What Did Atta and Laden Intend to Accomplish on 9/11/1 ?

Reply Tue 10 Sep, 2013 06:12 am

The purpose of this thread is to speculate
(since we cannot interview Atta nor Laden)
qua what thay intended to accomplish on 9/11/1.
In other words, if all went well for their plans, then what results
(beyond the destruction of the WTC) did thay expect to occur ?

For example, did the Moslems believe that when Americans saw
that the WTC was hit and cawt fire, thay 'd decide that Allah
was an admirable god whom we 'd hurry to worship?

Did the Moslems expect us to be impressed with their brutality
toward innocent citizens and hurry to worship Allah, in admiration, or fear ?

Inquiring minds wanna know.

Reply Tue 10 Sep, 2013 09:09 am
The obvious message was that the West, despite its economic and military superiority, could not operate with impunity in muslim territories. The fact that such a message was transmitted by the actions of religious fanatics attempting to secure a place in "the next world" is somewhat irrelevant except for the difficulties of the West to counter such actions.
Reply Tue 10 Sep, 2013 09:25 am

Their goal was to to intimidate us into ending our support for moderate democracies around the world, paving the way for what they hoped would be their own worldwide wave of conquest.

They hoped to conquer the world, commit genocide against all non-Muslims, and stamp out all freedom and democracy (to say nothing of women's rights) amongst those who they allowed to live.

They perceived, correctly, that we would have acted to stop them from doing that.

Had they succeeded in intimidating us into standing down, I am not sure they would have succeeded in their goals. However, just as with Pearl Harbor, our reaction was the exact opposite of what the aggressors hoped to make us do.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Sep, 2013 09:29 am
fresco wrote:
The obvious message was that the West, despite its economic and military superiority, could not operate with impunity in muslim territories. The fact that such a message was transmitted by the actions of religious fanatics attempting to secure a place in "the next world" is somewhat irrelevant except for the difficulties of the West to counter such actions.

Unfortunately, Muslims tend to define the entire universe as "Muslim territories".

What difficulties? DroneStrikes are easy.
Reply Tue 10 Sep, 2013 09:53 am
oralloy wrote:

What difficulties? DroneStrikes are easy.

You really are a fireside general, aren't you.
Would you like me to pass your moronic observation to the partners and families of your soldiers who died as a result of the piffling difficulties?

Think of your comment next veteran's day, won't you.
Reply Thu 12 Sep, 2013 07:59 am
Lordyaswas wrote:
oralloy wrote:
What difficulties? DroneStrikes are easy.

You really are a fireside general, aren't you.
Would you like me to pass your moronic observation to the partners and families of your soldiers who died as a result of the piffling difficulties?
Think of your comment next veteran's day, won't you.

Don't be so silly. How many people have died pulling the trigger on a DroneStrike?

About zero?
Reply Thu 12 Sep, 2013 08:59 am
I think they wanted to provoke George Bush into launching an unwarranted attack on Iraq so they could operate freely.
Reply Thu 12 Sep, 2013 09:45 am
The bullshit here is just incredible. Mohammed Atta was just a soldier, carrying out his orders. Bin Laden was our friend and ally, until after the Gulf War. Then he wanted "infidel" troops out of Saudi Arabia. He was ignored. So, Al Qaeda started a series of attacks to punish us for keeping troops in Saudi Arabia. They attacked hotels in Aden where American troops had been staying en route to Somalia. They attempted an attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. In 1995, they bombed a Saudi National Guard training center. In 1998, they attacked American embassies in Africa. In 2000, they attacked U.S.S. Cole in Aden. Along the way, between 1991 and 2001, there were several attacks planned which failed.

Al Qaeda had never operated, freely or otherwise, in Iraq. Bin Laden hated Hussein because Iraq was a secular nation, and hated Iraqis in general because the maority were Shi'ites, and the Sunni minority were largely secular, and were not the bat-**** crazy fundamentalists that bin Laden and his crew were. (People constantly fail to make the distinction between Sunni and Shi'ite, and between ordinary Muslims and fundamentalists. Bin Laden was a Wahhabi, an extremely fundamentalist Sunni sect which originated in Saudi Arabia in the 17th century, and which, if anything, has grown more conservative and fundamentalist in the more than 300 years since.)

The so-called "Al Qaeda in Iraq" was only formed after the 2003 invasion, and used the name Al Qaeda for the cachet of the name. Al Zarqawi, the Jordanian terrorist wannabe who founded the organization did not even attempt a link with bin Laden's organization for almost a year and half after the invasion. It is typical of the ignorance of people in the West that he could exploit the name, His attacks were directed at "infidels" and Shi'ites, which made him a more of a cat's paw of the Sunni minority which was ousted from power by the invasion, than a genuine arm of Al Qaeda.

No one here, of course, has to believe any of that, but the sources online are numerous and easily checked.
Reply Thu 12 Sep, 2013 10:08 am
oralloy wrote:

Lordyaswas wrote:
oralloy wrote:
What difficulties? DroneStrikes are easy.

You really are a fireside general, aren't you.
Would you like me to pass your moronic observation to the partners and families of your soldiers who died as a result of the piffling difficulties?
Think of your comment next veteran's day, won't you.

Don't be so silly. How many people have died pulling the trigger on a DroneStrike?

About zero?

Erm, what planet are you on, Oral?
Rough sequence of events.
1. 9/11
2. GWB decides to not only invade Afghanistan in response, but also go after Saddam Hussein, for some reason. The poodle Bliar sidles up alongside and vows to support him.
3. Coalition forces mainly made up of troops from USA, and UK involved in on off heavy fighting in both locations for numerous years.

What difficulties indeed. I dare you to say that to the face of a bereaved parent.

Bliar and Bush should be hung, drawn and quartered as far as I'm concerned.
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 06:26 am
Lordyaswas wrote:

oralloy wrote:

Lordyaswas wrote:
oralloy wrote:
What difficulties? DroneStrikes are easy.

You really are a fireside general, aren't you.
Would you like me to pass your moronic observation to the partners and families of your soldiers who died as a result of the piffling difficulties?
Think of your comment next veteran's day, won't you.

Don't be so silly. How many people have died pulling the trigger on a DroneStrike?

About zero?

Erm, what planet are you on, Oral?
Rough sequence of events.
1. 9/11
2. GWB decides to not only invade Afghanistan in response, but also go after Saddam Hussein, for some reason.
The poodle Bliar sidles up alongside and vows to support him. [Was Winston Churchill also a "poodle" ??]
3. Coalition forces mainly made up of troops from USA, and UK involved in on off heavy fighting in both locations for numerous years.

What difficulties indeed. I dare you to say that to the face of a bereaved parent.

Bliar and Bush should be hung, drawn and quartered as far as I'm concerned.
9/11 did NOT go un-avenged; the Moslems did not get away with it, tho it took a while.

Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 06:31 am
izzythepush wrote:
I think they wanted to provoke George Bush
into launching an unwarranted attack on Iraq so they could operate freely.
I enjoy your humor.

Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 07:37 am
Omsig, please don't go all emotional and girly on me, and please read the full exchange carefully before letting off another star spangled rant.

Oral was trying to say that the coalition faced very little difficulty, in fact he was intimating that it was indeed swatted away with just the use of drones, thereby forgetting the thousands of both our nation's lads who were either killed or maimed.
I was, in actual fact, making sure that these poor bastards were remembered correctly, having lost limb and life whilst doing their duty.

Your other points.....
1. Tony Bliar conned and duped the UK into following the moron Bush into a totally misdirected war against Iraq.
Iraq did not down your towers. AQ did, and they were mainly based in Yemen and Afghanistan. Bliar was a poodle. Both he and Bush have a lot of American and British blood on their hands.

2. Churchill was not a poodle, in actual fact he was the leader in that particular political situation, as he did his best to persuade and manipulate the USA to join the WW2 party.
At that time, a fair portion of your top politicians were doing their best to stay out of things.
If anyone was the subject of any sort of animal analergy in all this, it would be Roosevelt, who was a big juicy trout that Churchill eventually reeled in, thank god, otherwise we would all be speaking German or Russian in Europe right now.

Get it now? Oral is an idiot, or didn't you know that?
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 08:18 am
Thank you David. You've got a good sense of humour yourself so I knew it wouldn't shoot right over your head.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 08:44 am
Lordyaswas wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Lordyaswas wrote:
oralloy wrote:
What difficulties? DroneStrikes are easy.

You really are a fireside general, aren't you.
Would you like me to pass your moronic observation to the partners and families of your soldiers who died as a result of the piffling difficulties?
Think of your comment next veteran's day, won't you.

Don't be so silly. How many people have died pulling the trigger on a DroneStrike?
About zero?

Erm, what planet are you on, Oral?

The one where terrorists are DroneStriked with minimal hassle.

Thermobaric fireballs get them nice and crispy.

Lordyaswas wrote:
Rough sequence of events.
1. 9/11
2. GWB decides to not only invade Afghanistan in response, but also go after Saddam Hussein, for some reason. The poodle Bliar sidles up alongside and vows to support him.
3. Coalition forces mainly made up of troops from USA, and UK involved in on off heavy fighting in both locations for numerous years.

Meh. So?

Lordyaswas wrote:

Pass. I don't know the answer off hand, and am not interested enough to look it up.

Lordyaswas wrote:
What difficulties indeed. I dare you to say that to the face of a bereaved parent.

Are there bereaved parents that have questions about DroneStrikes?

Lordyaswas wrote:
Bliar and Bush should be hung, drawn and quartered as far as I'm concerned.

That's pretty goofy.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 08:47 am
Lordyaswas wrote:
Oral was trying to say that the coalition faced very little difficulty, in fact he was intimating that it was indeed swatted away with just the use of drones, thereby forgetting the thousands of both our nation's lads who were either killed or maimed.

You are the only one here who keeps talking about a coalition. My views are as I expressed in my own words.

Lordyaswas wrote:
Tony Bliar conned and duped the UK into following the moron Bush into a totally misdirected war against Iraq.


Lordyaswas wrote:
Bliar was a poodle.


Lordyaswas wrote:
Both he and Bush have a lot of American and British blood on their hands.


Lordyaswas wrote:
Get it now? Oral is an idiot, or didn't you know that?

The fact that you spew a bunch of gibberish is no reflection on me.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 08:54 am

The passengers on United Airlines Flite 93
spontaneously organized themselves in a "well regulated militia"
(i.e., private, with no government interference) and successfully counterattacked the Moslems, taking back the plane.
It crashed.

Does anyone have any ideas of the Moslems' target destination in Washington ?

Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 09:00 am
I'm not sure they knew themselves. I heard the one that hit The Pentagon originally intended to strike The White House, but they hit The Pentagon because it was more easily recognisable from the air.
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 09:17 am
Lordyaswas wrote:
Get it now? Oral is an idiot, or didn't you know that?

Everyone knows that.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 10:35 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
What Did Atta and Laden Intend to Accomplish on 9/11/1 ?

According to al Qaeda’s fatwa’s published in 1996, 1998 and a “Letter to America” published in 2002, Atta, bin Laden and the rest of al Qaeda attempted to accomplish the removal of US troops from Saudi Arabia and punish the US for its abetment of Israel in its occupation of Palestine and the sanctions imposed against Iraq at the time.
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 02:30 am
Lordyaswas wrote:
Get it now? Oral is an idiot, or didn't you know that?
I hold his analytical abilities in high esteem.


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