snowsquall moving in off the Rockies, view from kitchen window Sunday 01/25/04 1:33 pm 38 degrees
A couple of new snow storms headed this way.
86 degrees with 61% humidity and 12 mph winds
Feels Like: 0°F
Wind: E at 15 mph
temps aren't bad
around -10 C
we're expecting 25 - 55 cm of snow over the next 24 - 36 hours.
30 cm is roughly 1 foot. sooooooooooo up to 2 feet of snow have been forecast
If we got that much snow around here Anarchy would reign....

Hey!!! I could get out and loot me up a new jet ski for next spring....
Second round of freezing rain has started up in southeastern NC. I too fully expect a power outage. Have a kerosene heater as backup though.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:If we got that much snow around here Anarchy would reign....

Hey!!! I could get out and loot me up a new jet ski for next spring....

Excellent thinking BPB!! There's no such thing as bad weather, just yet unspoken opportunities!
This just in...
Swell. And I've got to work 3pm to 12pm this week. I may have to dig my way INTO my driveway.
Snowing here now. 26 degrees F. Fortunately, it does not appear to be sticking to the pavement...yet. Waiting to see what happens tonight. Will probably have icy patches tomorrow.
George - you do mean 3pm to 12am - right?
If your temperature reads higher in celsius than mine does in fahrenheit, I don't want to hear about it, pondscum.
Partly cloudy. Light snow.
WIND GUSTS N 15 km/h
PRESSURE 103.45 kPa
CEILING 6000 ft
Put it this way, -40 degrees is the same in both C and F measurements.
I am freezin' my @$$ off here!
pretty decent day. waves are just right to surf. i just might go across the street to catch a few waves if the water isn't too cold.
pueo: Enough! I'm ready to move back to Hawai`i right now!
pueo: Stick an ice cube between your "cheeks" so you can feel our pain. *grins*