First off, thanks Soz and Izzie for saying all that so well.
It's difficult not to perhaps make it sound like we're being patronizing Gracie . We're not. Thing is, we've all be 13. It's a difficult time.
Like has been said, there's many many reasons people give up their babies for adoption.
GracieGirl wrote:
Chai, just because life isn't fair doesn't mean she gets to be mean and selfish. It
Does matter. How could you not love your own baby? It's not her daughters fault that her mom was stupid and didn't use protection. If you don't want a kid then dont get pregnant. If you have a kid you shouldn't give it away like it's a toy or something. That's wrong.
And it is dissapionting. I like you chai but I don't get why you think that selfish lady is right. Its not wrong for a daughter to want a chance to love and get to know their mom. Your not being fair.
Reading the above Gracie...Life not being fair DOES mean she gets to be mean and selfish....that's what makes it not fair.
Not fair doesn't mean you say to someone "that's not fair" and they say "ok, then I take it back." Not fair means just that. You don't like it, but it's the way it is.
That's what I meant before when I said that you want to believe things are true about other people, so they will be true about you.
Above, when you ask "How could you not love your own baby?" It would be so easy to anwer you "I don't know, I don't know how someone could not love their own baby" because in a way, that makes it not so. You can believe it's not so, so it would be true.
You can not understand how something like that could be, but realize that's how it is anyway.
Some people don't love their own babies, and give them up for adoption. Some people DO love their babies, and that's WHY they give them up for adoption. Because they know perhaps they could never be a good mother to that child.
It's not as easy as saying "then don't get pregnant" Sometimes, no matter how careful someone is, it happens. People get pregnant every day while using birth control correctly. Many people, including myself, don't agree with abortion. Some people would get an abortion if they could, but can afford it, or it isn't available where they live. Women get raped, and just don't want the child, as to them it's too painful a reminder. So many reasons. A different reason for every woman.
Most people who end up having a baby that way keep the baby, and are ok. Some aren't. That doesn't make it wrong.
In fact, there is no simple right or wrong, as all of us have been saying.
Also, fairness in the eye of the beholder Gracie, and saying is wrong or unfair doesn't make it so.
You said the woman who gave up her daughter for adoption 20 plus years ago was "selfish and mean" Do you really think that for every day of her life, until her birth daughter tried to get in touch with her, she was selfish and mean in how she lived her life? Was she being selfish because she realized 20 plus years ago she couldn't or didn't want to raise a baby, and the baby would be much better off with people who wanted, and could take good care of her? She may have felt she was giving the baby the greatest gift in the world, parents who could do better than she could.
Perhaps for the next 20 plus years she did many wonderful things. Maybe she's a doctor, scientist or teacher. She did at some point, years along, marry and had other children. For whatever reason she decided what happened in her past needed to stay there.
What she did when she let her daughter know she didn't want to meet her felt selfish and mean to the daughter, but not to the woman, for reasons that are her own.
People don't live in a vacuum. While you have been growing and changing over the last 13 years, your mother has done and gone through every day with her own experiences.
What many of us are saying is that it could be very painful to build up expectations of what it would be like to meet with your mother, decide what she's like, what you will both want to talk about, how much you will have in common and will enjoy the experience.
I really wish you would show all this to your father Gracie.