..
But there are people who live in so much of it, they dont let go almost by choice. And in that sense, I agree with that statement completely. Alcoholisim, abuse...etc.. they resort to creating MORE anger by subconsciously damaging their own life over and over so that they can sustain that fresh hurt and anger forever. Is that conscious? Nope. But that behavior is the type of damage we hope we are deflecting someone from when we try to enforce the ' just let go' idea. And the people who keep recreating and living in the bottom barrel of their lives like that DO SO because they were denied the ability to fully process and work through something..are burdened with shame and guilt and lack the tools to restructure their lives.
Quote:I would bet that the pedophile that abused you does not give a **** one way or the other. If he had any character, he never would have abused you in the first place.
precisely. But in all honesty...what he did to me, compared to other things that have happened ....it was a piece of cake. I dont know that people will really understand that statement. But lets just say that there are things that have been done to me at the hands of others for reasons of hate, race, and just being a woman that inhibit my ability to walk sometimes and will for the rest of my life. Letting go of things for me has been a bit of a lesson, and the flow of emotions have been the healthiest thing I have ever done.
Quote:You certainly, at the time, had the right to be furious about what had happened. But that was a long time ago, and, IMO, it is important for your well being to get past it.
I am past it. I dont hold on to a thing about it. i dont see how I would have given off the idea otherwise.
Quote:Forgiveness is not the same as condoning an action. It is simply letting it go. By holding on to the anger, the pedophile is still exerting control over you.
I dont hold on, but if and when I ever feel anger, i dont deny it. Denying a natural reaction like anger enforces the image of lack of control and is a way of submersing your self in shame. Shame that you have no control over your emotions because " anger is a bad thing for you" ... shame that you still FEEL angry at something so terrible when others think you should just drop it, shame that you are losing your self power, self worth and self value because you feel a natural emotion.
If i were to drink, shoot up, or beat an animal every time I had an emotional reaction to memories then I would have something to feel real shame over. I would be doing something that was NOT natural, NOT sensible and not productive. But I do none of that. I allow myself to feel angry if I need to and move on. Im doing nothing to create the anger, nothing to propel it and nothing to keep it in my life. But to say that I should be done with emotions because something happened a long time ago isnt quite healthy either. I refuse to deny myself my reactions and my emotions as a way to blanket my past and make my past ok to bystanders because that is how I see it. People are uncomfortable with MY emotions..there for I shouldnt have them. yet having an emotion, if you really think about it, does not harm anyone. Not even the person who is feeling it. How we choose to REACT during that time is another piece of the pie all together..
does that make sense...?