Worrying about Sebastian. Don't want the little guy to be sick. You'll let us know what the vet says, won't you. Viola is always in the back of my worry spot. Sorry to hear that she's still coughing.
As for her gymnastic endeavors, I give the goil a ten. I think cats like to challenge themselves physically. It's like making a wilderness out of the indooors.
I'm not worried about the boots. Patty liked to sleep in one of my boots. No harm done, and Miranda couldn't reach her there.
I'm eh. Bad knee pain. Don't know what the hell happened. I found a way to walk without too much pain.
That cognitive therapy has had some positive effect. I'm stunned. I also haven't kvetched much in a long time. If the gift of kvetch is gone, so be it.
Enjoy the painful massage, deb. The result is worth the discomfort, I guess.