Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 09:46 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Happy 4th of July, to all my American buddies out there! Enjoy your picnics and such! Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Cool

Answer me this, I know you Americans are an ornery bunch and write dates as MMDDYY, unlike the rest of the world who write it as DDMMYY. Why don't you do the same with the 4th of July? Shoudn't you be saying July 4th?

I think you say it the correct way because that's what your founding fathers wanted, your current use of MMDDYY is unAmerican and probably something to do with the illuminati. You should write to your senators now, demanding that all dates are as patriotic as the 4th of July..
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 09:53 am
Happy 4th of July, to all my American buddies out there! Enjoy your picnics and such!

My sister in law is watching our child for the day so his daddy and I can go to an all male naked pool party this afternoon, thanks for the kind wishes. Cool
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 10:03 am
I hope you have a great time. While you're there you might want to tell your friends about what's going on in the Ukraine right now, and ask them to sign a petition.

Ukraine's legislature is about to vote a brand new bill into law that will make it illegal to be gay or lesbian in public. President Viktor Yanukovych has the power to stop the law, but has chosen to stay silent on the growing anti-gay sentiment.

The President says a new alliance with the European Union is his #1 Priority. World leaders have been raising this issue at high level meetings; it's time to force the President to speak out against these laws.
Will you call on President Yanukovych to condemn the laws? Every single voice of opposition makes a real difference.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 10:09 am
Krumple. It is nonsense to you because he can not validate it to you. Then again, nor can Jesus to anyone on this Earth, as he has not re-appeared in the flesh to prove all that is written (mind you everyone knows that I think alot of it is man made, The Bible that is).

The thing is, I know he is a scam. He is a snake oil salesman. Ive seen it before and I know because I was just like him once with his lines. I know his game and the cure is someone having the balls to call him out on it. That's the problem with out society, they are too afraid to challenge anyone on their bullshit so people get taken advantage of. Sure it starts off innocent but after a while guys like him are conducting simiars and telling people he is jesus incarnate and getting them to hand over their life savings.


Anyone pretty much that claims to have seen Christ, spoken to him, or has been spoken to by him, is deemed to have a mental illness. Why is that? And, why is Mother Teresa not deemed to have been mentally ill?

Some people like her for example had a motive. Her hospitals allowed her to live a life style that she was free to do what ever she wanted and go where ever she wanted. But these hospitals were not nice places and rarely actually treated the patients. She believed that suffering was the road to salvation and so treatments were rarely ever given to these suffering people.


Every person that lives deserves respect unless they dis-respect you personally, then frankly I find it easy to just ignore as they don't deserve my time. I'm not mean to anyone and if I am I realise it and apologise, what's the point? What does it achieve? How do you feel after you do it, can't be good for you either.

You act as if I am saying he is not worthy of living. I wouldn't say that but he still is a piece of **** of a person, I can tell you that. His attempts at flattery and kind remarks is over compensation for his evil he knows he is guilty of. So he compliments and tries to flatter people to convince himself that he isn't so bad or as a pay off for wrong he has already conducted. Like he is buying the rights to do something wrong in the future.


I don't call it false either, rather "defend" and he speaks too quickly or tries to find a fact, when really it should be coming from his believe in side. He's open to learn.

Na I already tested him on this. This is his act and futile attempt to convince me that he isn't who I think he is. I don't mind looking like the bad guy and he will continue to try and shrug off my attempts to reveal him to everyone else. Some times pulling the rug out to reveal the trap door breaks all the dishes on the table. But once the cats out of the bag and the gig is up then the real deal is seen for what it is.


What is his cause? To convert you, me, RL, Izz, Spendius and anyone else that writes on his thread? Gawd that's not going to happen, he knows it, you know it, I know it and so do everyone else.

No it's to sell this idea as if it were valid. It is a method to dumb down the world. With a dumb world you can take advantage of the unsuspecting and desperate. This is why our society has so many problems.


What do you get out of it?

Like I said, if you could spot the serial killer, wouldn't you feel inclined to point them out before they could cause any future heartache? This is no different.
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 10:11 am
@reasoning logic,
Why am I choosing, to say this, to you, now? Because I am not deceptive...I am not mentally sick...I do believe that what I say is the truth...This is a way, for me, to substantiate it...To you...

What other ways, would you like me to explain it, to you?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 10:17 am
Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green

I heard from my friend, the other day...Over where you live, they write it out, like that...Truth is, it would not bother me, either way, it was written, mate!

If they changed it to the way you guys, write it out...It really, would not matter...

I would be just do, whatever, the norm was...But I think, your way...Is better...Upon thinking about it...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 10:21 am
Krumple wrote:
The thing is, I know he is a scam. He is a snake oil salesman. Ive seen it before and I know because I was just like him once with his lines.

So just because you used to exploit people and sell them bullshit, you think that's the only reason someone would claim other worldly knowledge. Thankfully not everybody is like you.

Don't go fretting on my part, I can think for myself thank you very much.
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reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 10:44 am
So what about, what I say, And have said...makes you believe, or think, that anything I say, is not real?

It is statements like below, that you make up, "that make me think this way.

While the 2 of your were Pm'ing each other..

You know very well that you do not know if you were correct in what you were claiming but none the less you said it and people can be misinformed by false information such as that.

I am not trying to put you down when I say these things to you because I have a mother who I love dearly that is caught up in the same delusions of false information that you are caught up in.
What is so hard about saying. If I can be wrong abut believing Kumble and RL were PMing each other. why cant I be wrong about my thoughts about God?
What I am saying is "being you are wrong abut me and Krumble and that you should not make claims like that about us why is the voice in your head from a God you can not prove any different?

By the way I have never pm Krumble in the past ether and I know this because I checked it out of curiosity.

Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 10:48 am
So what exactly is your mission in coming here?

It is to reveal some "hidden truth" about me, that you "think" is correct, but are not sure...???

How is that any different, than what you are doing, to other people, who are here, about me??

Do you believe, that any part of you, can actually be wrong, about this?

And it is all unfounded?

Because, if you do not...You are essentially saying...I have the freedom to follow you around..."call you out" tell others how much of a moron you are...And tell them what "hidden truths" I think you are up too....In telling them, how much of an evil guy you "think" I am...

Would you want me to do this, too you?

(It would not bother you right?) Then you are the one, with a hidden agenda, not me...

And you are the one...Who is doing the same exact thing, you tell others, I am "trying to do" but yet, you do not see this?

Go ahead, and try to pervert people minds about me, if you would like too...Because I am a Christian....Once they know me...They will know it is not true...And you have some kind of hidden agenda yourself...against me...You are not fooling me...And anyone who will see this...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 10:52 am
@reasoning logic,
If the church did not hold back neuroscience for 400 years how you might be thinking of this very issue today.

How about hazarding a few speculations rl about how we might be thinking if the Church had not done what your conceit causes you to claim it had?

As it is you have wasted words and I ought not to need to remind you what Dylan said about wasted words. If you can't make any suggestions you are caught once again comparing a reality with nothing and if you continue with that sort of thing you will need to search out dimwitted companions for the rest of your life in order to avoid being laughed at.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 10:56 am
@reasoning logic,
It is my own perceptions about it...It has nothing to do with any voices...

If I am wrong, then I apologize...Like you said, you 2, are the only ones, who know if it is true or not....

You sure did seam to freak out, about something, she had said to you...last night...

Which was not fair to me...It seemed as though you just pushed me aside, as a friend, And were gobbling everything down she said...And just ignoring me....

Then you left, and had not answered me for a while...(I had like 4 or 5 posts towards you) As I was waiting for you to reply...My posts kept being voted down...So I figured the 2 of you were talking amongst yourselves...Like I said If I am wrong, I apologize about it...

Now, I would like to see Krumple say the same...If she can not...She is the one who is full of ****...And has some kind of hidden agenda....Point blank! Substantiated! I guess she did not see that one coming...? Wink Very Happy 2 Cents

Game, set, match...Krumple...shuffle them up!
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 10:59 am
@reasoning logic,
some reasons I can think of are the persecution of women, gays, witches, scientists and the list goes on.

And the persecution of a young, half-witted soldier called Bradley Manning. What of that rl? He was bringing our democracy the truth that was hidden from our view. Couldn't the same justification of that equally apply to the persecutions of the Church. It was the governing power in those days. Now it is not.
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 11:03 am
You sure did seam to freak out, about something, she had said to you...last night...

Krumble has made many brilliant observations over the years that I have been here and for some reason I have an interest in seeing women commenting on such issues because it helps me to see that there are many more intelligent women out there then what it seems at times. No offense FM because you too are here engaging in these bizarre conversations as well.
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 11:08 am
@reasoning logic,
This is all I have to say...

It is my own perceptions about it...It has nothing to do with any voices...

If I am wrong, then I apologize...Like you said, you 2, are the only ones, who know if it is true or not....

You sure did seam to freak out, about something, she had said to you...last night...

Which was not fair to me...It seemed as though you just pushed me aside, as a friend, And were gobbling everything down she said...And just ignoring me....

Then you left, and had not answered me for a while...(I had like 4 or 5 posts towards you) As I was waiting for you to reply...My posts kept being voted down...So I figured the 2 of you were talking amongst yourselves...Like I said If I am wrong, I apologize about it...

Now, I would like to see Krumple say the same...If she can not...She is the one who is full of ****...And has some kind of hidden agenda....Point blank! Substantiated! I guess she did not see that one coming...? Wink Very Happy Idea 2 Cents

Game, set, match...Krumple...shuffle them up!
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 11:10 am
Couldn't the same justification of that equally apply to the persecutions of the Church. It was the governing power in those days. Now it is not.

The church is still the governing power You do not here the voice of the church crying out to release manning now do you? If the church did, do you think that they would release him?
The church is still very much holding back civilization with their delusions but keep in mind it is people like you and others who promote and make up this thing that you call the church but people in the future will call it something similar as to the way we all see cannibalism today.
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 11:15 am
Please post, what I quoted...I do not know, what you are talking about, with this post.

What can I do about my remembering your posts better than you do. You sound like a Leveson Enquiry witness. "I have no recollection of that yer 'onour."

You have to judge us all if you are hearing the word of God where we act against His word and if we don't act against his word you have nothing to say to us.

So it is necessary from your point of view that we often do act against God's word for you to say things about us. To judge us. And to achieve such a wonderful feat it is necessary that the word you hear from God is such that it disapproves of our actions, or some of them, and if you have a need to say something about us then you can tailor the word you hear to provide you with the opportunities to judge us.
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Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 11:20 am
And nobody is calling Spade out here eh Krumpie?

Are you reading the thread or just jacking off your ego?
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Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 11:25 am
@reasoning logic,
The Church invented our civilisation you silly twat. From square one out of a total horrible mess which was all there was, or could be, without the Church.
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 11:27 am
My sister in law is watching our child for the day so his daddy and I can go to an all male naked pool party this afternoon, thanks for the kind wishes

I have never been to a naked pool party...I probably would be embarrassed, to be naked, in front of people, I do not know...Or am not sexually involved with...But I do not have anything to be embarrassed about...If you get my drift! Just kidding mate! I hope you have fun! That is what being young, is all about, I guess...I did stuff like that, back in the day, also...
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 11:29 am
@reasoning logic,
You'll be saying the invention of the wheel was evil because of the deaths on the road or that a wheel was used to stretch people on the rack.

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