The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 17 Apr, 2011 07:22 am
Even though the Modern Conservative Movement began during the baby boomers generation as the an extremist political movement most American have no idea that many of the founders and even the father of the Modern Conservative Movement were communist intellectuals. The communist intellectuals founded the Modern Conservative Movement on their deep and abiding hate of the American government. Hate is always much easier to sell to an angry dissatisfied people then love. In politic messages directed to the emotional mind are always more effective than messages directed to the rational mind. Hitler said:

“Faith is harder to shake then knowledge, love succumbs less to change than respect, hate is more enduring than aversion, and the impetus to the mightiest upheavals on earth has at all times consisted less in scientific knowledge dominating the masses than in a fanaticism which inspired them and in a hysteria which drove them forward.”
The statistics don’t lie America has been in a state of decline since Modern Conservatives gained political power in the 80s. An American couple now works 32 more hours a week than their father did alone 30 years and have less to show for it. The ungodly greedy, the top 1/100 of 1%, income increases $13,400 for every dollar the bottom 99% of Americans increase. That is not a comparison to the poor or even the middle class but to 99% of Americans. If this difference were displayed on a bar graph the bottom 99% would be represented by 1/8 of n inch while the ungodly greedy income increase would need a bar 62 feet, more than a six story building.

One of the founders of the Modern Conservative Movement was Whitaker Chambers a communist and Nazi spy prior to WWII. Comrade Chambers was a personal favorite of Ronald Reagan. Reagan stated that Comrade Chambers was responsible for his political epiphany that changed his politics from New Deal Democrat to Commie/Conservative. Reagan later awarded Comrade Chambers the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest award and American civilian can be awarded, equivalent to the Military Medal of Honor. Reagan did this with the full knowledge that Comrade Chambers was a spy who turned over America’s most precious military secrets to both the Communists and the Nazis. Comrade Chambers turned over the secret plans to our battleships and a bombing site that made our bombers bombs much more accurate. Tens of thousands of America died in WWII because of the military secrets turned over to the Nazis prior to WWII. Comrade Chambers should have been executed not made a National Hero and role model by Reagan.

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Reply Sun 17 Apr, 2011 09:25 am
Nonsense... This country has been in decline from the moment it was formed when it denied the tyranny of kings but accepted the tyranny of individuals for out of individuals, king are made... It simply allowed to much to the rich, and to the slaveocracy; demanded the Civil War from the start, but denied it until it could be denied no more.... Our first finest moment was in the Declaration of Independence, and our second finest moment was in the Gettysburg Address, and not either of these documents has touched upon the reality set in motion by the constitution with its lofty aims and groveling execution...

The old masters are yet served, and revolution is still demanded, and what you say you cannot prove, since communists have always subscribed to the view of Aristotle, that governments are formed for good... Our government was formed to expedite profit in the view of those who manage it... But clearly, they have not read the purpose for which we the people wrote it, which makes no reference to profit...
Reply Sun 17 Apr, 2011 11:03 am
If the problem that u allege
actually existed, then Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley, Jr,
J. Edgar Hoover & Reagan woud have sounded the alarm.

I do not see a problem with using EX-communists,
who know how evil communism was.

We WON the 3rd World War.

Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 05:03 am

Again statistic don’t lie the 30 years prior to the commie/conservatives grabbing political power life for the middle got much better during the biggest prolonged economic expansion in American history As soon as Greedism became the controlling political philosophy the country started down hill rapidly. In Greedism as in Reagan’s “Trickle Down Economics” government should be used to put all of America’s wealth in the hands of the ungodly greedy, then it could “trickle down” to the rest of Americans. I lived in America when it was a far better place before Americans worshiped the Golden Idol of Greed.

After college I took a job that was one of the worst paying jobs in town many of the other employees were criminals, murders and thieves, this was their first job out of prison, it was a government job. Now that same job pays $4 an hour less (after it is adjusted for inflation)then it did 37 years ago. It is now one of the bettering paying jobs. That is how much worse America has got in just one generation. Is the economic pie any smaller? Are the American people producing less? No the GNP is much bigger and American people produce much more but the economic pie is now cut to reflect American new official religion Greedism. In Greedism is similar to a lottery the winner should take all and to hell with the rest of Americans.
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 06:41 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
If the problem that u allege
actually existed, then Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley, Jr,
J. Edgar Hoover & Reagan woud have sounded the alarm.

I do not see a problem with using EX-communists,
who know how evil communism was.

We WON the 3rd World War.

Have u NO COMMENT, Zardoz ??
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 09:02 am
Zardoz wrote:


Again statistic don’t lie the 30 years prior to the commie/conservatives grabbing political power life for the middle got much better during the biggest prolonged economic expansion in American history As soon as Greedism became the controlling political philosophy the country started down hill rapidly. In Greedism as in Reagan’s “Trickle Down Economics” government should be used to put all of America’s wealth in the hands of the ungodly greedy, then it could “trickle down” to the rest of Americans. I lived in America when it was a far better place before Americans worshiped the Golden Idol of Greed.

After college I took a job that was one of the worst paying jobs in town many of the other employees were criminals, murders and thieves, this was their first job out of prison, it was a government job. Now that same job pays $4 an hour less (after it is adjusted for inflation)then it did 37 years ago. It is now one of the bettering paying jobs. That is how much worse America has got in just one generation. Is the economic pie any smaller? Are the American people producing less? No the GNP is much bigger and American people produce much more but the economic pie is now cut to reflect American new official religion Greedism. In Greedism is similar to a lottery the winner should take all and to hell with the rest of Americans.

Your opinions do not seem to be the product of a college edufication...
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 03:31 pm
Many of the older Neo-cons started out as young Trokskyites in the late '40's and '50's, e.g., Jean Kirkpatrick and Paul Wolfeson.

Kirkpatick stated
"Traditional authoritarian governments are less repressive than revolutionary autocracies."

Which is kith and kin to what Max Schactman, Troksky's English literary translator, stated when he rebelled against the Stalin show trials in the late '30's and who argued that the Stalinist bureaucracy was following an imperialist policy in Eastern Europe and concluded that the Soviet bureaucracy had become a new ruling class in a society he called "bureaucratic collectivist."

One could readily say that the major impedice for such strongly held anti-communist attitudes in these people were the experiences they had fighting their fellow socialists over the control of the Socialist movement against Soviet domination in the late '30's and '40's.

As for Schactman, who thought that the Soviet Union was far worse than the Western capitalistic societies since the former was less capable of positive change for the workers, he actually supported the war in Vietnam.
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 05:59 pm

William Buckley was not only Whitaker Chambers employer but he was a close personal friend of the Communist/Nazi spy and attended Chambers 100 birthday comeration in the Whitehouse. Buckley surrounded himself with the other communist intellectuals as well and he made them editors of his magazine. These included Frank Meyer, the Father of the Modern Conservative Movement and James Burnham, Wildmoore Kendall. Frank Meyer was thrown out of England because of trying to start a communist revolution there.

Buckley just admired greed as his only true moral value and thought he could use the communist intellectuals but in the end the communist intellectuals used Buckley to further their agenda.

Goldwater was just a dupe being used to further the communist intellectuals agenda.

The lifetime ambition of the communist intellectuals was the destruction of the American government. The communist intellectuals had only to look at world history to realize that the politics of greed was the unstoppable force that would destroy America.

The conservative philosophy of Greedism comes to America from Russia with love, via Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, a Russian who watched the communist revolution from her window.

At the heart of conservatism lies all these communist intellectuals and a Russian philosopher, Goldwater decided consciously or unconsciously to be the communist intellectuals puppet on a string, the communists intellectuals philosophy simply dictated his actions just as the follower of the Christian philosophy actions are dictated by that philosophy. .
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2011 06:03 pm
One thing which can always be said for this site is that the entertainment value never flags.
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 03:54 am
Zardoz wrote:

William Buckley was not only Whitaker Chambers employer but he was a close personal friend
of the Communist/Nazi spy and attended Chambers 100 birthday comeration in the Whitehouse.
What is the problem with employing knowledgable EX-communists or EX-nazis ??

All my life, I have been very committed to supporting GREED
and I have been PASSIONATELY ANTI-communist.
I remain constant in my support of greed
and fervently anti-socialist, of ANY kind of socialist.
I have always LOVED laissez faire capitalism and greed (not stinginess).

I know a communist woman, named Eve, who I find very magneticly attractive.
We already WON the 3rd World War; having her for a friend is OK; not dangerous, because the war is over.

Zardoz wrote:
Buckley surrounded himself with the other communist intellectuals as well and he made them editors of his magazine.
These included Frank Meyer, the Father of the Modern Conservative Movement and James Burnham, Wildmoore Kendall.
Frank Meyer was thrown out of England because of trying to start a communist revolution there.
I do not know the biografies of ALL of them, but again: I see no reason to shun EX-commies, nor EX-nazis.

Zardoz wrote:
Buckley just admired greed as his only true moral value
Well, he knew the history of America
and that each citizen was free to accumulate as much property
as possible. He and I both supported that freedom
and the wisdom of accumulating large amounts of property.

Zardoz wrote:
and thought he could use the communist intellectuals but in the end
the communist intellectuals used Buckley to further their agenda.
Communism has gone out of business.
As of Christmas Eve of 1991, no USSR has existed.
WE WON; thay lost.

Zardoz wrote:
Goldwater was just a dupe being used to further the communist intellectuals agenda.
U appear to be hallucinating.

Zardoz wrote:
The lifetime ambition of the communist intellectuals was the destruction of the American government.
The communist intellectuals had only to look at world history to realize that the politics of greed
was the unstoppable force that would destroy America.
Well, obviously and natuarally, greed is good human nature; it is the normal thing to DO.

Zardoz wrote:
The conservative philosophy of Greedism comes to America from Russia with love,
via Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, a Russian who watched the communist revolution from her window.
NONSENSE. We were greedy long b4 1917.
Greed is normal; there is a mental disorder of anyone who is not greedy.

Zardoz wrote:
At the heart of conservatism lies all these communist intellectuals and a Russian philosopher,
Conservatism in American ideology means being orthodox
in non-deviance from the US Constitution, which provides for freedom of greed.

Zardoz wrote:
Goldwater decided consciously or unconsciously to be the communist intellectuals puppet on a string,
the communists intellectuals philosophy simply dictated his actions just as the follower of the Christian philosophy
actions are dictated by that philosophy.
Your writings are unrelated to reality.


Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 05:36 am

There was a WWI and WWII but there was no WWIII but in the senile mind of a B movie actor and his communist intellectual heroes. What happened was Russia went bankrupt fighting an elective war in Afghanistan. Russia fired a shot in WWIII and neither did we, Russia simply made went bankrupt. That would be like your neighbor going bankrupt and you taking credit for something you had nothing to do with. Many countries have went bankrupt, just as many people have went bankrupt but this is the first in history anyone claimed credit for a war that took place only in the imagination of the communist intellectuals.

Neuroscientists can now literally watch thought take place with the fMRI. Our understanding of the human brain has taken a quantum leap in our lifetime. Neuroscientist now know that brains are literally grown and shaped by the very thoughts we chose to think. When you decide to become communist you literally grow a communist brain. Each thought you think forges synaptic connects in your brain, each time you run that thought through your mind those connections grow stronger but that is not all that happens. The opposite path atrophies and becomes weaker so you physical lose the ability to even entertain thoughts that are counter to your philosophy, No doubt you can go into McDonalds and change your mind about having a Big Mac and have a Quarter Pounder. Changing your mind about your philosophy would be like changing the length of your arm. The communist intellectuals deep and abiding hate of the American government runs through Conservatism like a raging river.

Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 06:08 am
Zardoz wrote:


There was a WWI and WWII but there was no WWIII
The HELL, there wasn't.
I guess u were not paying much attention.

Zardoz wrote:
Neuroscientists can now literally watch thought take place with the fMRI. Our understanding of the human brain has taken a quantum leap in our lifetime. Neuroscientist now know that brains are literally grown and shaped by the very thoughts we chose to think. When you decide to become communist you literally grow a communist brain. Each thought you think forges synaptic connects in your brain, each time you run that thought through your mind those connections grow stronger but that is not all that happens. The opposite path atrophies and becomes weaker so you physical lose the ability to even entertain thoughts that are counter to your philosophy, No doubt you can go into McDonalds and change your mind about having a Big Mac and have a Quarter Pounder. Changing your mind about your philosophy would be like changing the length of your arm.
Yeah? Then how did Boris Yeltsin manage to repudiate communism ???????
Did he change the length of his arm ????
Many commies have changed their minds.
Many nazis have changed their minds, even ex-Hitler Youth.

Zardoz wrote:
The communist intellectuals deep and abiding hate of the American government
runs through Conservatism like a raging river.
I have not noticed anything of that nature.
U r welcome to call my attention to whatever u want, if u want.
I was a libertarian conservative long b4 Goldwater got nominated for President in 1964. I worked for him.

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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 06:57 am

My major was in Mechanical and Electrical engineering. Mathematics was my minor, of the 155 hours only 6 of those hours were required in English. In high school I went through a 3 ½ year program on electronic theory that required a summer semester. I was dyslexic before there was a word for it, so the order of letters I see and that you see may be different from time to time.

After college I returned to take business law before becoming union President of the Union in my twenties and then continued to take labor law. But most of my education comes from my library which is in 17’ by 10’ room, it is extremely will stocked. Recently I have had to begining giving away books to make room for new ones. I read continually and when I am in the car I take different University classes on tape. The best university professors are available to anyone on tape at your local library for free.

I will tell you like I told OmSigDAVID on another topic, you have heard of speed dating, welcome to speed posting. I usually post in the 15 minutes before work after I get through lifting weights and eating breakfast. An old lady I know went to greet a young woman that had moved into her neighborhood. When the young woman came to the door she warned the older woman that she liked beer and men and there were going to be plenty of both. I don’t proof read and there are going to be mistakes and there are going to be plenty of them. My ego is not tied up in the anal retentive knot that many people go through life with.
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 07:22 am
Setanta, stay tuned it is about to get better, You will notice that this thread is titled “The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI.” There are five threads that proceeded it and it has been on the internet for three continuous years with over 300,000 hits some, days it had 5,000 hits. I have argued with people round the world. If you searched for a few key terms it listed near the top of all the major search engines. I don’t know whether it was a record for one topic but it should be in the top few.
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 07:45 am
Not to put too fine a point on it, i don't give a rat's ass.

EDIT: But far be it from me to rain on your ego parade . . . carry on . . .
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 08:04 am
Kuvas, there was indeed a split in communist movement, in politic there will always be divisions even in local party politics. Of course the communist movement fractured into the Trotskyists and the Stalinists. Just as the key board provides us with an interface to our computer our emotional minds provides us interface to the world. Everyone sees the world somewhat differently, through the lens of their self-interest. In politics self-interest should never be underestimated as a motive.

I will have to admit that in three years of research those names have not come up yet. Kirkpatrick and Wolfeson. Did you mean possible mean Paul Wolfowitz? I could not find any information on Wolfeson except as an executive. Kirkpatrick involvement seems to be somewhat fleeting, a youthful folly. However Wolfowitz grew up in hot bed of Jewish communism but I have found nothing this morning to link him to the Communists.

A lot of people were pulled into the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in the 60s but they were simply followers in contrast to the hard core communist intellectuals who devoted their lives to destroying the American government.
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 08:21 am
Setanta wrote:
Not to put too fine a point on it, i don't give a rat's ass.
That 's probably just as well; I bet u most likely don 't have one, anyway.

(but, its none of my business)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 08:29 am
OmSigDAVID, I try to answer each reply but sometimes I run behind five or six pages. This was a rough weekend. My wife was operated on last Friday. The operation wasn’t serious but she is somewhat immobile. This means I have to take over her duties and routines. I try to reply in order but may scroll past and occasional miss a post.

I am a tri-athlete and the training takes up a lot of time in addition this time of year. I also have three acres of hills that must be cut. I may be a little slow in replying but I will get there. I was on vacation when I started on this board and now I am back on vacation today because of my wives surgery.
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 08:35 am
If you ever want to commit suicide, i'd suggest you jump from the top of your ego . . . you'll starve to death on the way down.

As Anatole France put it, if a million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. That thousands of people (or so you allege) read your posts online is not evidence that there's any merit in your screed. Additionally, you don't know how many of those people read a few lines, laugh, and move on. It really is not relevant telling us about your athletic pursuits, but it's not more irrelevant than retailing your allegations about how many people read this drivel.
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 08:37 am
Zardoz wrote:
OmSigDAVID, I try to answer each reply but sometimes I run behind five or six pages. This was a rough weekend. My wife was operated on last Friday. The operation wasn’t serious but she is somewhat immobile. This means I have to take over her duties and routines. I try to reply in order but may scroll past and occasional miss a post.

I am a tri-athlete and the training takes up a lot of time in addition this time of year. I also have three acres of hills that must be cut. I may be a little slow in replying but I will get there. I was on vacation when I started on this board and now I am back on vacation today because of my wives surgery.
I wish your wife a swift, effortless recovery of robustly good health !

Good luck with the cutting, etc.

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