Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 07:08 pm
Wow, that garden work sounds super sucky! Did you get an allowance for all that work? And I HATE green beans too! Yuck!

JPB, you and Setanta did some awesome pranks! Haha! Thanks for the new ideas! Laughing

Chai and djjd, you guys should really stop shooting men in Reno. I don't think they let you get on a2k in prison. Hahaha! Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 07:17 pm
Hi Gracie, enjoying reading this and other topics of yours. I'm sorry about your mother, but wonder why you're not seeing her. Just because she "left" doesn't mean you can't see her. Even if she lives out of state or another country, why don't you ever see her. Ask your father that.

I too lost my mother, at 4 years of age. She died. But I have no memory of her except flat-like pictures of her laying in bed, being carried into the house, etc. No feelings attached. My dad put us in a children's home and visited some. Good grief, don't feel sorry, I get so tired of that. A life is a life, nobody hurt any of us. Some things we did:

Scare each other half to death after dark so that I was afraid of the dark into my 30's. Ran away at about age 12. As we exited out the front getting to a highway we stumbled over a cow. When cars passed we'd hide in the ditch. We hit the first town by early morning, then walked around doing not much of anything, worrying why nobody seemed to be looking for us. Sure enough, they were and showed up pretty quick (someone called them). For that our punishment was slinging a yo-yo (kinda like a sickle) between 2 of our buildings, whacking down high weeds. We feasted on a storehouse full of raw onions (wow, but they were sweet).

We were babtized around 12, 13 or when we "came forward after a service." There was a painting of the River Jordan behind the little pit filled with water, and as I walked down the steps I couldn't stand looking at that man with big high fishing boots on. Then I stood there, about to laugh, and he plunged me under and I came out snorting and gasping. Maybe they should have had a rehearsal. So I ran to this back room, opened the door, and fell flat on my stomach (no door?). Three of us, we about choked walking home sopping wet and muddy.

These crazy things happened all the time, and we still get togather for reunions and laugh at all the nutty things we did. When younger, 6 - 9 or so, we constantly fought with the little boys that age. At school recess they would tip the merrygoround up in the air with us on the part in the air. Teased us, yanked our caps off. Geez, they were like so many little Beavus and Buttheads. It was our job to iron their shirts later on and we'd iron just the front and collar, fold them nicely. Too funny. We played jokes on each other constantly.

I started public school after dad remarried, sophomore in H.S. I was so happy could hardly stand it. My stepmom was not someone to talk with. I always did that with my sister, my friends and hers.

Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 07:51 pm
Aww, come on Mommy C! Just one thing! Mr. Green

Yeah it really sucks sometimes. It seems like everything is getting harder and more complicated the older I get. There's alot of stuff I dont know or understand about my mom and why she left. It's frustrating and it kinda hurts ya know? Me and Lissa talk about it sometimes. Not soo much lately though. She's kinda going her own way; she's different. We've been getting along better here at Nat's house but we still dont talk as much as we use to. But anyway, yeah, it bothers Liss too. She says she doesn't care anymore though but I think she does. She always wished we had a mom even when we were little. I didn't really start caring until I was like 10 or something. I mean, I was always a little upset about it but I had my dad and I was okay with that. But now it's different, I guess. When we were younger Lissa always used to wonder about mom. What she looked like, her personality, what she liked and why she left. It used to make her a little sad but now everytime I try to talk to her about how I feel about mom leaving and stuff she gets annoyed with me and tells me to drop it. Maybe she's over it and she wants me to get over it too? I dont know. Who knows what her deal is.
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 08:09 pm
Me and my dad have a great relationship. It's just that I can't talk to him about girl stuff. I've tried but it's weird. He's not a girl he doesn't get it and he'll never get it. Talking to him about it is pointless and probably embarrass both of us. I can talk to him about lots of stuff but if I try to talk to him about boys and sex and stuff like that he'd probably freak out and think I was doing it, and I'm not so that would just cause a sort of awkward fight and I'd end of getting grounded. And if I tried to talk to him about my period or some other girl stuff he'd probably get all weird and uncomfortable and start looking stuff up on the computer or something. It's just too weird. My friends can talk to their moms about all kinds of stuff but never their dads. Moms understand girl stuff, dads don't. That's a part of why I wish my own mom was around. I hate having to talk to my friends and their moms about stuff that my own mother should be here to tell me, ya know?
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 08:23 pm
My mom left when me and my sister were a few months old and my brother was only 3. He doesnt remember anything about her. We have 2 videos of my mom though. One was taken when my mom had just had Matt and she looked really happy and the other one was when she was pregnant with me and my sister (her belly was fat) She was recording Matt and talking to him. She looked ok but not as happy as she was in the other video. Anyway, she was watching Matt and video taping him (he would smile everytime he took a spoonful of whatever he was eating, it was really cute) and my dad walked in and I guess she wasnt happy to see him. They started arguing while the camera was on and Matt started crying and my mom finally turned off the camera (I guess she had forgotten it was on.) Anyway, Matt was too young to remember her but he says he hates her and she was terrible mom and it's good that she left. He's just mad. He's mad all the time but other than that he never talks about her. I dont think he cares. It's different for him. He doesn't need a mom like me and my sister do. He has dad.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 08:38 pm
Sometimes, Gracie, you don't have to know a lot about somethin' just to be a good listener. I know that your dad can't do it all and I know that that's something that only you two can work out. Thanks for taking the time to explain it all.

I hope you two stay tight and I wish you and your whole family everything that's good and grand.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 09:08 pm
Yeah my sister swallows gum ALL the time. HaHa! You swallowed tobacco? Ewwwwww aidan! Hahahaha!

You never talked to your mom about that stuff? Why? Would it have been awkward?

And yeah my dads strict most of the time and we argue alot but I've seen his fun side. He's younger than other dads so wd have lots of fun. He plays video games with me and board games and we talk about life stuff , like mythology or he'll tell me sad stories about work (he's a prosecutor) and we have some talks when I'm in trouble. I want him to "be in all the aspects of my life" but there's just some stuff that we can't talk about.

No way! Another look-alike?? Haha! First, I'm born with a completely opposite, identical twin and now you're saying there's another clone in England?!! Haha! Just kidding, but that's weird. How old is she? Very Happy
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 09:12 pm
Wowzers, Sturgis!! Awesome and really funny lists!! Haha! I wish I was double jointed and I could wiggle my ears. Haha!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 09:17 pm
Questioner, please tell me!

MJ, that's really cool! Less evolved? I never thought about that. Haha! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 09:20 pm
Yeah! I've done it since I was little. Haha!

Chai, I can't tell If your serious or if your just teasing me a little. Hahahaha!

Hey is ehbeth Setanta's girlfriends,
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 09:53 pm
Okay, one thing: when I was about 14 years old our music teacher in school invited our class to see Rigoletto (an Italian opera) at our local opera house.
The performance was at night and would last until 11 pm. My girlfriends and I decided to skip the opera and go into the city and party. We had such a good time and even made it home on time! Our parents never knew that we ditched the opera for a disco. Stunts like these were do-able in Germany where we could stay in discotheques until 10 pm and take the subway home without any problems. You cannot do things like this in the United States and I would not recommend it either, it's far too dangerous!

Gracie, perhaps in a few years your father will be more inclined to talk about your mom and give you more detailed information why she left.
Perhaps you can search for her then on the internet, or your father would
help you find her. I am certain she would be thrilled to hear from you.

Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2011 01:55 am
You never talked to your mom about that stuff? Why? Would it have been awkward?

Why didn't I talk to my mom about that stuff? This is the first time I'm really thinking about it and realizing that I didn't. I talk to my mom about everything now so the only thing I can attribute it to is that I had three sisters and alot of friends who were going through the same stuff at around the same time and I just always talked to them.

I remember clearly that when I had my period for the first time my big sister is the one who showed me how to do the sanitary napkins and tampons (sorry guys to be so direct) because she was just there and so I asked her and she showed me. This is funny - I had no idea a woman's vagina is like a tube that extends inside your body when I was twelve and had my period for the first time, and we wanted to go swimming so my sister gave me a tampon and said, 'Here - use this,' and I just stuck it sideways in there and it kept falling out so I said, 'Laura - it keeps falling out,' and she said, 'It CAN'T just fall out- what do you mean?' and so I showed her and she almost DIED LAUGHING!!! And then she showed me how to put it in.
See what I mean? I couldn't ask my mom to give me a live demonstration like that could I?

My mother did give me this little pink book with all the facts of life in it - but other than that - sex and all that stuff, I talked to my friends.
My mother is funny as hell though. She once took me and my sister and my little brother to see 'Coming Home'- this movie with John Voigt and he's a paralyzed Viet Nam vet and his girlfriend is stimulating him in the movie and I was about 17 or something and my mother turns to ME and says, 'Rebecca - what is she doing to him?!' all confused and perplexed and my sister and I just looked at each other and laughed. My sister said, 'Poor Dad...'
And then when we told her what they were doing she said, 'I hope none of my girls ever do anything that unladylike and DISGUSTING!'
Again - we just laughed.

But then the other month when I saw her we were listening to this singer named Jim Reeves that she loves and she said, 'He is the SEXIEST man,' and I said 'Mom!' and she said, 'What? Don't tell me a daughter of mine doesn't appreciate a sexy man.'

Beth is 18. You look just like her and she's very bubbly and expressive too. I'll ask her if I can post her picture and if she says yes - I'll do it so you can see if you see the resemblance.

Have a nice weekend Gracie.

URL: http://able2know.org/topic/176507-3#post-4712764
Lustig Andrei
Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2011 01:57 am
I have a confession -- my name isn't really Lustig Andrei. Hee-hee. Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2011 02:45 am
Hi Pemerson!! I'm glad you like my topics! Yay, I'm interesting! Haha! Laughing

My dad hasn't seen or spoken to my mom since she left all those years ago. I don't think she wants to see me or be in my life. If she did, she wouldn't have left, right? I hope thats not true and that she wants to see me. My dad doesn't like talking about my mom. He gets upset so I've just stopped asking him about her. He talks with me about alot of stuff but never anything personal, ya know? But, yeah she had to have left for a reason. Maybe I was part of it. Maybe me and my sister and brother were too hard to take care of so she stopped loving us. Or maybe she made a mistake when she left and she wants to see us but she doesn't know how to find us. I'd love to meet my mom. Just to get to know her and talk to her like other kids do with their parents. Hopefully I'll get the chance someday. Smile

It sucks that your mom died. Did you ever wonder about her? Wished you had a mom? What your dad did sucks too but if sounds like you had a awesome time. That's cool, you guys did some funny stuff. Haha! Very Happy Were you mad at your dad for not taking care of you himself? Even though you had a good time. It didn't hurt your feelings?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2011 03:06 am
Thanks JTT!! Mr. Green

Hi Mommy CJ!

Haha! Good one!! Yay! I won't try it though so don't worry. Laughing

Yeah maybe. I really really hope she wants to see me. I'm definitely gonna find my mom. It's always been something I wanted to do. But the more I think about it the more nervous I get. I mean, people don't just leave their families and their kids. Could you have left your daughter? Did you ever think about it when she was a baby? I don't think you did. You love her right? So how could you leave her. Maybe my mom doesn't love me and she never has. I mean, I don't love her either.I don't know her, I just want to. I think that if i meet her id love her because shes my mom. I guess she doesn't have to love me. I just want her to give me a chance. What if, when I find her (when, not if) she doesn't want to see or she's dissapionted with how I am. You know, how I turned out. That would be terrible! I spent forever thinking about her and missing her, but she probably never thinks about me. I don't know, Mommy CJ. I guess I'm just worried because meeting her means alot to me and I don't want her to not like me.
Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2011 03:19 am
Wow aidan!! Haha! My sister got her period a few months before me and when I got mine I didn't wanna tell my dad. Haha! So I told Lissa and we went to the bathroom and she showed me how she puts a tampon in like your sister did. Haha! I didn't know that ALL sisters were that comfortable with each other. I thought it was just a twin thing. Very Happy

And how could your mom not know anything about sex when she had all those kids!! Haha!! Very Happy Laughing I know about that stuff and I've never even kissed a boy before! Hahaha!

Cool! I wish I was 18! Times going by sooo slow! I feel like I've been 13 FOREVER! Hahaha! I hope she let's you post a picture! I really wanna see her! Haha! Very Happy

Thanks aidan! Your awesome to talk to! Very Happy Smile

Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2011 03:21 am
Anyone else with a weird quirky habit or embarrassing or shameful experience?! Share! I wanna hear it! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2011 09:55 am
Gracie, chances are high that your mom left for different reason and it had nothing to do with you or your siblings. Lots of women have postpartum depression after they gave birth, mostly due to hormonal changes, and if they don't get professional help, things might not have been better for her for a long time. Perhaps now she feels she has been out of your life for such a long time, that it wouldn't be the best idea just to budge in. She might have the same thoughts you do, she might think you all hate her for leaving. There certainly are a lot of question marks, but I am almost certain, it has nothing to do with you kids per se.

My daughter is adopted and she knows that her biological mother is somewhere. When she's old enough she will try to find her, she said that already, she's naturally very curious, just like you. Of course I will help her in doing so.
Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2011 10:02 am
GracieGirl wrote:

Wow aidan!! Haha! My sister got her period a few months before me and when I got mine I didn't wanna tell my dad. Haha! So I told Lissa and we went to the bathroom and she showed me how she puts a tampon in like your sister did. Haha! I didn't know that ALL sisters were that comfortable with each other. I thought it was just a twin thing. Very Happy

And how could your mom not know anything about sex when she had all those kids!! Haha!! Very Happy Laughing I know about that stuff and I've never even kissed a boy before! Hahaha!

Cool! I wish I was 18! Times going by sooo slow! I feel like I've been 13 FOREVER! Hahaha! I hope she let's you post a picture! I really wanna see her! Haha! Very Happy

Thanks aidan! Your awesome to talk to! Very Happy Smile

Oh Gracie. I got my period when my mother was away on vacation, and my older sister showed me what to do. She never told my mother when she came back, and neither did I. My mother didn't know until I told her a month or 2 later when I ran out of supplies.

My younger sister got hers after I had left home, and never even told my mother. She found out literally a couple of years later, when my parents and younger sister were on vacation, she got a period and had to go to my mother. My mother assumes it was her first time, and my sister just let her.

So, I would say not having a mother around for that isn't the end of the world.

Your dad knows he's got 2 girls coming of age, and I guess would probably be more willing to talk to you about sex and stuff than you think.
Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2011 10:31 am
Thank you sozobe. It's been an interesting return, gradually regaining abilities which were once nearly lost. There are still days and moments where I become confused or put words in backwards; but, by and large it's no longer frustrating me.

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