The horror of Sept. 11th, 2001

Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 07:19 pm
JTT wrote:

You've certainly got the number one rule of effective propaganda nailed, JW.


And for the deliverer of that propaganda, never, ever, under any circumstances, actually address the issues.

Maybe Goebbels was an uncle or a maternal grandfather?

Actually addressing the issues can be done on other threads.

(the rest of your post seems to be a description of yourself)
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 07:23 pm
(the rest of your post seems to be a description of yourself)

With the very notable exception that it is not propaganda, JW. It is the truth, long hidden by some very exceptional propaganda.

How it differs from your offerings is that you want to keep those dirty deeds hidden. That's propaganda.

Actually addressing the issues can be done on other threads.

That's your idea of a joke, is it?
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 08:36 pm
You are presuming things you don't really know about the motives of others. Your view of patriotism or "patriot types" , as you term some people, are your own and are nothing that concerns or interests me.

The fact that someone does or says something I find offensive, in no way imposes on me the obligation to address the content of what they did or said. I believe most people feel that way too.

Yet you seem to believe that it's perfectly OK to relentlessly vilify someone whose views you find "offensive".
Addressing the content of that person's posts would make for a very refreshing change, rather than attacking them for holding views different to yours.
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 09:13 pm
How it differs from your offerings is that you want to keep those dirty deeds hidden. That's propaganda.

And, most certainly, morally reprehensible.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 10:47 am
In the first place, I have not "relentlessly vilified" you. I have however hotly criticized you for a single collection of your actions. I also have resisted your continued arguments for me to recant. There is an important difference. It is you, not me, who insists on the continuance of all this and keeps it going.

In the second, my criticism was not for the content of your views but rather for the place and manner of your expression of them. I have been very clear about that, but you persist in attempts to distort the obvious - in what is very likely an effort to evade the sting of criticism.

Though you may find the prospect of a continued argument about your views of my country refreshing, I do not. I have already witnessed enough of the shrill, strident intolerance and leaps to moral judgment involved in your views of Japanese whalers, Australian sheep exporters and many others to wish to find more congenial venues for dialogue.
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 11:35 am
my criticism was not for the content of your views but rather for the place and manner of your expression of them. I have been very clear about that, but you persist in attempts to distort the obvious - in what is very likely an effort to evade the sting of criticism.

And what does big brave Gob do to avoid the sting of criticism? And what has this same lying sack of **** done but avoid all other instances of people who used this very "place and manner" to express their opinions.

Had you the slightest measure of honesty within, you would have addressed your criticism to all, but honesty just ain't you, Gob.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 01:21 pm
Mame wrote:
.... and discussion is good for the soul.
I agree with you.

Mame wrote:
And I say to TTL/TTH, look at what's going on in the world around you at this very minute... take a look at world history. Terrorist activity has been going on a long time... the fact it has finally happened on US soil is really, IMO, the fault of the US government.

Yes, again I agree with you.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 03:49 pm
Just one of many such massacres

The horror of March 16th, 1968

My Lai Massacre

The My Lai Massacre was the mass murder of 347–504 unarmed citizens in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968, conducted by "Charlie" company, 1st battalion, 20th infantry, 11th infantry brigade, of the Americal Division, United States Army. All of the victims were civilians and most were women, children (including babies), and elderly people. Many of the victims were raped, beaten, tortured, and some of the bodies were found mutilated.


0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 09:47 pm
I honestly can't see why I'm bothering to respond at all, George, but I'm going to anyway. ...:

In the first place, I have not "relentlessly vilified" you. I also have resisted your continued arguments for me to recant. There is an important difference. It is you, not me, who insists on the continuance of all this and keeps it going

But you have, George.
Go back & read what you've actually posted.
The comments you've directed at me have have consisted, almost entirely, of insults, one derogatory personal comment after another, little else .....

My "continued arguments for you to recant"?
Recant what? Confused

I asked you three times why you believed that "foreigners" shouldn't be participating in this discussion. Why our participation was so inappropriate, from your perspective, given that soldiers from many of our "foreign" countries were also involved in the "war on terror", in support of US foreign policy. And, yes, have been injured & have died in the process of supporting US foreign policy. That is not asking you to "recant". That is asking you to explain your thinking. Why shouldn't I ask you why you hold such a view?

As for who has perpetuated this nastiness, George ..
You are conveniently rewriting the history of this thread .. what has actually occurred ... to suit yourself. Again, go back & read what actually took place.

.... my criticism was not for the content of your views but rather for the place and manner of your expression of them.

You certainly have focused your attacks on my posting "manner", as you put it, totally disregarding everything else I've posted .
I can't argue with that. Wink
You certainly haven't responded to any arguments that I (or anyone else ,for that matter) have made here.
As was suggested to you earlier, if "the manner of my expression" bothers you so much, then why not put me on "ignore"?
Problem solved.

...but you persist in attempts to distort the obvious

Give me some actual examples of these "distortions of the obvious.", George.
I bet you'll come out with some huff about not needing to, or that is perfectly obvious to all, or some other such nonsense .. which won't surprise me in the slightest, because this is your usual style ...

Though you may find the prospect of a continued argument about your views of my country refreshing, I do not.

But you cannot tolerate any questioning, any criticism of "your country" at all, George.
And that is the real problem here.
You cannot cope with any arguments or questioning of US policy. Because, in your eyes, the US is always "right".
I'm sorry, but no country is always "right".
Why should we not question the actions of the US, or any other country, for that matter?
A2K is a forum for discussion & debate. Is unacceptable to you when discussion & debate occurs?

The other problem, during this discussion, is that you appear to have the deluded belief that it is just one solitary poster here (me), who has questioned the "war on terror".... & you've singled out that one poster to direct your outrage at all the questions & criticisms.

Even a cursory glance at the posts on this thread clearly shows that the overwhelming number of posts here have been of a questioning nature, as opposed to your unquestioning "my country right or wrong" beliefs.
And that is what has bothered you ...
How dare anyone question "your country".
How dare so many question.
And your response to many questions & criticisms from the many posts, from the many posters here? Both American & "foreign".
Respond to those many posts with anything vaguely resembling a coherent counter-argument?
No. You chose instead to single out just one poster (me) & relentlessly attack that poster's integrity & question that poster's right to even participate in this discussion.
It's interesting to me that you chose not to respond to far more provocative & critical posters here in the same way to you responded to mine.
Why not?
Can you honestly not see how cowardly & hypocritical that is?
I certainly can
You've behaved like a bully toward me here.

I have already witnessed enough of the shrill, strident intolerance and leaps to moral judgment involved in your views of Japanese whalers, Australian sheep exporters and many others to wish to find more congenial venues for dialogue.

I'm sorry, George, but this last comment made me laugh. Really.
Can you not see pompous & funny you sound sometimes? Smile

But as to my "strident intolerance" and "shrill moral judgments" ... George, George ...

You think it's OK for commercial whaling to occur in a whale sanctuary in the Southern Ocean. I don't
You think it's OK for sheep to be transported in ships, for weeks or months, in acknowledge horrendous conditions. I don't.

The thing is, I am never going to hold the same political views that you hold about such things, George (heaven forbid! Shocked ) & you are never going to hold the same as mine.
But so what?
Get over it.
We can both express our views, surely.
What exactly is your problem with me expressing mine?

Unlike you, I don't make a habit of deriding a you on personal or character grounds for holding different views to mine.
And I can't recall ever telling telling you to "shut up", or to leave the forum because your views were so unacceptable to me. Which you did to me on this thread. In quite a "shrill" "strident" & "judgmental" manner, if you don't mind me saying so. Wink

Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 10:20 pm
msolga wrote:
I honestly can't see why I'm bothering to respond at all, George, but I'm going to anyway. ...:

Well, you're obviously doing it for our entertainment pleasure.
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 10:34 pm
That's not why I'm doing it, Tico.
I would think my reasons for doing it are fairly obvious, from my perspective
Too bad that doesn't suit your perspective.

It could be really good to participate in political debates/discussions on this thread & elsewhere on A2K & not have to deal with having vicious personal crap thrown at you for your opinions.
Thankfully, most of the time that doesn't happen.
But when you do have totally unreasonable crap throw in your direction, you are perfectly entitled to respond, yes?

Also I have no respect for bullies.
It's bad enough during adolescence, when bullies pick on "weaker" students.
I've had to deal with enough of that in the process of my work, for years.
Absolutely pathetic when adults resort to it, though.
It makes you wonder about them.

Pleased to have entertained you, though.
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 11:19 pm
msolga wrote:
Too bad that doesn't suit your perspective.

What a odd remark. What makes you think you have a grasp of my perspective?
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 11:22 pm
The political views expressed in your previous posts here, Tico.

Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 11:23 pm
msolga wrote:

That's not why I'm doing it, Tico.
I would think my reasons for doing it are fairly obvious, from my perspective
Too bad that doesn't suit your perspective.


It could be really good to participate in political debates/discussions on this thread & elsewhere on A2K & not have to deal with having vicious personal crap thrown at you for your opinions.
Thankfully, most of the time that doesn't happen.
But when you do have totally unreasonable crap throw in your direction, you are perfectly entitled to respond, yes?

Also I have no respect for bullies.
It's bad enough during adolescence, when bullies pick on "weaker" students.
I've had to deal with enough of that in the process of my work, for years.
Absolutely pathetic when adults resort to it, though.
It makes you wonder about them.

Pleased to have entertained you, though.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2011 12:13 am
msolga wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
msolga wrote:
Too bad that doesn't suit your perspective.

What a odd remark. What makes you think you have a grasp of my perspective?

The political views expressed in your previous posts here, Tico.

That's interesting for you to say.

Because earlier when I suggested you had made an assumption about my behavior based upon how you view me, you denounced that, and gave the distinct impression that you had no "view" of me.

You said:

msolga wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
You evidently made an assumption based upon how you view me. (Like how I assume that you spend much of your time knitting with your cats climbing all over you.)

Assumptions based on how I view you?
Actually, I don't think too much about you at all, Tico.

Now, we find out that you have assessed my previous posts, and evidently do have a view of me, despite your earlier protestations to the contrary. And more than merely having a view of me, you are keenly aware of my perspective.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2011 12:27 am
msolga wrote:

I honestly can't see why I'm bothering to respond at all, George, but I'm going to anyway. ...:

In the first place, I have not "relentlessly vilified" you.

But you have, George.The comments you've directed at me have have consisted, almost entirely, of insults, one derogatory personal comment after another, little else .....

I asked you three times why you believed that "foreigners" shouldn't be participating in this discussion. Why our participation was so inappropriate, from your perspective, given that soldiers from many of our "foreign" countries were also involved in the "war on terror", in support of US foreign policy. And, yes, have been injured & have died in the process of supporting US foreign policy. That is not asking you to "recant". That is asking you to explain your thinking. Why shouldn't I ask you why you hold such a view?

As for who has perpetuated this nastiness, George ..You are conveniently rewriting the history of this thread .. what has actually occurred ... to suit yourself. Again, go back & read what actually took place.

You certainly have focused your attacks on my posting "manner", as you put it, totally disregarding everything else I've posted .
I can't argue with that. Wink
You certainly haven't responded to any arguments that I (or anyone else ,for that matter) have made here.
As was suggested to you earlier, if "the manner of my expression" bothers you so much, then why not put me on "ignore"?
Problem solved.

I bet you'll come out with some huff about not needing to, or that is perfectly obvious to all, or some other such nonsense .. which won't surprise me in the slightest, because this is your usual style ...

But you cannot tolerate any questioning, any criticism of "your country" at all, George.And that is the real problem here.
You cannot cope with any arguments or questioning of US policy. Because, in your eyes, the US is always "right".
I'm sorry, but no country is always "right".
Why should we not question the actions of the US, or any other country, for that matter?
A2K is a forum for discussion & debate. Is unacceptable to you when discussion & debate occurs?

The other problem, during this discussion, is that you appear to have the deluded belief that it is just one solitary poster here (me), who has questioned the "war on terror".... & you've singled out that one poster to direct your outrage at all the questions & criticisms.

Even a cursory glance at the posts on this thread clearly shows that the overwhelming number of posts here have been of a questioning nature, as opposed to your unquestioning "my country right or wrong" beliefs.
And that is what has bothered you ...
How dare anyone question "your country".
How dare so many question.
And your response to many questions & criticisms from the many posts, from the many posters here? Both American & "foreign".
Respond to those many posts with anything vaguely resembling a coherent counter-argument?
No. You chose instead to single out just one poster (me) & relentlessly attack that poster's integrity & question that poster's right to even participate in this discussion.
It's interesting to me that you chose not to respond to far more provocative & critical posters here in the same way to you responded to mine.
Why not?
Can you honestly not see how cowardly & hypocritical that is?
I certainly can
You've behaved like a bully toward me here.

I'm sorry, George, but this last comment made me laugh. Really.
Can you not see pompous & funny you sound sometimes? Smile

But as to my "strident intolerance" and "shrill moral judgments" ... George, George ...

The thing is, I am never going to hold the same political views that you hold about such things, George (heaven forbid! Shocked ) & you are never going to hold the same as mine.
But so what?
Get over it.
We can both express our views, surely.
What exactly is your problem with me expressing mine?

Unlike you, I don't make a habit of deriding a you on personal or character grounds for holding different views to mine.
And I can't recall ever telling telling you to "shut up", or to leave the forum because your views were so unacceptable to me. Which you did to me on this thread. In quite a "shrill" "strident" & "judgmental" manner, if you don't mind me saying so. Wink

I declare msolga you need to set yourself down in the parlor over here before you suffer a frightful attack of the vapors!

Let me fetch you a glass of cool tea to bring back your color.

Now you pay no mind to that Mr. George Ob1 as he's nothing more than a low bully and a hypocritical coward!

He's a conservative you know and an American one at that. I even understand that he didn't vote for Mr. Obama! What's more, it's been said that he is going about town referring to that most honorable of post-American presidents as feckless! Can you imagine msolga? Feckless!

And oh how he vilified you my dear! Directing comments at you that were, in their entirety, of a most rude and hurtful nature. One derogatory personal comment after another he hurled at you, all the while trying to intimidate you with his conservative words and his shrill moral judgments.

Oh I must say though that you were magnificent msolga! How you faced down his churlish insolence with replies that sparkled and sliced like diamond daggers. Gracious, I have goose bumps recalling how you asked him three times why he believed that foreigners shouldn't be participating in a discussion of how repulsive it is that Americans have turned September 11 into a maudlin celebration of vengeance and war, when not only was the tragedy a relative minor affair by historical standards, but that the Americans had called the catastrophe down upon themselves with their oafish arrogance and their belligerent exploitation of defenseless nations

Three times more you asked him why our participation was so inappropriate, from his perspective, given that soldiers from many of our "foreign" countries were also involved in the "war on terror", in support of US foreign policy. And, yes, have been injured and have died in the process of supporting US foreign policy.

And my dear I had to refrain from standing and applauding when you laughed in his face and asked him if he did not see how funny and pompous he sometimes sounds, (I know you meant to say "perceive" rather than "see," but your retort was no less marvelous for this minor error).

If only the Colonel could have been there. How proud he would have been of his msolga and how thoroughly he would have finished the rude conservative off with a sharp caning.

Goodness what a day, perhaps you can repeat your tired and muddled scolding of the nasty Mr. George Ob1 again tomorrow
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2011 01:26 am
Tico (she says wearily), I was responding to your post, responding to my post (getting wearier) , responding to George's latests diatribe. (weary beyond belief)

You said:
Well, you're obviously doing it for our entertainment pleasure.

And I responded to that.
You can read my response again (above) if you like.

Now, we find out that you have assessed my previous posts, and evidently do have a view of me, despite your earlier protestations to the contrary. And more than merely having a view of me, you are keenly aware of my perspective.

Yes indeed , I went back & read your previous post (the almost brawl over George Bush #1 in the English pub), before responding to your comments in response to my comments about that situation. The "no shades of grey" post.


So yes, I am now considerably more aware of your political perspective in regard to US foreign policy, particularly with regard to invasions of other countries.
However, I do not consider your perspective as some hanging offense.
I question it, certainly. You are absolutely correct about that. And I will continue to question such views about "the war against terror", & any other completely unjustifiable wars instigated by any country , because I hold strong pacifist convictions.

You can believe want you want & say what you want in a thread like this one.
That goes without saying.
But it's also OK for me, as an A2K poster, to respond to what you say?
To disagree with your perspective as you've disagreed with mine?
I would hope so.

So yes, in response to your question :I do have "a view of you".
But it's not some simple one dimensional view, formed during simply on the basis of our interactions on this one thread.
I also have "views" of you following your (very helpful) posts advising me about free antivirus programs, & your contributions to music threads.

To tell the truth, I'm not certain about what the issue is here,or quite how to respond. Really. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2011 01:45 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Well what can I possibly say in response to your silly diatribe .... in bold even, Finn? Wink

That certainly wasn't one of your better diatribes.

Not even up to your comments about "squashing (leftist) cockroaches", etc, during the period we "foreigners"actually respected a moratorium on political comment on this thread.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2011 03:58 am
I don't know why you're wasting your time, Miss Olga. You're just feeding the trolls at this point.
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2011 04:09 am
Yeah well ...you may well be right about that, Setanta.
But I did feel the need to respond to George's last post. Just for my own sake. And I'm glad I did.

But, ah well ....
It's interesting to see who comes out in support of someone's right to bully another person in the process of "discussion" here, anyway.
No surprises there.

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