The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2011 07:54 pm

Were you born yesterday?
“If the problem that u allege
actually existed, then Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley, Jr,
J. Edgar Hoover & Reagan woud have sounded the alarm.”

Whitaker Chambers was the most investigated communist in America. The FBI spent years investigating Whitaker Chambers. The trial of the 20th century was not O J Simpson trial. It was the trial of Alger Hiss and Chambers was the communist spymaster who knew all the other communists in the spy ring. Reagan would have been aware of every dirty rotten thing Chambers did against Anmerica. But then Chambers wrote an autobiography which Reagan read and Reagan said that the Chambers book was responsible for his political epiphany and conversion from a New Deal Democrat to a commie/conservative. Then after Regan became president, he makes the communist spy master a national hero by awarding him Presidential Medal of Freedom. William Buckley was one of Chambers closest friends, Buckely made Chambers one of several communist editors of his Magazine “National Review”

J Egar Hoover was well aware that Chambers was a communist and Nazi spy. He never made an attempt to prosecute Chambers in anyway.

Dave, you can imagine anything you want but reality is indeed stranger then fiction. Most people can’t handle the truth it is so much easier to imagine life as you would like it to be
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2011 08:29 pm
Most people have herd of Ayn Rand but ask most people who Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum and they wouldn’t have a clue. Ayn Rand is an alais that Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum used to write under, Russians were less than popular in the 1950s America, children were still being taught to hide under their desk in drills at grade schools for fear of Russian atomic bombs. Their were bomb shelters on every corner with yellow triangles to let people know where to go when the inevitable happened and the Russian bombs started exploding. People built bomb shelters in their back yards and stocked them with food so they might survive the communist nuclear holocaust. Russia needed a bomb that would fly under the radar and arrive in America unnoticed, a Trojan Horse.

The Trojan Horse from the Communist Revloution washed up on America shores in 1926 and sure enoug the Americans went out and bought it in in the gates. Once inside the gates it was only a matter of time until the communist intellectuals would destroy America. The Trojan Horse? A sleeper that would not activate until a quarter century later, Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum.

Germ war fare? Hadn’t America invented it? American settlers gave blankets contaminated with smallpox to Indians. Whole Indian villages were wiped out. The germ that came from Russia was not virus of the body like small pox but a virus that acts on the mind, it easly spread, it is contangous and like smallpox it is fatal to America. The siren song of greed is irrestible but it lures all societies that listen to their death on the rocks.

If the Communists had attacked with bombs we would fight back, if their armyes invaded we would fight to the last man but like the smallpox to the Indians the killer was invisble to the naked eye, the victim does not suddenly in the blast of a bomb but slowly, a little at a time.

The question is can we fight back or is it too late. Greed nearly destroyed America once before in a Great Depression. America put a sin tax on excess wealth and it was eventually raised to 93% to control greed. This provided the longest economic expansion in our history it continued for 30 years.
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Reply Sun 24 Apr, 2011 05:01 pm
George Washington is considered the father of our country but Frank Meyer is considered the father of the Modern Conservative Movement. We teach our children about George Washington, why don’t commie/conservatives teach their children about the father of their political movement, the communist, Frank Meyer? At the point in Washington life where he was crossing the Delaware River in the Revolutionary war, Frank Meyer was crossing the Atlantic Ocean to start a communist revolution in jolly old England. George Washington becomes President of the United States but Frank Meyer, as an avowed communist becomes president of the London School of Economics student union.

After Meyer was thrown out of England for trying to start a communist revolution the communist party assigned him to the Chicago area. The communist party than appoints Meyer as its educational director in the Illinois-Indiana area. Because of the USSR alliance with Germany, Meyers and other American communists oppose America entry into the Second World War.

But one thing for sure conservative are sure that the communists know what is best for America, after all they would not have become followers of just any old communist.
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Reply Mon 25 Apr, 2011 06:53 am
OmSigDAVID, like the Russian, Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, believes that greed should be the moral force that governs America. Philosophers throughout history have known that greed is a sickness not a moral attribute. Now hard proof exists, the ungodly greedy score very high on the psychopath scale. A test has developed to help spot the psychopaths in our society. Many think of psychopaths as all being like Ted Bundy, who killed, beheaded and then raped his victims in that order, we know all people are not alike, we should never suppose that all psychopaths are alike or that their psychopathic pathology would be expressed in the same way. Serial killers like Bundy may indeed be the exception in the psychopaths range, the ungodly greedy may be far more common in the world of psychopaths. We all know Bundy was executed for his psychopathic tendencies, but many do not realize that throughout history the ungodly greedy were also executed for their psychopathic tendencies. We need only look to history to see that when greed runs it inevitable course, a revolution takes place and the ungodly greedy are executed for their crimes against mankind. In the French revolution the ungodly were put on a spit and cooked over an open flame and fed to their wives.

In America, instead of having a bloody revolution every few hundred years, we decide to control greed, before greed destroyed America. We can control serial killers by executing them or putting them in jail. But serial killers have little personal power, while the ungodly greedy wield a tremendous amount of power in our society. Money is simply liquid power, it used to purchases politicians and to buy special legislation to make the ungodly greedy even richer. If a country is to take on the ungodly greedy it must do it collectively and the target must be the pray of the ungodly greedy, money. If we can just take the victim, money, away from them psychopaths before they rape it, we can stop some of the damage.

The idea that the economic pie is unlimited is no more than an urban legend. The economic pie is composed of all the goods and services produced by all the citizens of a country. We know that in some countries that the ungodly greedy managed to get 99% of the economic pie while the other 99% of the people who produced that pie, got to divide up 1% of the pie among them. This is the point that a bloody revolution takes place and the ungodly greedy psychopaths join Ted Bundy in Hell.

How did America control greed? By taxing the ungodly greed at 93%. This led to the biggest economic expansion in American history, it lasted for 30 years and was essentially responsible for the creation of the American middle class. Serial killers like Bundy are put in prison to keep them away from their victims of choice, income tax, the sin tax levied on “excess wealth” does the same for the ungodly greedy, it keeps them from their intended victim.

In Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, book “Atlass Shrugged” she goes on a six-page rant on why greed is good. She casts Russia as America in her book, Robin Hood is her sworn enemy that she wants to wipe from the memory of men. What Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, did was put America on a bus with Freddie Kruger as the driver, a bus bound for hell.
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Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 07:00 am

Communism is no different than other political philosophies; all political philosophies develop different cliques. It is human nature that different interpretations of the same philosophy develop.
“Which is kith and kin to what Max Schactman, Troksky's English literary translator, stated when he rebelled against the Stalin show trials in the late '30's and who argued that the Stalinist bureaucracy was following an imperialist policy in Eastern Europe and concluded that the Soviet bureaucracy had become a new ruling class in a society he called "bureaucratic collectivist."

One could readily say that the major impedice for such strongly held anti-communist attitudes in these people were the experiences they had fighting their fellow socialists over the control of the Socialist movement against Soviet domination in the late '30's and '40's.”

It is important to remember that the Trotskysists remained communists, to be sure they were anti-Stalinists but not anti-communist. They still believed that utopian communist philosophy was the answer to the world’s ills. Every time I watch Fox News and see William Kristol, I realize that that man was raised as a communist, both his father, Irving Kristol, and mother were avowed communists and made a nice communist home to raise “little Bill.” There he sits on a television network owned by a foreigner, who is in the communist propaganda business with “The People Daily” in Red China. How easily the American people are taken in, PT Barnum said “There is a sucker born every minute.” It seems now it is millions born every moment. Fox News waves the red white and blue but just the red would be more appropriate. Reagan’s elimination of the Fairness Doctrine led to the establishment of Political Indoctrination Network runner by a foreigner that is in the propaganda business with the Red Chineses. He manufactures propaganda for the Red Chineses and then commes to America and manufactures propaganda for thecommie/conservative here. No foreigner who is in business with the Red Chinese should evey be allowed to use the public airways to diseminate propaganda in America.

I believe you have probably lived long enough to remember what America was like before the commie/conservative takeover in the 80s, can you say that America is better than it was in the 50s and 60s, or worse, far worse?

Kuvasz, from your comments, you seem to have been posting on this board for some time. I found the board on somewhat of a random search and have no idea of its history or where it is presently marketed. You made a remark about the board, being connected with the New York Times at one time. I have no idea what area this board is marketed in anything that you can tell me would be appreciated.

I am not ready to spin off a tangent about the circular nature of the political spectrum until I become more familiar with the landscape of the board. But I did run across a reference the other day of the extreme right and the extreme left cooperating before WWII both working to block America into the war.

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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2011 07:44 am
This generation’s experience of growing up in America was entirely different then those that followed them. We grew up in generation when most women didn’t work outside the home. There was a mother at home to watch over her children, now most children are thrown into a daycare center within a few weeks after birth. We cannot even entertain the illusion that a child gets the same quality of attention in daycare center with ten or twelve other small children, that a mother gave her own child. The formative years when a child is small forges the important synaptic connections that will determine who the child becomes. We know that babies that are neglected simply do not form many of the synaptic connections that are important later in life. Many children are now dependent for life; they never become fully functioning adults.

What did this generation do wrong, that their parents generations did right? This generation first took the world political stage while they were still in college in opposition to a greed driven war. Not only did we oppose it, we stopped it. Eisenhower had told us to beware of the military industrial complex that lobbies for endless wars to enrich themselves. War profiteering has always been one of America most lucrative activities and created some of the first ungodly greedy fortunes in America. The ungodly greedy have been known to sell rifles they knew were defective and blew up in the faces of American soldiers. This generation never bought the domino theory, that if Vietnam fell to communism the whole world would fall to communism, history has spoken, Vietnam fell and the world did not become communist.

How does a generation that opposed greed suddenly become its champion? How are people manipulated to give up their values? If you are ungodly greedy and you want others to adopt your point of view the direct method is not the best method. You want to draw direct fire; you need to fly under their radar. Politics is manipulation raised to an art form. Author Shankar Vedantam calls it the hidden brain, other refer to it us the unconscious, our consciousness is like a spotlight that we can focus at any point of reality we chose but the rest of reality does not go unnoticed. The unconscious is also processing a lot of other information and if need be will bring it to the attention of the conscious mind. Neuroscientist know the pathways to the emotional mind is far quicker, the best method would be to target the emotional mind, self interest is Achilles heel of everyone’s emotional mind.

Youth has a clarity of vision, granted only to the young; with age our field of vision narrows to our own self-interest. They can easily detect a hypocrite. We have become like men in a lifeboat, using the oars to drive others in the water away for fear their extra weight might sink the lifeboat. The emotional mind responds best to fear, it was designed to process fear and generate an immediate responses. If a tiger jumped out of the bush the ancestor that reacted the fastest got away and his companion became lunch. Fear is the key to manipulation, it circumvents the rational mind.

When this generation came of age we were not worried about tigers coming out of the bush but we had been conditioned to fear communists, the new boogieman, the face of death. As we cowered under our desk in atomic bomb drills we knew the enemy and the enemies name was communism. The ungodly greedy knew the key to our emotional mind was communism. The ungodly greedy could use the communist boogieman to manipulate this generation to believe anything. What is even scarier to the emotional mind is the enemy who shall not be named. Along comes Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, and the enemy in her book “Atlass Shrugged” is not named but everybody knows it is communism taking over America in “Atlass Shrugged.” The emotonal minds of this generation are told the only solution is greed. The only possible escape from the tiger of communism is greed, the alturnative is to parish. Many will say that they never read “Atlass Shrugged” but you were not intouch with the original carrier of the flu in China either, yet the flu was all around you. Secondary infection is every bit as effective as firsthand. Fear spreads like wild fire through a herd. Once an idea is implanted in the emotional mind and takes root, the rational mind cannot disloge it, the rationalize mind just ronalizes the reasons for it being there.
“Here again it is not seldom a question of overcomming prejudices which are not based on reason, but, for the most part unconsciously supported only by sentiment. To overcome this barrier of instinctive aversion, of emotional hatred, of prejudiced rejection, is a thousand time harder than to correct a faulty or erroneous scientific opinion. False concepts and poor knowledge can be eliminated by instruction, the resistance of emotions never. Here only an appeal to these mysterious powers themselves can be effective; and the writer can hardly ever accomplish this, but almost exclusively the orator.”

Hitler from his book “Mein Kampf”
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2011 02:19 pm
The ungodly greddy prepare to launch their final assualt on what is left of America this summer. They have loaded their Russian philosopher of Greedism into a movie. The book of Greedism is 1168 pages long so it will take two movies to justify greed. Hitler said that propaganda must have a target audience and let's face it Hitler's target audience doesn't read, they're passive, they may listen to Rush Slimbaught but for the most part they don't read and even those that do will never read 1168 pages of Russian Greedism.

That is why Greedism is being package into movies for massive passive consumption . Hitler target audience will no doubt be impressed and just as much missled. A movie is an emotional experience and it is aimed at the emotional mind. The key to manipulation is the emotional mind and the "Atls Shrugged movies should hit just like smart bombs and explode in the emotional minds of Hitler target audience.

is is
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Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2011 07:36 am
Yesterday, my sister called from Florida all excited, asking me whether I knew “Atlas Shrugged” was being made into a movie. Her husband is as red neck right as they come. He works for a defense contractor and believes every lie that drug addict Rush Slimbaugh ever told. He would have been a member of Hitler primary target audience if he were in Germany prior to WWII. He never watches the news and believes the drug addicts on red neck right radio are political philosophers. She asked me if I had read “Atlas Shrugged” and I told her I had. Then I asked her who wrote the book. She said Ayn Rand. I told her no, the woman that wrote “Atlas Shrugged” was a Russian intellectual, born and educated in Russia during the communist revolution, her real name was Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum, Ayn Rand is an alias meant to conceal the fact that she was woman and her Russian heritage. Ayn is a gender neutral, because no man at the time would have taken a female political philosopher serious. In fact I believed that Ayn was a man until I beginning researching the author. I told her it wasn’t going to be just one movie it was going to be made into two movies; they couldn’t possibly package that much crap into just one movie, the book 1162 pages.

In “Atlas Shrugged,” Zinov’yevna’ hero is a 20th century pirate who robs the poor to give to the ungodly greedy. There is one historical figure that he wants to annihilate every vestige of his memory, Robin Hood. In the world according to Zinov’yevna Robin Hood was the reason that the ungodly greedy no longer had all the wealth. If the memory of Robin Hood, who stole from the rich and gave to the poor, could be annihilated, the poor would be satisfied devoting their lives to making the ungodly greedy rich beyond their wildest dreams and never question the ungodly greedy right to everything. T’was Robin Hood who upset the apple cart of history. Weren’t Robin Hood movies also big in Hollywood in the 40s? At least we know where she got her material.

You couldn’t make this garbage up, well she did, the woman was a screen writer in Hollywood during the 40s. Pirates were big in Hollywood in the 40s, swashbucklers and Merry men were the Saturday night idols of the silver screen. But Zinov’yevna heroes would always be the pirates who stole from the others to enrich themselves. Most people would see through this nonsense for the nonsense it is, or would they? The red neck right has worshiped this nonsense as the Israelites worshiped the Golden Calf. Goldwater, Reagan and Baby Bush all believed the Russian intellectual had all the answers. Just annihilate Robin Hoods memory and the ungodly greedy would assume their rightful place as living gods responsible for all you see before you. There is actually a section in Atlas Shrugged where she views her alter ego in the book, Dagny Taggart, as a god among men.

Most of the world believed that Hitler would never be taken seriously a little mad man, a joke. But Hitler had an advantage no one else understood, he intuitively understood that man had both a rational mind and emotional mind and the art of manipulation is not to go through the rational mind but make an end run directly to the emotional mind. Once an idea is implanted and takes root in the emotional mind, they are almost impossible to dislodge. A man’s true immortality lies not in his offspring but in his philosophy of life, both good and bad, his ideas live beyond him. The Russian Intellectual is dead and in her grave almost 30 years now but her ideas are as dangerous as they were 50 years ago. The damage Zinov’yevna philosophy has already done to America can be measured in the trillions of dollars economically, but the damage she did to the soul of America is priceless.

The ungodly greedy no longer sail the seven seas in search of plunder; they sit behind a desk and steal the pensions and social security of generations to come. Five hedge fund managers made over a billion one made $5 billion by using huge amounts of borrowed money to manipulate the market.

America is about to take a full on assault on their emotional minds, do not underestimate how much more damage this Russian intellectual can do to America. This movie was financed by the ungodly greedy of America so that the peons will understand that they are Gods and without the ungodly greedy the rest of us “would be left helpless at the mercy of that wind in the middle of some such plain.” Out of the 1162 pages if you wanted one line to sum up Zinov’yevna’ philosophy that is it, ”me god, you dirt under my feet,” if you don’t believe we’ll will spend billions to target your emotional mind. Nothing spells manipulation like fear. Tarzan movies were also big in the 40s.

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Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2011 12:11 pm
The movie version of “Atlas Shrugged I” was released to theaters on April 15th. Well at least a few, the red neck right could only afford 300 prints of the film. I knew it was coming out but had no idea it had been released yet. Critics have dubbed it the worst film of the century. It seems it made a worse movie that a book. I just don’t understand why Russian can’t come over here and run this country like they want to. They screwed up Russia so bad somebody ought to give them another chance, just not in America.

The source of philosophy is very important because philosophy can never be completely separated from the philosopher. We know that in quantum physics that nothing can ever be measured correctly because the act of measuring changes what is being measured. Philosophy is the same because a philosopher’s philosophy shares all the prejudices and biases of the philosopher. To start with Ayn Rand is just the first lie, that was not the author’s real name. Her real name was Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum, she was a Russian born an educated during the Communist Revolution.

Zinov’yevna called her philosophy Objectivism, her choice of words, a more accurate description would be Greedism. Greedism has been tried throughout history and it always ends in a bloody revolution. The idea that the ungodly greedy should be entitled to all the wealth so they could let it trickle down to the rest of the population is absurd. Zinov’yevna thought herself some kind of god and Americans and dirty smelly slaves who were placed on earth to do her bidding.
_____________________________________________________________________________________”The woman in Roomette 10, Car No. 3, was an elderly school teacher who had spent her life turning class after class of helpless miserable children into miserable cowards, by teaching that the will of the majority is the only standard of good or evil…..”
Zinov’yevna from her book “Atlas Shrugged”

Imagine a country where the majority rules and governs itself, Zinov’yevna couldn’t, Russia wasn’t like that. If not majority rule, than what? The rule of the ungodly greedy was Zinov’yevna answer. The golden dollar sign was the symbol of Zinov’yevna Greed Utopia.

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Reply Sun 1 May, 2011 07:40 am
There is actually an official web site for the “Atlas Shrugged” movie, no word yet as what they are going to do about the shortage of aluminum foil hats for movie goers. Anyone who believes that Zinov’yevna novel was about America is sadly mistaken; her novel was thinly veiled recount of what happened in Russia, not in America. They say you should write about what you know best, Zinov’yevna knew Russia after the communist revolution best and that is what she wrote about. In 1936 Zinov’yevna wrote a book called “We the Living” it was about the struggle between the individual and the state, sound familiar? Zinov’yevna said it “is as near an autobiography as I will ever write.” It is not an autobiography in the literal, but only in the intellectual sense. The plot is invented the backdrop is not. The book was a failure in the America but sold overseas. Zinov’yevna saw her mistake and made sure that the regurgitation, Atlas Shrugged” used America as a backdrop. Many authors have only one good book in them, they just change the backdrop, and such was the case with Zinov’yevna. It is unfortunate that so many Americans see what even Zinov’yevna admits to being a Russian backdrop as representing America of the 1950s.
In America version of “We the Living“(Atlas Shrugged), Zinov’yevna substituted her fear of the state for fear of majority rule. All that really changed was the boogieman that was chasing her. Zinov’yevna was as afraid of majority rule as she was rule of the communist state rule. We know that Zinov’yevna doesn’t want the majority rule in America or the state to rule in Russia, what is left? The rule of the ungodly greedy? Zinov’yevna believed the ungodly greedy should not only have all the wealth but all the power as well. Zinov’yevna score card was money, and she was a big believer that accumulation of money was equivalent to a moral superiority when we now know that it is simply indicates a psychopathic personality.
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Reply Mon 2 May, 2011 07:16 am
One of things most of the fanatic followers of Zinov’yevna don’t know was that she was a rabid atheist. No one should find it surprising that Zinov’yevna was an atheist, she was born and educated in Russia during the communist revolution, atheism was part and parcel of the communist revolution. What is somewhat startling is that Zinov’yevna strongly held atheistic views do not make an appearance in “Atlas Shrugged.” Surely if “Atlas Shrugged” is a statement of Zinov’yevna philosophy, atheism should play a big part, but yet it plays no part. Why? Atheism would not sell in 1950’s America. It seems even philosophers will compromise their philosophy, after all they must eat. If Zinov’yevna had referred to churches as academies for the spread of ignorance in “Atlas Shrugged,” the churches would have condemned her book. In Zinov’yevna philosophy, Objectivism, “reason is the only way of acquiring knowledge, and rejects all faith and religion.”

Just as Rush Slimbaugh’s show is nothing more than the ravings of a drug addict “Atlas Shrugged” was also the ravings of another drug addict. Zinov’yevna was addicted Benzedrine. She became addicted to Benzedrine when trying to meet the deadline for her book the “Fountainhead” it helped her work long hours. When “Atlas Shrugged” was written her drug addiction had progressed to the point she was having volatile mood swings. In 1954 Zinov’yevna began having an affair with a younger admirer with the permission of her husband and the admirer spouse. Zinov’yevna was just another atheist drug addict with the morals of an alley cat. But the radical right would hold her up as a god and role model. When you need to know how to run America, just ask a Russian drug addict.
Reply Mon 2 May, 2011 02:25 pm
You are a treasure.
Reply Tue 3 May, 2011 07:19 am

This is the information age, we are constantly bombarded with information. There is more information available today than at any point in history. If you had a radio that received several frequencies at one time you would not be able to understand what was being said. The tuner in a radio gives it the ability to focus on one particular frequency and filer out the other frequencies. Our brain gives us that ability we can focus on certain information and filter out the rest. The ability to filter out background noise is important in a radio, it is also important that we are able to filter out irrelevant information but what happens if instead of filtering out irrelevant information we instead filtered out relevant information? It turns out human being are very selective about what information they process and what information they filter out.

As children we begin to piece together a picture of reality using pieces like those of a jigsaw puzzle. This is our life philosophy, the world according to Garp. The trouble is we began to guess at the overall picture, when we have only put together a fraction of the pieces. Once we believe we have solved the puzzle we reject any other piece of the puzzle that is inconsistent with our worldview. Self-interest is always an important component of the filter. Once a person adopts a worldview he will defend it, sometimes to the death. Closed minds are the rule, open minds the exception. Faced with changing our minds or proving why we shouldn’t have to, most of us get busy with the proof.
The fMRI has given neuroscientists the ability to glimpse into the last frontier, the living human brain. Models are what we use to try and understand things. Neuroscientists put political ideologues from both the right and left on the fMRI and had them read something that was contrary to their political beliefs, they could watch which areas of the brain were in uses. The subjects of course found ways to rationalize or reject the information. As soon as the subjects were able to rationalize the information their brain lit up in the area responsible for rationalizing information.

The philosophy in “Atlas Shrugged” was never seriously accepted by academia but like other political movements on the far right developed a cult following.

Reply Tue 3 May, 2011 03:23 pm
It was a teen fad just like the comics. They never outgrew their fascination. Look at the movies. They are all comics.
Reply Wed 4 May, 2011 07:59 am
The critics have pegged the movie “Atlas Shrugged” the worst movie of the century, a seven on a scale of 100 rotten tomatoes. Some of those on the political right say the movie is faithful to the book. It is a shame the book wasn’t labeled the worst book of the century. Zinov’yevna’ book the “The Fountainhead” was rejected by twelve publishers and the editor of the Bobbs-Merill Company had to threaten to quit if his company didn’t publish the book. “The Fountainhead” was a best seller; it appealed to those who see themselves as victims. The ungodly greedy always see themselves as the ultimate victims. Even the character name in “Atlas Shrugged” Wesley Mooch implies that he is victimizing the ungodly greedy. Once an author has a bestseller he or she develops a following of fans, short for fanatics. I believe people have a genetic predisposition for becoming fans and fanatics. Finding a leader and following him was an important survival technique for our ancestor in tribal societies. Finding the wrong leader might lead to disaster but those with no leader didn’t survive, there was strength in numbers. So natural selection left us with a tendency to become fanatics.

Cults are built on charismatic leaders, “Atlas Shrugged” built on a cult following. Many people in our society see themselves as victims and it is always easier to play the victim than take responsibility for our own actions. But there is another side to the coin people generally don’t like to own the things that go bad in their lives but are quick to take credit for the good things that happen even if other people are majorly responsible for their good fortune. In “Atlas Shrugged” the ungodly greedy characters like Henry Rearden and Dagny Taggart take credit for the work of thousands. Zinov’yevna view of a company is that the CEO is responsible for everything that the company produces; the employees are just slaves that the owner is “taking care of.”

The output of any company is a cooperative effort of all the employees, not the effort of just one. Slave mentality permeates “Atlas Shrugged” a world where only the slave owner reaps the benefits and “trickledown economics” rules. It would be easy to dismiss “Atlas Shrugged” as just a bad a book as the movie reveals, if it wasn’t for the immense damage done to America. We create models to help us understand reality; if the model is defective our perception of reality is distorted. That is what a conman does, is try to alter our perception of reality. Zinov’yevna distorted Americans perception of reality affected every man woman and child in America, after Zinov’yevna philosophy became integrated part of American politics every working couple in America worked 32 more hours a week and had less to show for it then there fathers did as single wage earners. Since the Russian philosophy has become popular in America all the increase of the GNP for the last 30 years has went into the pockets of the ungodly greedy, the middle has not shared in their increased production.

Reply Wed 4 May, 2011 11:57 am
It justifies thieves in their thievery. It is leading to a scenario not unlike that of the Roman Empire where only a few Roman Senators owned everything and the rest turned to Christianity.
Reply Thu 5 May, 2011 07:02 am
Atomic bombs destroy buildings and kills people but countries can survive an attack with Atomic bombs. In the long run the most effective weapon at the communist’s disposal was Greedism. Greedism destroys minds and the moral fiber of a country, it is much like flesh eating bacteria, greed eventually destroys everything it touches. Greedism is not perceived as attack from an outside enemy but like flesh eating bacteria may lay dormant on your skin years before finding an opening, multiplying and costing you an arm, leg or even your life.

No conservative would ever take credit for an atomic bomb strike against the United States, maybe the bombing of a federal Courthouse, but certainly not an attack with an atomic bomb. But the conservatives not only take credit for Greedism but advocate Greedism as a solution for every economic problem. Greed is widely held as one of the seven deadly sins by most major religions but conservatives believe that greed is one solution that fits all problems.
In our society thievery is considered taking of one’s property but the vast majority of people in our society do not sell objects but sell their time. Common law is structured to protect the merchant; shoplifters find themselves arrested when caught. In court when someone is successful sued for damages the court decides what is equitable but when it comes to the sale of labor there is no equity. In America over the last 30 years the ungodly greedy helped themselves to 32 hours of free labor from every working couple in America. All wealth is ultimately generated by labor; even natural resources must be processed and taken to market.

In 30 years of Greedism the average yearly income of the ungodly greedy, the top 1/100 of 1%, went from $3,641,285 to $23,328,482 in real dollars adjusted for inflation. The ungodly greedy’ income increased almost 650% while the average working couple had to work 32 more hours a week and had less to show for it. It does not take a genius to plot the graph as where this is going. This does not self-correct, throughout history the only possible correction is a bloody revolution where the ungodly greedy are killed.

If Zinov’yevna had studied history she would have found the ungodly greedy didn’t run off to some secret valley, they were slaughtered like the pigs they were and life did not decay in to chaos. After the ungodly greedy psychopaths were purged life went on and the countries progress until a new group of ungodly greedy psychopaths gained control.

The game of monopoly is probably the best model of Greedism, it ends when one accumulates all the wealth. In the end Lottery winner economics is good only for the lottery winner. Greedism has destroyed all the civilizations that worship it as a moral value; America has no reason to believe it will be the exception to the rule.

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Reply Fri 6 May, 2011 07:10 am
“It was the worst of times; it was the best of times.” Those words certainly describe 1950s America. For the baby boomers who lived through the Mayberry like 1950s, a time before video games, before recreation consisted of drugs, a time when mothers could afford to stay home to raise their children but we were also the first generation to grow up in hostile world in the shadow of the atomic bomb, mass destruction was a very real possibility. In the 1950s Hollywood cranked out 100s of Westerns, it was the era of black and white, when you went to Western you knew the guy in the white hat was the good guy and the guy in the black hat was the villain. There were no shades of gray, heroes weren’t flawed and bad guys were had no savings graces. When the inevitable shoot out happened no once shed any tears for the bad guys, who always lost.

By the 1950s real cowboys had pretty much vanished but no one had any doubt who the bad guys were, they were the Russian communists and they held in their hands the power of life and death. For the first time in in history invading armies were no longer necessary, bombers could be replaced by Inner Continental Ballistic Missiles. Invading armies could be fought; bombers shot down, but we had no defense against missiles which would annihilate all life. Our lives hung by a silver thread that could be severed at any time by a stranger thousands of miles away and the best we could do was retaliate.

This was the climate of fear Zinov’yevna (Ayn Rand) was able to exploit from her drug induced state. “Atlas Shrugged” is a very thinly veiled tale of her native Communist Russia. According to Zinov’yevna the communist mind set is creeping into America but there are no similarities between 1950s America and 1910s Russia that preceded the communist revolution in Russia. “Every type of refuge has its price,” Zinov’yevna offered the refuge in greed, in her Utopian World greed was the only moral value, all you really needed was strong sense of greed, greed would take it from there. Like most charismatic cult leaders she was able to assemble a following of fanatics including Alan Greenspan who later became the bishop of greed, by short changing millions of poor social security recipients. According to the commie/conservatives greed is the answer to every question but greed is not a moral value it is the mark of a psychopathic personality that always leads to the ultimate destruction of a society. A society that lives by greed dies by that disease, like a cancer victim the disease progresses slowly at first, unnoticed before symptoms begin, then even after the victim is aware he is sick, he denies the obvious and delays going to the doctor. By the time they become so ill that they can no longer deny it, they finally acknowledge it and go to the doctor, by then it is too late. I have seen several people die by denial; they simply refused to believe the obvious. America is sick, we can see it all around us, we can see it in our standard of living, we can see it in those that escape into drugs, we can see it in those who chose to drown there sorrows in a mountain of food. Greed is a poor substitute for moral values. How much longer can we deny the sickness of greed has invaded the body America, and how soon do we reach the point of no return? America can indeed die by continuing to deny that greed is one of the seven deadly sins not a virtue.
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Reply Sat 7 May, 2011 11:46 am
The model neuroscientists use to understand the human brain is no longer of one integrated brain but one of three separate brains that evolved at different times. Our reptilian brain is the oldest, it controls are automatic body functions such as digestion, breathing and body temperature as well as many other complex chemical reactions needed to sustain life.

The second brain to evolve was the limbic brain or more commonly the emotional brain. This is the seat of our emotions and controls the fight or flight response. The emotional mind can change our body chemistry in an instant. When in danger the emotional brain drops the adrenalin and you can run faster jump higher or fight to the death. The problem is that our distant ancestors took care of most the lions and tigers, we only encounter them in zoos nowadays. But our emotional mind still kicks into fight or flight when it perceives we are in danger at work or driving. Road rage is the emotional mind kicking in the fight or flight response, when one driver cuts off another, the driver being cut off feels he is in danger, his emotional mind readies his body for a confrontation. Each time fight or flight response is activated it is like holding a car wide open. Anger is luxury few of us can afford.

The last section of the brain to evolve is what we refer to as the rational brain. This is the seat of reason and we make the mistake of believing that our rational mind is in control but the emotional mind is not quite ready to turn control over to the rational brain and it still has the advantage of process incoming information faster than the rational brain. Our emotional mind is able to color incoming information because it processes it first. We all see the world through the colored lens of our emotional mind. If we are feeling great our day is good but if we are feeling down we perceive the world in blacks and shades of gray.

The emotional mind is the weak link in the chain, the target of conmen, politicians and political philosophers. “Never underestimate self-interest as a motive.” Self-interest is what allows conmen and politicians to manipulate their victims. The conman creates the illusion that he has his victim’s self-interest at heart when in fact it is only the conmen self-interest that he has in mind. Political philosophers like Zinov’yevna manipulate their victims into believing that they have their self-interest at heart when in fact they are concerned only with themselves. It is always easier to push someone in a direction they are already going then it is to stop them and push them in the opposite direction. Greed is like Siren’s song, like all other vices, it lures us to our destruction on the rocks. Zinov’yevna’ task was easy because greed appeals to self-interest.

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Reply Sun 8 May, 2011 06:42 am
Some of the readers may have noticed the title of this thread “The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI” this is actually the 6th thread on that subject. The first five threads that preceded this one were written on a local paper’s bulletin board it remains the most viewed post in the board’s history, running for three years with up to 5,000 views a day until one day the board went down and stayed down. One day during the course of the threads run I did a search for more information on one of the communists editors of William Buckley’s “National Review,” known as the “Conservative Bible.” The “National Review” had several “communist intellectuals” serving as editors formulating the “modern conservative philosophy. A search for Wildmoore Kendall listed my thread, “The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement” as one of the top search result for information on this communist intellectual. I was shocked. Later I ran a search for the key words in the title of the thread and found listing in the top 5 of all the major search engines that typically listed between 700,000 to over a million results for that search. On one search engine my thread was number one, two and four only Wikipedia interrupted my sweep coming in at number three. Then the board was suddenly closed down with no explanation.

Search engine results quickly change when the path to the source is no longer works. Recently I ran a search for the same key words and came up with a different result of course. The number one result for a search for “The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement,” returned, “The Origin of the American Conservative Movement.” by Lee Edwards Ph.D. Edwards writes for the “Heritage Foundation” the premier commie/conservative think tank in America. Doctor Edward’s article is a complete and total assault on the truth not so much what he says but in what he deliberately leaves out of his article, that he bills as “This is a Lecture On Political Thought.” Though Edwards’s article is an extensive look at what he would like to other believe is the origin of the Modern Conservative Movement and I have no doubt he knows the truth. His version of reality carefully avoids any of the communist founding fathers as carefully as one would walk through a mine field. At least many other conservative authors are honest and will give credit to the communist intellectual’s deep and abiding contribution to the Modern Conservative Movements, such as the communist intellectual, Frank Meyer, being the “Father of the Modern Conservative Movement. How can you write an article about the Modern Conservative Movement and carefully avoid any reference to the Father of Modern Conservative Movement? You can’t unless you set pout to lie to public in the first place. I have noticed in various other web sites that the conservatives are now being referred as commie, now that their skeletons are out of the closet.

Back in the 50s when a black artist had a local hit the record industry would get a white artist to cover the record because they believed black artist would not appeal to a white audience. The choice of words in the title of Dr. Edwards, “Heritage Foundation” article carefully covered my thread title “The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement.” The large readership of the “Heritage Foundation” would have no doubt put it near the top on the search engine results but my thread would have remained as top search result if the local board had not closed. It would have let people know how the communist intellectuals literally shaped the Modern Conservative Movement.
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