I honestly can't see why I'm bothering to respond at all, George, but I'm going to anyway. ...:
Quote:In the first place, I have not "relentlessly vilified" you. I also have resisted your continued arguments for me to recant. There is an important difference. It is you, not me, who insists on the continuance of all this and keeps it going
But you have, George.
Go back & read what you've actually posted.
The comments you've directed at me have have consisted, almost entirely, of insults, one derogatory personal comment after another, little else .....
My "continued arguments for you to recant"?
I asked you three times
why you believed that "foreigners" shouldn't be participating in this discussion. Why our participation was so inappropriate, from your perspective, given that soldiers from many of our "foreign" countries were
also involved in the "war on terror", in support of US foreign policy. And, yes, have been injured & have died in the process of supporting US foreign policy. That is not asking you to "recant". That is asking you to explain your thinking. Why
shouldn't I ask you why you hold such a view?
As for who has perpetuated this nastiness, George ..
You are conveniently rewriting the history of this thread .. what has
actually occurred ... to suit yourself. Again, go back & read what actually took place.
Quote:.... my criticism was not for the content of your views but rather for the place and manner of your expression of them.
You certainly have focused your attacks on my posting "manner", as you put it, totally disregarding everything else I've posted .
I can't argue with that.

You certainly haven't responded to any
arguments that I (or anyone else ,for that matter) have made here.
As was suggested to you earlier, if "the manner of my expression" bothers you so much, then why not put me on "ignore"?
Problem solved.
Quote:...but you persist in attempts to distort the obvious
Give me some actual
examples of these "distortions of the obvious.", George.
I bet you'll come out with some huff about not needing to, or that is perfectly obvious to all, or some other such nonsense .. which won't surprise me in the slightest, because this is your usual style ...
Quote:Though you may find the prospect of a continued argument about your views of my country refreshing, I do not.
But you cannot tolerate any questioning, any criticism of "your country"
at all, George.
And that is the real problem here.
You cannot cope with
any arguments or questioning of US policy. Because, in your eyes, the US is always "right".
I'm sorry, but no country is always "right".
Why should we
not question the actions of the US, or any other country, for that matter?
A2K is a forum
for discussion & debate. Is unacceptable to you when discussion & debate occurs?
The other problem, during
this discussion, is that you appear to have the deluded belief that it is just
one solitary poster here (me), who has questioned the "war on terror".... & you've singled out that
one poster to direct your outrage at
all the questions & criticisms.
Even a cursory glance at the posts on this thread clearly shows that the
overwhelming number of posts here have been of a questioning nature, as opposed to your unquestioning "my country right or wrong" beliefs.
that is what has bothered you ...
dare anyone question "your country".
How dare so many question.
And your response to
many questions & criticisms from the
many posts, from the
many posters here? Both American & "foreign".
Respond to those many posts with anything vaguely resembling a coherent counter-argument?
No. You chose instead to single out just
one poster (me) & relentlessly attack that poster's integrity & question that poster's
right to even participate in this discussion.
It's interesting to me that you chose
not to respond to
far more provocative & critical posters here in the same way to you responded to mine.
Why not?
Can you honestly not see how cowardly & hypocritical that is?
I certainly can
You've behaved like a bully toward me here.
Quote:I have already witnessed enough of the shrill, strident intolerance and leaps to moral judgment involved in your views of Japanese whalers, Australian sheep exporters and many others to wish to find more congenial venues for dialogue.
I'm sorry, George, but this last comment made me laugh. Really.
Can you not see pompous & funny you sound sometimes?
But as to my "strident intolerance" and "shrill moral judgments" ... George, George ...
You think it's OK for commercial whaling to occur in a whale sanctuary in the Southern Ocean. I don't
You think it's OK for sheep to be transported in ships, for weeks or months, in acknowledge horrendous conditions. I don't.
The thing is, I am
never going to hold the same political views that you hold about such things, George (heaven forbid!

) & you are never going to hold the same as mine.
But so what?
Get over it.
We can
both express our views, surely.
What exactly is your problem with me expressing mine?
Unlike you, I don't make a habit of deriding a you
on personal or character grounds for holding different views to mine.
And I can't recall
ever telling telling you to "shut up", or to leave the forum because your views were so unacceptable to me. Which you did to me on this thread. In quite a "shrill" "strident" & "judgmental" manner, if you don't mind me saying so.