hawkeye10 wrote:
Are you under the impression that the British rebels are not oppressed?
I have read... and reread and rereread your post... and I just feel that you are not living in the same as world as I am.
I mean, I know I live in a happy possibly-naive bubble... but your bubble is so dark and black and gosh, it must be like being in a permanent nightmare wondering each day when the world is going to end - do you really seriously equate what has gone on in London and around England, to what is going on in Libya?
Hawkeye, really, I don't get that at all. You believe those people are fighting for their lives and families and having to go the Western World calling for help simply because they want more money, or wealth, as you put it? You equate that to the riots in London? You equate our council estates to Benghazi, Tripoli, Gharyan, Brega . Seriously????
I do agree about the bottom of the pit having no hope - as I said to you before I understand a level of anger and hopelessness that I don't think you could possibly understand unless you have lived with that (you may have lived with that, I wouldn't know) - but I do know that personally within my family. I understand no hope from a young person to the point of wishing to be dead - and I understand that there are young people out there who feel they are the dregs of society, that they are the worthless and have been thrown away and not cared about by anyone - so please don't believe that I am
that naive - because I know that first hand.
Do I equate that and those feelings to what is happening to the people in Libya or Syria? No! Does that mean I don't feel sympathetic and empathetic towards how those young people feel in our country, even tho my life is not like that? No!
Does it make it less of burden what situation you are in when you feel like that down and out? Probably not, not to those who feel that way. Would anyone of our so called British Rebels be able to live for 5 minutes on the streets of Libya and Syria. I. shouldn't. think. so.
Good lawd man, REALLY?
They may feel oppressed (as a word), those people here who feel they have no hope - but I truly believe that their "no hope" is not the same as the "no hope" that has caused the rebels to fight in Libya and Syria.
In the UK we do have housing, we do have benefits, we do have an NHS, we do have clothes and food and hospitals and schools, and and and and and and and ...you know exactly what kind of a society we live in - we have those forms of "wealth" - we do not have a dictatorship / government /ruling body killing us if we disagree with what they say - as is happening in Syria and Libya - we don't.
We don't have tanks bombarding the hell out of our citizens for stealing a pack of gum or 12 bottles of water - heck, we had police who stood on the streets in their thousands, the majority unarmed - to try and keep peace - not set up a warzone.
Your comparisons are not the same. I do not and will not believe that you can compare the two.
We may feel our government has a stranglehold over us - but then we don't live in Wonderland do we and we haven't claimed to - and I don't know any country that is perfect, let alone the USA after the shennanigans over the last week with your voting for bills - but we do have a democracy and we are doing the best to address it through addressing the corruption within the government/media etc, as best we can.
We do not have "rebels" on our streets willing to die for their looting spree - however, we have communities coming together after a rioting spree where 5 people died; after idiots torched places for "the fun of it" because they could, who have pushed over wheely bins and set fire to them and smashed windows and taken phones and electrical goods and so forth, gangs joining together - honour amongst thieves!!! BUT NOT "rebels" in the street fighting to live, to keep their families from being raped and murdered because they speak out, who are to trying overthrow the dicatorships in their countries.
Many of those gangs who were involved I would hazard a guess to say that they had illegal guns on them. I didn't see them using them to shoot our officers. I do see the rebels in Libya who are fighting for their lives tho and people dying every day.
I believe you show a lack of respect to what our forces who are sent to these countries do and the reasons they do it. That surprises me as your wife is in the military. The job they are doing would NOT be done on the streets of the USA when you have riots.
Oh, I'm too tired right now to even make a decent argument.
I think you are wrong and have refuted your argument. It simply is beyond me.
We have a voting system in the UK - just as you do in the US - and tho it isn't perfect, it's still a democracy.
I simply cannot agree with you that in the UK we have 'rebels' that equate to the rebels in Libya, Syria etc.