I don't need to go back and read it to know that I provided no context for the circumstance where the Englishman was speaking ill of my country. I also don't need to go back and read it to recall that you jumped to a conclusion as to how that circumstance came about.
You evidently made an assumption based upon how you view me. (Like how I assume that you spend much of your time knitting with your cats climbing all over you.)
Assumptions based on how I view
Actually, I don't think too much about you at all, Tico.
You know perfectly well that I was not commenting upon the context of
the circumstance of your exchange with the Englishman, when I responded to your original post.
How could I possibly have done that, based solely on the information
contained in your original post ? Which is what I was commenting on, specifically in reference to the
blued areas of your
post below.
Your account of British provocation was only provided
later (& very conveniently, I must say!

), when responding to
reactions to your original post.
Within the context of
this discussion,
on this thread, I was commenting on your intolerance to anyone whose views differ from your patriotic ones. Your declared inability to tolerate any "shades of grey" when it comes to the US .
Within the context of
this conversation, why should people
not question the "war on terror"?
Why is that not acceptable to you, anymore than criticism of US military actions in some pub in Britain was not acceptable to you?
You seem to conveniently forget that some of us live in countries whose troops have been
directly involved in the invasions & occupations of Iraq & Afghanistan.
You don't think that gives us some rights to express
our opinions as well as your rights to express yours?
Quote:The event that is the subject of this thread is deeply personal to most Americans, and certainly to me. It isn't to some, and that amazes me. Nevertheless, the purpose of this thread was to remember that day, and the victims of the terrorists. And it pissed me off to no end to see folks to post their corollary political views about events that have transpired since then, in this thread, and on that day. And it seems that many non-Americans have chosen to post here their caterwauling about post-9/11 events, their despair about the War on Terror. You must know that would inflame some people. Like most Americans, 9/11 still strikes a raw nerve, for me, 10 years later. I remember vividly 20 years ago nearly coming to blows with an English man in a pub in London who was talking ill of the US with regard to the recent events in Iraq, and denigrating the first President Bush. I love my country, and I do not like those who do not.
So, yeah, no shades of grey here.
Those who chose to exercise their right to cloud this thread with their negative reviews of America's post-9/11 actions, showed a lack of class in my view, and cannot be surprised at the emotional, perhaps visceral, reaction from certain more vocal posters who think as I do. Talk about inflammatory. And the "usual suspects" showed up to do just that. None of you should be expecting an apology for the response you received.
And that's all I have to say about that.