The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 01:39 pm

There is no such thing as an ex-communists, you are talking about being able to physically change the structure of their brain. Why did the communist intellectuals, who had devoted their entire lives to the communist party and suddenly become the anti-communist communists? Like the anti-gay gay mayor of one town, it was politically expedient. What was going on in America? A red scare that was being manipulated by the capitalist and a drunk named Joe McCarthy was conducting a witch hunt for communists that rivaled the Spanish Inquisition. The John Birch Society saw communist under every rock except the communists they were in business with, until they were purged for being to anti-communist by the communists intellectuals in their own radical right political movement.

I spent 20 years driving a race car, my brain was wired by experience to handle situations at 135 mph. Cars don’t react the same way at speed. When a car goes out of control at that speed you have a very limited time to react before you hit something. A section of your brain is responsible for learning novel tasks but once they are learned they are relegated to an unconscious sections of the brain. Like riding a bicycle it is difficult at first keeping your balance but soon it comes naturally without conscious effort. One author dubs this the hidden brain. In multi-car pile up the conscious brain is way to slow, the hidden brain takes over and you just react. In twenty years of racing I never totaled a race out, I banged a few up but never killed a car. Still to this day when there is a near accident I react different than other drivers. I don’t use brakes as the first option, I always look for the clear path. Brakes are not of much use at 135 mph other than to get you rear ended. My insurance company has never paid a claim for me or my wife.

It been 15 years since I have been on a race track but the way those brain synapses are wired will stay with me for a lifetime just as the way those communists intellectuals brain synapses stay wired for their lifetime. The communist intellectuals song and dance for the public may have taken some people in but new understanding of the human brain casts more than a shadow of doubt on the sincerity of the anti-communist communists.

In politics no one is ever what they appear to be. There is a public personality on display for public consumption and there is a private personality that is driven by self-interest even though the individual may hide it from himself.

David you just think you are anti-communist, you are doing heir bidding. Just as some communists would have elected to use atomic bombs to destroy America, the communist intellectuals decided to use greed because it was America’s Achilles heel. Judo is so effective because it use the attackers own energy to destroy the enemy, the communist intellectuals watched as greed almost destroyed America once, they would make sure it would destroy it the next time. The communists intellectuals would reach up from their graves and pull America down into their graves with them.
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 04:07 pm
Yes, it was Paul Wolfowitz, who worked for Senator Scoop Jackson, an ardent anti-communist, but pro-labor Democrat from Washington (or Boeing, as some said in jest).

Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2011 11:56 pm
I suspect that u r harmless, but detached from reality.

It is too labor intensive and I'm too lazy to address your errors individually.

I am satisfied that we won the 3rd World War on Christmas Eve of 1991, despite your protestations to the contrary.

Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2011 07:55 am

False modesty becomes no one, it is just another lie. Many of the people I found that make a public display of false modesty are conmen, who use it to make their victim believe he has the upper hand. I have put everyone of them in jail that I could. Honesty may be the best bet policy but most are more comfortable with the lie.
“As Anatole France put it, if a million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. That thousands of people (or so you allege) read your posts online is not evidence that there's any merit in your screed. Additionally, you don't know how many of those people read a few lines, laugh, and move on. It really is not relevant telling us about your athletic pursuits, but it's not more irrelevant than retailing your allegations about how many people read this drivel.”

Most people don’t realize that our eyes are designed as much as filters as sensors, our eyes see only a portion of the light spectrum and likewise our ears hear only a portion of the sound spectrum. But the best filter of all is the brain which can filter out any and all facts that are counter to the their particular world view. Personal reality is all that really exists as each of us experiences reality differently. Eight blind men were led to a elephant and asked to describe it. One grabbed the tail and said an elephant was like a rope. Another got a hold of its leg and said and elephant was like a tree. Another came up against its side and said an elephant was like a wall. Each blind man would have filtered out the other blind men’s view of the elephant because of their experience view the elephant from different perspectives but when we decide to filter out the fact that others have found we make a conscious decision to remain blind. None are so blind as those that refuse to to the dirty

If you believe the communist intellectuals did not exist or did not found the Modern Conservative Movement don’t take my word for it. Look them up on the internet, read their books, they were intellectuals and were extremely proud of being communists not one ever denied the fact, even though some wrote under their communist name. Most took communist wives, the communist party assigned you a wife in some cases to watch you.

The little Russian princes, Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, believed herself superior in every way to the dirty, illiterate Americans she found when she came to America.. Zinov’yevna was born and educated in mother Russia.
________ _____________________________________________________________
“Because they are a bunch of miserable children who struggle to remain alive, desperately and very badly, while I-- don’t even notice the burden.“

Zinov’yevna from her book “Atlas Shrugged
This is the Russian’s explanation for greed, that most Americans are nothing but miserable children that are taken care by the ungodly greedy. Much like the rationalization for slavery, that slaves are really just children and the slave master is doing them a favor to keep care of them. Everything old is new again.

Most people might read a time or two for amusement but not essentially one topic for three years. The conservatives organized a boycott and stopped writing thinking the readership would go down, so I more or less wrote it solo for a month. The readership didn’t go down it quadrupled until the conservatives returned to responding.

Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2011 08:15 am
I didn't mention false modesty. I'm pointing out that your athletic pursuits are not germane to your screed. I'm further pointing out that your wife's health problems are not germane to this silly screed. I will go further than that and point out that the tasks you allege you have to complete are not germane to this screed.

People here commonly start threads on their athletic pursuits. People here commonly start threads about their own health problems, or the health problems of their loved ones. They don't discuss abstruse political allegations on threads about athletic pursuits nor about health problems, because they are not germane. I believe that you have posted these remarks, and more than once, because you want to preen yourself on the excellence of your life's endeavors, to make yourself look like some kind of contemporary renaissance man, some kind of heroic figure. None of those comments are germane to your silly thesis, none of them do anything to support or establish your claims.

Now your are attempting straw man arguments. At no time did i state or imply that i don't believe that communist intellectuals do or ever did exist. Since you have no argument against what i have written, you manufacture more bullshit to argue against. That's the essence of a straw man argument. Given that you don't know who has read what of your silly screed, for what purpose or with what reaction, it is pointless do address your unsubstantiated allegations about the excellence of your online posting history.
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2011 08:26 am

Unlike the communists intellectuals who referred themselves as Conservatives and migrated to the radical right the neoconservatives migrated to the center left and tried to gain control but they were never able to establish a beachhead in the Democratic party or gain political control of the party unlike the communists who gained political control of the Republican party. After the communist intellectuals like Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz realized they would never control the democratic party they coined the word neoconservatives and joined their fellow comrades on the radical right. Wolfowitz was one of the key people in the Bush administration that was responsible for costing America $3 trillion for a needless war in Iraq. I will try and research Wolfowitz further because when you uncover one communist intellectual you find several more.

A disproportionate number of the communist intellectuals migrated to the radical right and later their comrades later found that their political views were better represented by the radical right.
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2011 11:39 am
The commom streak was a penchant for authoritarianism. Seemly, the farther to the Left one goes, the more like the Right they become, and vice versa.
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2011 08:15 pm

Most people think of the political spectrum as a straight line with the radical right on one end and the radical left on the other, it is not. The political spectrum is best represented by a circle. The radical right is not opposite the radical left on the circle but they almost meet on one side of the circle. This is why it was so easy for the communist intellectuals to migrate to the radical right.

Often the working models we use are wrong, it is like trying to work a jigsaw puzzle with the wrong picture.
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2011 09:39 pm
Oddly, your remarks about the political spectrum as a circle is precisely what Setanta, Seydlitz89, McHeath, Old Dog, Flasalle, and I discussed over ten years ago on the New York Times site called Abuzz, which was the precursor of the current site you are on now. If you want a discussion on this topic you ought to post about the political spectrum as a circle and you will be surprized at the conversation you stir up.

Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2011 06:40 am

I am new to this board and I believe my source for the political spectrum being a circle might be the author Jonathan’s Chait’s “The Big Con.” I will try and locate the exact passage and quote it. I see that your circle is somewhat different than others as it locates conservatism opposite of communism and it leaves The Modern Conservative Movement, that was founded by the communist intellectuals, entirely out. Politics is the art of fraud, there is absolutely no truth in labeling, when the communist intellectuals founded the Modern Conservative Movement there was no one there to say no you can’t use that word, you are communists. Americans are used to having their games refereed and they are at a disadvantage when they are not.

Most Americans are not familiar with the long and proud history of Conservatives in America. The original conservatives sided with England during the Revolutionary War and did everything in their power as traitors to stop America from every becoming an independent country. After the war was won the Conservatives homes and businesses, those that aided the English were burned to the ground and they were expelled back to the English King they wanted to live under. The communist intellectuals were familiar with American history and I believe they chose the term Conservatives in the original context of traitor.

The term Modern Conservative Movement is certainly not conservatism in any real sense of the word so your circle omits one of the largest political movements in the last 30 years. The meaning of word conservatism is so broad it has no real meaning any longer.
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2011 06:50 am
" . . . every becoming?"

Zardoz has spoken.

Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2011 03:23 pm
You really are one dumb prick, Setanta! Your posts are loaded with typos, yet you have the temerity to pull this exceedingly cheap trick.

Zardos, Setanta does this all the time. Get used to dealing with a petulant child.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 04:57 am

Very good, I use to post under that screen name when I first started posting 10 years ago. It took many years before the other posters got curious and figured out the reference, of course I spelled it Zardous.
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Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 05:41 am

One of the reason you see so many children on drugs today is they never develop a healthy self-concept. Many go through their entire lives with a damaged self-concept and never find their potential; they continually rely on the judgment of others. The fact is there are externally motivated people and internally motivated people, an argument can be made that there is a genetic factor involved. Externally motivated continually look to the herd to validate their self concept, they have no way of maintaining their self-concept internally. Internally motivated people develop a healthy self-concept and rely on their own judgment. Someone must have beat you up really bad and I don’t mean physically, and you were unable to draw the line between the two of you and took it to heart. Pain bleeds through your posts

The reason that I mentioned both my wife’s health problems and the athletic pursuits was because OmSigDAVID was upset that I had not responded to his post and he had reposted it. Playing, step and fetch it and learning to use all the household machinery has cut into my computer time. I also believe a healthy body is the way to healthy mind. Life’s experiences provide everyone with a unique philosophy of life and sometimes a little color helps understand where someone is coming from.

The argument is not that communist intellectuals existed but that they founded the Modern Conservative Movement. It is not really an argument as much as reciting the actual facts that most people are unfamiliar with. If most people looked closely at the history of the Modern Conservative Movement there would be far fewer members of the Modern Conservative Movement. If you go back in history and watch as the communist intellectuals formulate the Modern Conservative Philosophy you can see it for what it actually is, the philosophy of hate, the hate of those who’s dreams of communist America were rejected.
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Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 05:55 am
People can and do routinely wait hours, days, weeks for a reply online. In fact, your first mention of your alleged athletic endeavors came on Tuesday, two days after David had asked if you were going to respond to his post. What's more, it came in response to a post by David in which he did not ask if you were going to respond to his post. You have subsequently bragged about your athletic endeavors again. They are not germane to the thread--you just like to talk about yourself.

I said that i did not doubt that communist intellectuals exist in response to one of your typically opaque remarks, so i don't need to have any didactic crap from you about what the idiotic thesis of this thread is. I don't buy it, and i strongly suspect that you are a typical American self-described libertarian who doesn't think anyone is ideologically pure with regard to political conservatism but yourself. I don't buy that, either.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 06:47 am

When did you lean to spell? As a child? When you leaned to ride a bike did you have trainer wheels? The purpose of writing and the only purpose is communication. Spelling was just a form of training wheels. The anally retentive hold on ruthlessly to the idea that exact spelling is some sort of reflection of intelligence, sort of a red badge of courage. Spelling is nothing more or less than a memory trick. If you every read anything by Einstein or other intelligent people, you will find missing words and other mistakes, that were corrected in parentheses. Authors employee anally retentive proof readers for a reason and even then I have found mistakes. I would simply rather communicate 10 ideas with poor spelling than one poor idea with excellent spelling.

Some people’s ego is so fragile that someone pointing out a spelling mistake would embarrass them so bad that they would never post again and that is a shame because they are the very ones that might provide a different view point. Poets and songwriters take liberties not only with spelling but the pronunciations and still they communicate their message effectively.

If you look back through history there was no such thing as standard spelling people spelled words as they wanted only when the anal retentive got control of the English language did standardized spelling become accepted. Standardized spelling is a relatively recent development in the history of language.

Most realize that if you step on a crack you are not going to break your mothers back, likewise if you misspell a word your English teacher isn’t going to chew you out anymore.

Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 07:10 am
You don't have to explain all those language/spelling/writing issues to me, Zardos. I'm well aware of those.

I'm also well aware that it is one of Setanta's favorite tricks to pull up some picayune examples as he did with your typo, 'every'. It was just a warning that this is Setanta.
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Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 07:56 am

For the most part I try to answer one post a day. Sometime the thread will just take off and it is impossible to keep up. I worked Monday but I took the rest of the week and next week off on vacation. Looking back I see I missed another of OmSigDAVID posts.

I realize most people that post are trying to stay hidden. The most popular screen name in town was anonymous. To start with you could chose a name each time you posted. But over the last 5 years I had posted under my real name locally. When I am out of town for races I usually let my readers know why there was no posts those weekends.

Most people form their personal reality from a small portion of available facts. When they are shown facts that are not consistent with their worldview, they are faced with a choice, to modify their worldview to be consistent with the new facts or disregard the new facts. Given the choice most people will disregard any and all facts that show their worldview is wrong. Their worldview becomes a part of them and they will defend like their arm or leg.

We know that there are viruses like the flu that spread from one person to another. We also know there are computer viruses that spread from one computer to another. Scientists now believe that brain viruses can spread very much the same way computer viruses spread from contact from one infected mind to another. There is no doubt that Whitaker Chambers was sick, a talented writer, but sick. You cannot read his biography or autobiography without noting that fact. Whitaker Chambers, after many years service as a communist spy, was a writer for Time Magazine, like Typhoid Mary he was in a position to spread his sickness across America.

Chambers got his economic theory from One Eyed Annie pimp. One Eyed Annie plied her trade on the riverboats in New Orleans. Chambers had a thing for Annie pimp. Chambers was young an impressionable and One Eyed Pimp made quite an impression on his thinking. One Eyed Annie Pimp explained to Chambers “the wisdom of the deep slums” that was later to becomes the bases for the Conservative economic theory for America.
Wisdom of the deep slums—a jungle theory of individualism, where a man was merely a phallic symbol, as strong as his power to attract women, or pull a knife or a gun on the rest of life which was naturally prey.”

From “Whitaker Chambers a Biography” by Sam Tanenhaus
America has become like that pimp, the Ungodly Greedy have got every penny in increased GNP over the last 30 years. The bottom 99% of Americans did not gain by any of their increased production and have less to show for their labor. The ungodly greedy have become America’s pimps.

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Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 08:35 am

I can understand that you feel that your personal reality is threatened. You begin to understand that you are standing on weak and shifting sand not solid ground you supposed. The founders of Modern Conservative Movement were indeed rugged individualists but they were communist individualists.
“I suspect that u r harmless, but detached from reality.”

I have no trouble listing thousands of undisputable fact to back my argument up while you cling to your illusions manufactured by communist intellectuals. Reality is compossed of facts, not manufactured illusions.
“I am satisfied that we won the 3rd World War on Christmas Eve of 1991, despite your protestations to the contrary.”

I have seen no history book that reported a WWIII. What, no casulities in a World War? Only one comatant, a senile old move actor on a horse who fought no one. This is case of how effective communist a communist style propaganda network is. When Reagan abolished the Fairness Doctrine it paved the way for the establishment of a communist style propaganda network in America. For years America was protected from commie style propaganda networks but one of the first actions of the commie/conservative took power was the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine and lord knows the commie/conservatives hate Fairness in any form.

Who will have won WWIV when America goes bankrup? Osma binLadden?

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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2011 07:29 pm

A search for WWIII returns this from Wikipedia
“World War III (abbreviated as WWIII, also known as the Third World War) is the hypothetical future successor to World War II (1939–1945). In fiction, the war is often suggested to be nuclear and extremely devastating in nature.”
Hypothetical, it never took place but in fiction, the fiction from the commie/conservative party. This is how effective commie style propaganda network is, it haspeople like you beleving in fiction. America changed when Reagan eliminted the Fairness Doctrine, which led to the creation of the commie style propaganda in America.

Talk radio used to be call in radio from the audience now shows like the Rush Slimbaugh show are two hours and fiftry minutes of commie/conservative political indoctrination and one two 30 second calls from the audience but yet they bill them as call in shows.
You talk about Goldwaster have you ever read his book? If you read the Russian’s Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, political philosophy, Frank Meyer, the communist come father of the Modern Conservative Movement, Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan, they are like copies of Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum spit out of a copy machine. The Philolosophy is Greedism, Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, concieved it but Gold Water and Reagan pushed the Russian philosophy on America.

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