Omsig, please don't go all emotional and girly on me, and please read the full exchange carefully before letting off another star spangled rant.
Oral was trying to say that the coalition faced very little difficulty, in fact he was intimating that it was indeed swatted away with just the use of drones, thereby forgetting the thousands of both our nation's lads who were either killed or maimed.
I was, in actual fact, making sure that these poor bastards were remembered correctly, having lost limb and life whilst doing their duty.
Your other points.....
1. Tony Bliar conned and duped the UK into following the moron Bush into a totally misdirected war against Iraq.
Iraq did not down your towers. AQ did, and they were mainly based in Yemen and Afghanistan. Bliar was a poodle. Both he and Bush have a lot of American and British blood on their hands.
2. Churchill was not a poodle, in actual fact he was the leader in that particular political situation, as he did his best to persuade and manipulate the USA to join the WW2 party.
At that time, a fair portion of your top politicians were doing their best to stay out of things.
If anyone was the subject of any sort of animal analergy in all this, it would be Roosevelt, who was a big juicy trout that Churchill eventually reeled in, thank god, otherwise we would all be speaking German or Russian in Europe right now.
Get it now? Oral is an idiot, or didn't you know that?