The horror of Sept. 11th, 2001

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2018 04:41 pm
You are troubled. Get help.
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2018 04:46 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
You are troubled. Get help.

That, above, is the sign of a true coward, Finn. If the US government story has anything truthful about it, that should be easy for you to locate and point out.

This could only happen to a population so deeply brainwashed as Americans are.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2018 05:15 pm
You are troubled. Get help.
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2018 05:19 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Come on, Finn, can't you do a wee bit of research to show everyone I am mistaken?

Have you not any evidence at all that the US government story [USGOCT] about 9/11 is true?

How can you advance that I need help when you and your compatriots cannot put forward one shred of evidence for the USGOCT?

Are you all really this ignorant of the facts, the science? Isn't this just a perfect example of a totally brainwashed populace?
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2018 07:48 pm
Do yourself a favor and get help
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2018 08:04 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
You are off topic, Finn. This is about the horror the US government inflicted upon the 2,996 people it murdered on 9/11 and the 6,000 it injured and all the suffering it caused how many millions more.

Not to mention the millions around the world from these lies that caused the US to do what it always does, lie lie lie and then illegally invade sovereign nations.

It is you and the other brainwashed who need to seek help.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2018 08:13 pm
No reply from Finn. What gives, Finn, why are you such an intellectual coward?

The horror of Sept. 11th, 2001 is that elements of the US government crashed missiles, drones, ... into the twin towers, murdering 2,996 westerners and then illegally invading sovereign nations and murdering millions more.

How do we know this?

... the melting of steel and the creation of iron microspheres with jet fuel and office furnishings is impossible, therefore the official story can be eliminated.

Remember what Albert Einstein said, "Condemnation before investigation is the highest form of ignorance". Could you pass that on to farmerman,
Setanta, Izzy, Olivier, yourself, ... ?

Watch the entire video. It points out all the impossibilities of the US official story. When you have impossibilities in any story, like the US offical 9/11 story, the official story can be eliminated.

Jonathan Cole 9/11 Experiments: Eliminate the Impossible


0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 08:59 pm
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 09:35 pm
to quote an a2k genius "How eloquent"
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 09:37 pm
@Green Witch,
From page one of the thread. Interesting.

Re: roger (Post 4722554)
I'm not saying it's okay. I'm saying Americans act like they are the only ones who it has ever happened to. This is because they are ignorant of what is really going on in the world today and in history. T2T is giving you the perfect example by saying things like "what if this happened in..." I find statements like that typical of American ignorance and yes, stupidity. The worst thing about 9/11 is not that so many innocent people died but that Americans caved in and let fear master them. In the process we have lost many of our rights as individuals to move about freely. The so called Patriot Act is a piece of manipulative **** Stalin would be proud of and Americans go along with it because we are afraid of the big bad Muslims. Our government uses our prejudices and ignorance as an excuse to spend trillions of dollars to try and destroy people who can kill us with our own airplanes and blow up our military with a few wires, fertilizer and cell phones. In the meantime, corporations get the freedom to destroy us more slowly with their careless policies and greed. They even get tax breaks to help them do it more efficiently. I wish the 9/11 mourners would get a little more outraged about all the other injustices in the world so we might still be able to change a few things for the better. I mourn 9/11 because it has turned this country into a whining pile of scared mice who rolled over and let their government cow them through their fears and selfishness.

I agree with Mame. I'm glad I'm not any younger because humanity is going backwards.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 10:40 pm
Somehow I missed this entry when it first appeared. I don't expect people in other lands to feel sympathy for the people killed and injured in New York or D.C. , this was a personal loss for many Americans. But I am a little surprised how many people expressed scorn for those who lost loved ones, or who were in the attack areas and lost so much. Our Government made a bone headed wrong decision to move into Iraq....I can't apologize for that because I don't get to make the decisions. I was at home sick that day, but saw the second plane hit the Trade Towers...it was obvious it was not a misguided flight plan..but when the 3rd plane hit the Pentagon I knew it was a declaration of war. Maybe it's the pampered American in me, but I don't relish another war. I don't find it reassuring that war has happened other places nor does it make me feel safe.

It might be helpful to let those of us know who have lost loved ones and colleagues how we should publicly mourn their passing. Should we say, gosh I miss the dead from 9/11 but in the greater scheme of things the rest of the world has suffered more, so I should be thankful it wasn't worse? I'm curious what people in other lands that have actually suffered losses would like us to say. Perhaps, just shut up??? Help me here, because I don't want anyone offended that I mourn my lost loved ones. I assume it's ok for me to be sad about losing my mother and father because they didn't die on 9/11...or am I mistaken? Maybe the rest of the world doesn't think Americans value their parents or children like the real people outside of America do.

Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2018 11:54 pm
Many of the people who died in 9/11 were from other lands. I remember lots of news stories about British families mourning a relative who died during the attacks.

Although it wasn't so close to home as other attacks it was still shocking and a huge waste of life.

Dubya's actions post 9/11 in Iraq and Afghanistan no way diminish the extent of the slaughter or the pain and suffering of innocent people who lost loved ones during the attack.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 01:04 am
Thank you, glitter.

Have you watched,

Jonathan Cole 9/11 Experiments: Eliminate the Impossible


Because you aren't a coward like, Finn, are you?

When one actually looks at the evidence, as Mr Cole describes, it becomes easy to see that there is no evidence at all for the US government official story [USGOS].

Jonathon Cole analyzes reality.

Exhibit A [at 3:17 of the video]- a few minutes before WTC2 was brought down, molten steel was seen flowing from one corner of the tower.

No matter what the government's story tells you, melting of WTC structural steel is impossible and therefore the government story [USGOS] can be eliminated.

Alleged Arab hijackers had no way to have melted the steel with a fire fed by jet fuel and office furnishings which means that the officials story can be eliminated.

Just this one impossibility sinks the USGOS.

As you watch the video you will be treated to many impossibilities of the US government official story, all of which describe impossible scenarios which means the US government official story can be eliminated.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 01:16 am
Many of the people who died in 9/11 were from other lands. I remember lots of news stories about British families mourning a relative who died during the attacks.

Although it wasn't so close to home as other attacks it was still shocking and a huge waste of life.

Made even worse by the fact that how they died was at the hands of the US government, Izzy. Jonathon Cole's excellent video describes all the impossible scenarios in the US government official story [USGOS]. As the USGOS is full of things impossible, "the official story can be eliminated".

Dubya's actions post 9/11 in Iraq and Afghanistan no way diminish the extent of the slaughter or the pain and suffering of innocent people who lost loved ones during the attack.

Dubya describes some years after the 9/11 event, the bombs and explosions that concussed firefighters and first responders.

This too is impossible according to the USGOS, which holds that there were no bombs or explosions. But that doesn't jive with all the reporters, eyewitness, firefighters reports on 9/11 which describe many bombs and explosions.

118 firefighters gave sworn testimony of these bombs and explosions over a year after 9/11.

The seismic record also shows huge explosions in the twin towers.

All this hard science means, as Mr Cole describes, the official story can be eliminated.

Be an adult, watch the video, it lays out the evidence perfectly.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 01:37 am
I was at home sick that day, but saw the second plane hit the Trade Towers...it was obvious it was not a misguided flight plan..

It also wasn't the flight that the USGOS said it was, glitter, UA 175 a Boeing 767-200 series jet aircraft.

In the video from BBC, below, you can see a huge nose cone exit the north face of WTC2. It can't possibly be the nose of any airliner for those nose cones are very fragile, they can be badly damaged by bird strikes. Witness the image below.

A Boeing 767-200 aircraft could not go thru two walls of 14" steel box columns and exit undamaged. Then the floors of concrete and steel and then the huge core columns.

Totally impossible.

Therefore the US government official story can be eliminated.


The following video is in slow motion so you can clearly see the perfectly round, undamaged nose cone exiting the north face of WTC2..

What could it be when it is certainly not an airliner? When it certainly is not UA175 as described by the USGOS?

You can stop the video at 7 seconds and walk it thru second by second by clicking on the time bar. At 9 seconds, it can be seen in its entirety just before a huge explosion obliterates it.

The missile that hit WTC 2 in Slow Motion


0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 04:17 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
You deny hard science, the truth, total impossibilities in the US government official 9/11 story and you suggest that I am the one who needs help, Finn.

How did Arab hijackers manage to cause WTC7 to fall at free fall speed. Free fall can only occur with a controlled demolition?

Which then leads to you having to explain how Arab hijackers managed to plant WTC7 with the US government proprietary nanothermite that was found in WTC dust.

Which then leads to you having to explain how Arab hijackers even managed to get/buy/steal/... the same US government proprietary nanothermite that was found in WTC dust.

Which then leads to you having to explain how Arab hijackers managed to do all this in WTC7 which was a highly secure building that housed CIA and other US government offices.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 06:22 am
Green Witch wrote:
The worst thing about 9/11 is not that so many innocent people died but that Americans caved in and let fear master them. In the process we have lost many of our rights as individuals to move about freely.

I agree that the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were driven largely by fear and acquiesced to because of fear. But I don't get the part about "having lost so many rights as individuals to move around freely". I don't particularly miss the right to board a plane with a concealed weapon, nor is entering Canada and having to show a passport all that much worse than entering Canada and having to show my driver's license.

Post 9/11, the USA has changed for the worse, that's for sure, but not because we've "lost freedom" but because we're having nationalist mythology contnually shoved down our throats. "USA! USA!! USA!!!"
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:10 am
At least four posts before this one of yours has much evidence that makes the US government official story [USGOS/USGOCT] totally impossible.

You have ignored all this scientific evidence, hightor. Why?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 12:28 pm
Post 9/11, the USA has changed for the worse, that's for sure, but not because we've "lost freedom" but because we're having nationalist mythology contnually shoved down our throats. "USA! USA!! USA!!!"

And where has this nationalist mythology come from but from the mythology, the fiction, the fable you won't face up to, the USGOCT, which you well know is not remotely plausible.

Why do you totally avoid the science and the facts that totally damn the USGOCT?

Any one of these myriad impossibilities of the USGOCT sinks the entire story, so why do you carry on with the charade.

I asked ci and cj and I now ask you:

Do you understand what impossible means?

Impossible is Arab hijackers melting/vaporizing WTC structural steel.

Do you agree or not with the above sentence?

Would you deny still pictures and video evidence of molten/vaporized WTC structural steel if you saw it with your own eyes?

Would you deny molten/vaporized WTC structural steel if the US government agency FEMA presented pictures and a description of molten/vaporized WTC structural steel?

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