Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2011 08:34 pm
What's a weird or quirky habit of yours that not too many people (on a2k or in real-life) know about. It can be weird, gross, or funny. And/Or something you're embarrassed about or ashamed of. Come on, fess up! I have a few...

Not too many people know:
1) You know the plastic string things that you pop when you take tags off of your clothes? Lol, I put them in my nose because it makes me sneeze. HaHa! I LOVE SNEEZING!! I dont know why. Haha! Very Happy

2) When I hear music I cant stay still. I have to dance or bounce my leg, or sway or even just jump up and down. Haha! I've just gotta move. Smile

3)When I was 9 I ran away from home. I stole 20 bucks from my dad's wallet and walked until I saw the bus stop. I just sat on the bus for a long time then I finally got off and started walking again. I saw a park and I ran straight for the swings and I made a few friends there. But then most of the other kids started leaving with their parents and I kinda wanted to go home but then I realized I didnt know exactly where I was and I didnt know how to get back so I started crying and panicking . Then this nice lady came over (I dont remember her name) and she asked me whats wrong and I told her and we talked for a awhile and she asked for my number so she could call my dad. When my dad came to get me and brought me home he was sooo mad. I'd never seen him that made before. He shook me soo hard I thought my neck was gonna like snap off or something. Ha! Even though he was mad and I got in SERIOUS trouble I was soo happy to be home. I know I wasnt in serious danger or anything but I was still really freaked when I couldnt get home. I really learned a lesson. Haha!

4) I used to think me and my twin sister were the same person when I was little . Lol I know that sounds weird but when I looked in the mirror I saw me and when I looked at her I saw me. So I just thought that she was me even though we've always been really different. I guess I was just confused. HAHA!

5) I sometimes like to dip my potato chips in vanilla icecream and eat them. (It started out as a dare from my brother but I actually ended up liking it.) And I could eat ketchup with almost anything.

6)When I was 7 there was this named older kid named Tanner (He was my brother's friend so he was about 10) who would always pick on me because I was small and I looked really skinny and fragile but I was sorta tomboyish. Anyway he would call me 'Gary' instead of 'Gracie' and say stuff like 'Dont you know you're a girl? Why dont you put on a dress and act like it?!' He was soo mean. So one day I was playing baseball with him, my brother and a few other friends and I striked out and he said something mean and I got really mad. (Im super competitive sometimes) And I walked right up to him and hit him in the face with my bat. I didnt mean to, I wasnt really thinking about it. But he was bleeding and screaming and crying. I had broke his nose and I felt soo bad! I said I was sorry then I started crying too and I got in soo much trouble. My dad yelled for what seemed like hours and I was grounded (yep at 7) for MONTHS! Ok, one month but it was still forever! I still kinda feel bad about Tanner's nose though...

7) I've tried beer and pot. Sad All my friends are like, 15 or 16 and they do it all the time. So I went to a party a couple months ago and I wanted to try some too. I drunk alcohol, it was soo nasty and it made me gag but I kept drinking it because my friends were. I ended up puking my guts out! I dont think I was drunk because I remember stuff and I didnt really feel different but my stomach hurt really bad. I smoked pot because my sister tried it and my friends did it too. I almost coughed out my lungs and I started crying a little but everyone just kept laughing and said that it was normal. I didnt like it so I stopped. I'll never drink or smoke again in my life. Its not fun at all, I dont know why grown-ups do it.

8) I had a crush on one of my teachers a couple years ago. I liked him soo much. I kinda thought I loved him a little. He was soo nice and perfect and sweet to me. I thought he liked me too but one day he was just talking to the class a little before school was over and he said that he was engaged. I went home and cried. Its soo stupid. Haha! The next week I had a new crush on this kid named Julian. Laughing

9) When I was younger me and my sister used to force my dad to read to us before bed. He never read kiddie books. He always read law school books or Greek Mythology or whatever other boring adult books he was reading. Me and Lissa didnt care really, as long as he was reading. Anyway, he used to read to us until we feel asleep and I think that's why now whenever I hear someone reading I get a little sleepy. Maybe not but that could be the reason. LOL Mr. Green

10) This is gonna sound bad but sometimes I wish my dad would've left instead of my mom. I dont think that all the time. Just sometimes, and it really bothers me. I love my dad, I really really really do. He's soo annoying sometimes but I dont want any other dad but him. But sometimes I still think that things would be easier if I had a mom and not a dad instead of having a dad and not a mom. I just not fair. I see how my friend Nat is with her mom. They fuss and fight but they still have an awesome relationship. She can talk to her mom about boys, make up, clothes, hair, periods, sex, ANYTHING. Half of that stuff my dad doesnt know anything about and he'd have a heart attack if I tried to talk to him about boys, or periods and ESPECIALLY sex. But it seems like moms are soo cool about it and its soo much easier to talk to them then it is to talk to dads. I want to be able to do that stuff with my mom. Whenever I see Nat and her mom together I feel like Im missing out and Id be soo much happier if my mom were here. Im not trying to be ungrateful. I love my dad, he's the bestest awesomest dad ever but that doesnt make me miss my mom less.

So there ya have it! A few weird stuff and a few things you probably didnt know about me. Wanna share yours? PLEASEEE!! Very Happy

Me and a few friend were playing the 'Confessions' game so I just wanted to play it with you guys. Mr. Green Laughing Very Happy You can comment on some of mine if you want but I really wanna hear some of yours too ! Very Happy Mr. Green

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Type: Question • Score: 24 • Views: 17,586 • Replies: 204

Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2011 09:16 pm
You have some interesting ones, Gary, uh, I mean, Gracie (oh oh, watch out for that bat!) - lol

When I was 9 my job was to do the dishes. There were 8 of us - my mom and 7 daughters. We had to drink powdered milk which, of course, nobody would drink. My sisters would pay me to pour their milk down the sink.

My mother always bought herself Homo milk, no powdered milk for her, oh no. Unbeknownst to each other, all of us would see the milk, take a swig of it, then replace it with our stuff Smile You knew others were doing it when it started to taste like powdered milk instead of homo Smile

We did the same thing with water to her 7-up. Yeah mon.


My sisters also paid me to braid or pony-tail their hair because my mother threatened to cut it off if it looked messy.

They also paid me to do their title pages because none of them thought they were any good at art.

We paid my older sister 50 cents to ride her bike around for about 10 minutes. She paid the little ones to go to the store for her. Everybody made money.

It was a capitalist family Smile
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2011 10:03 pm
I zap my ice cream a bit in the microwave to soften it up. I think it has more flavor then.

I almost always eat corn on the cob fresh because it just tastes better than cooked. Why would anyone take a garden fresh vegetable and cook it?
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2011 10:08 pm
Sometimes their dentures will fall out.
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2011 10:25 pm
Good point.
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Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2011 10:39 pm
Haha! You're soo funny! Laughing

You're mom had 7 kids?! Whoa! You're family must be huge! I only have 1 brother and 1 sister and they annoy the crap out of me sometimes. I cant imagine having 6 other brothers and sisters! Smile
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Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2011 10:40 pm
Yeah I do the microwave thing too. Ice cream tastes way better when its kinda soft and stuff! Very Happy

Im not with ya on the corn thing though. I HATE corn especially if its not cooked! Haha! Mr. Green
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Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2011 10:50 pm
Freshly picked corn on the cob is WONDERFUL, but I do like it steamed a bit, with lots of butter and some salt. I'm an eat-down-the cob-a-couple-rows-at-a-time guy. I know some people are eat-all-around-the-cob-the-the-widthe-of-your-mouth-and-then-move-down-aronther-mouth-width-and-eat-aroun-the-cob-again types. That's just weird.
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2011 11:23 pm
I don't analyze how I eat it, I just eat it Smile

I like it with lots of butter and salt, though, but I don't eat it often.
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Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 04:47 am
We grew our own vegetables--grew so much that, by the time we had finished snapping all the green beans, steaming them, putting them in the jars, boiling the jars, marking them and carrying them into the basement, i hated green beans. Really, it would be weeks before anyone wanted to eat green beans again. Same thing with sweet corn--you have to pick it, shuck, pull the corn silk off, cut off the stem, seethe it, cut off the kernels, scoop them into the little bags, and then after they cool off over night, carry them down to the freezer. Same story, you didn't want to look at an ear of corn for weeks. Tomatoes were the worst, because we stewed them, skinned them and canned them, and made tomato paste by cooking that down, and made ketchup.

We didn't do hobby gardening, we did serious production gardening, and the children were looked upon as an important source of labor which was basically lazy and deceitful (all too true). But in the middle of a cold, cold winter, when you had home-canned green beans or frozen, home-grown corn with your meals, it all seemed worth while, because the heavy labor was forgotten then.
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 06:12 am
This describes my childhood perfectly. At the same time, when we weren't busy toiling in the garden we were free to roam the world. Most families were large by today's standards and gangs of kids were outside all summer mostly left to their own devices. We did some pretty dumb things, in retrospect. Like gathering a mountain of leaves in the fall and spreading them across the road at the top of a steep hill and waiting (hidden) for a car to come zooming up the hill. Dumb, dumb, dumb and dangerous!
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 06:19 am
i shot a man in Reno
just to watch him die
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Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 06:35 am
I know exactly what you mean. Wasn't it grand ? ! ? ! ?
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Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 06:42 am
By the way, our favorite gimmick was to get two or three kids on either side of the state highway, and when a car would approach at high speed (which was illegal because it was a 25 mph zone), we'd all hold our arms out in front of us and lean back, as though we were raising a cable across the road (totally imaginary). Nine out of ten of them would stomp on the brakes and start fishtailing. We'd run like hell.
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 06:49 am
This probably shouldn't make me snicker but it did.
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Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 07:05 am
I loved the pile of leaves stunt . . . i wish we had thought of that.
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 07:06 am
don't get any ideas for the autumn <squint>
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Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 07:44 am
So Set, green beans are your enemy food too?
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 08:10 am
I'm 82. If I tried to post things I did or experienced, I would be posting until I reached 100.

Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 08:18 am
How about just a few things? Smile

Or you can comment on some of mine. Maybe you did some of the same things I did when you were younger?
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