Hi Shewolfnm! Im late again, sorry! School and dance is really sucking up all my time.
Yea, my dad doesn't wanna discuss anything. I guess he thinks I wont understand or he's trying to protect me or maybe he's just being selfish about it. I dont know. It's frustrating and annoying and Im sick of begging him to tell me something. I hate him when he's like that. He complicates everything.
And yeah, he could only give me his side. I still wouldnt have the whole story but it'd still be great to know what he thinks happened with my mom.
And i think your right. Just because people arent Christians doesnt mean they're bad people or 'lost' like your mom says. My grandparents are the same way. They're Christians and they always say bad stuff about Dad because he doesnt believe in God. My dad hates my grandparents now. Im not Christian either. I dont know if I believe in God;I dont know what to believe. Religion is complicated. Life seems easier without religion, that's just my opinion though.
I hope your daughter sees that your mom is wrong about you being 'lost'or whatever because you're not Christian. What do you mean by 'lost' anyway? Is your daughter mad at you? Since she knows your mom, does she know that you gave her up so that she could have a happy life?
I know that my dad cant tell me exactly what happened. I get what you're saying. He only knows his point of view, not my moms. I get it.
I hope my mom left for a good reason too. If she left because she was being selfish, I'd hate her and it would hurt but I'd still be glad to know. Atleast I could stop wondering about it. I'd finally get some answers; I'd know
why. I think you're dad's a jerk. I know about alcholics and stuff but that's still no excuse. I think your pretty awesome, and Im sorry about your dad. I really dont get people like him.
I know what you mean about not expecting everything to be perfect when/if I meet my mom. I dont wanna imagine the worst though. I'll just try to remember that it could go bad or good. I'll try not to expect anything. But honestly, I think no matter what, I'd still be really hurt if my mom didnt wanna see me. I cant help it.

I dont know if the 'buffer' thing would work for me.
What you said made tons of sense! I wasnt offended at all. I feel really lucky that I got to talk to you. You get it, ya know? You really understand how I feel and what I mean. Not alot of people do. They understand a little but not everything.
Im glad you understand Shewolfnm! And Im glad you weren't offended by anything I said early in the thread.Thanks for your help, it means alot to me. Especially since your a mom. All I have is my dad so it's cool to come to a2k and talk with you guys (girls)!
I think my mom just left. I dont think there was adoptions and law stuff or anything. I don't know for sure though and I don't really think I wanna ask my dad about anything else. He's made it pretty clear that he wont tell me anything.
I cant wait until Im 18. Then I can find out everything for myself and my dad can stop bossing me around and telling me what I can or cant handle or what I should or shouldnt know.