At the moment one is a miracle Set!
She stinks of liver cat food....worst kiss I ever had with her!
Sebastian is adjusting....begun to lick her....both hanging around a thick towel I have placed under the heating. She is SO happy to use the scratchers!
It's hard...apart from the shaving and sore places from the drips, and being all curly from the wet cloth after she covered herself and all of us with liver cat food she looks almost normal....except her pupils are wildly dilated.
I am leaving them to settle by the heating...cat heaven!
She has already given me her lovely somersault greeting.
The vet said that, since she has come to trust all the staff, they can do almost everything they need to do with her without holding her....when they have to hold her, she fights...but guess what....her claws stay in and she never bites.