Sorry Boida.....haven't been around here much in the last few days.
Woollies good....bit bored because I got a bit tired and pained after a very nasty tooth extraction.
Woollies Currently enjoying the fact that the place has turned into an obstacle course as I rearrange furniture....have a large Chinese cabinet that has become surplus to need that I hope I can get into the shed with my trusty sack truck before Sunday when I have guests! Also hoping I can get current dining setting out into the shed and replace it with one of my outdoor settings until the new dining stuff comes off lay by!
Am pissed off because all the plants I struggled to get into the back garden over the last few months are just sitting and sulking....not really growing! Place looks ridiculous! They are even hard to fertilise because the garden is mixed native and non native, and non native fertiliser kills natives.
Woollies have been running races over, between and onto the obstacle course.
Sebastian has proven himself a true Australian man. A friend came over on Thursday night to pick up some moving boxes from the shed....I took the opportunity to bring Sebastian along to show her where they were. He took to the shed like....well, an Australian man! When offered a walk, he wouldn't leave the shed. My boy has become an Aussie Bloke. Soon he'll be demanding a beer fridge out there.
Viola appears to be becoming more playful as she gets older. She amuses herself greatly with all manner of imaginary toys and skitters around the house pretending to be a fierce panther. Very amusing until her latest habit of pouncing on my nose manifests itself. Sadly I can't find the claw clippers. I think they have conspired to hide them.