The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 06:36 am
When someone tests positive for coronavirus, they have coronavirus.

But that isn't the claim you are making. You are saying when they test positive is when they come down with it. That's a lie, they came down with it before they were tested. It's the word choice you make and use that is the biggest problem.

It effects different people in different ways. Many may not see the effects of the virus until six months down the road. /quote]
Is this the new lie you are going with? How could you possibily know this, the virus hasn't even been in the US for 6 months and with the way the "experts" change their opinions you can't know this. Why do you lie so poorly?

But the most important thing is once they have coronavirus, they can spread whether they have symptoms or not.[

I guess we will see about that as the "experts" seem to change their mind on an almost daily basis. The latest WHO lie is the perfect example, in fact this whole adventure with the virus has been the perfect example that the "experts" aren't really experts, instead they are hype artists who can change their minds about the science at the drop of a hat, depending on who they are talking to.

You are the one that came up with the 80% figure and did not site that it was a range from 25% to 80%. You should have known where you got it from.

Wait, wait, wait. All of a sudden you are ok with such large ranges of figures when on a previous subject you said such ranges were impossible and likely made up... so you get to pick and choose when you will believe such a large range shift? This proves you are a double dealing bastard who has no intellectual honesty. Do you have any proof that this range exists? I went with the easy to prove number of over 80% because that is easily prove able. We can see by the massive numbers of people testing positive and the lack of people in the hospital and the small numbers of deaths in the US when compared to what other countries were seeing.

got that information about the brain damage from the local hospital it was one of their first coronavirus patients. That report is 100% accurate.

So you got it from a place that no one else can disprove your claims. You are really going to try and pass this off as some sort of fact? This is the weakest bullshit you have pulled in some time.

The people were self-reporting that they had coronavirus so others would know they had been exposed to coronavirus.

You seem to be going back in time to 3 months ago when the virus was much more rare and the media was hyping it as the worst thing since the Black Plague. We now know this virus isn't anywhere as deadly or harmful to the general public as the media tried to make it out to be.

The median time period for developing coronavirus is 4-5 days so half will develop coronavirus in less than 4 days. Fourteen days is the quarantine period that you will not develop it. You know the old saying, you would be better off to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, then to open it up and remove all doubt. If you spent as much time researching as you do writing, you would be better off.

This is why you can't be trusted, you are only posting part of the claim, the part that fits your propaganda.
The incubation period for COVID-19 is thought to extend to 14 days, with a median time of 4-5 days from exposure to symptoms onset. One study reported that 97.5% of persons with COVID-19 who develop symptoms will do so within 11.5 days of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Just because it is safer outside than inside you are still exposing people to a deadly virus.

Stop calling it a deadly virus, for the vast majority of people it isn't deadly. Once the media and "experts" start reporting the anti-body testing, it will have a less than .50 death rate, which is low. Once a vaccine is created, this is going to be less deadly than the flu and our great grandchildren will look back at this time in history and wonder why the leftists were allowed to destroy a country for purely political reasons.

Let’s be very clear that it was a scientific study that said sunlight and bleach kill the coronavirus. Trump then took the results of that study and decided if bleach kills the coronavirus then all you needed to do was drink the bleach and the problem would be solved.

Yeah, he never said that and you look like a bigger liar each time you repeat that media lie. I'm surprised HT hasn't corrected you on this claim... oh that's right, he isn't interested in the truth, he want's more propaganda.

The count is up and down and the highest death count was June 7. Do you really think that all six members of Antifa bothered to protest? Members of Antifa might even be racist. One thing for sure 1,399 deaths was higher than any other number.

You just continue to lie and lie and lie. The highest death day was back in April when we saw about 1800 deaths in one day, that was the peak. When compared to a country like Italy, we were never as close to a deadly out break as they had. Population size of a country can make a big difference, but you won't admit that unless it's to put out more propaganda.

Do you really think that all six members of Antifa bothered to protest? Members of Antifa might even be racist. One thing for sure 1,399 deaths was higher than any other number.

6 members of Antifa? That's cute and an utter lie, keep pushing the lies, it's what you are good at. I wonder if HT is going to correct this lie as well?

Even Republicans senators like Romney were walking with the protestors, no word as to whether he did any of the looting. Romney already looted the public with his tax breaks for the ungodly greedy.

I have no problem with politicians being politicians and making political moves for political reasons. Romney was the reason I left the GOP back in 2012, I realized what a fraud they were and they were not real Republicans, they were no better than the leftists they were trying to replace. Big budgets and govt control of people's lives, they had no intention of making govt smaller, just using it for their own purposes. They were leftists as well and the religious right needs to go away.

Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 07:56 am
Why the need for name-calling?

Good question, comrade.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 07:56 am
...the "experts" aren't really experts, instead they are hype artists who can change their minds about the science at the drop of a hat, depending on who they are talking to

I don't think you quite get it — there is still much we don't know about this disease. You've got scientists and medical people all over the world announcing their findings and some premature conclusions have been proven to be either wrong or in need of further testing. No one's "hyping" anything — they're trying to satisfy the public's thirst for information before all the facts have been collected, corroborated, and interpreted.
Stop calling it a deadly virus, for the vast majority of people it isn't deadly.

"Deadly" means likely to cause or capable of producing death. The usage is acceptable:

How the Coronavirus Compares With 100 Years of Deadly Events

Mortality in NYC was nearly 6 times the normal number of deaths in April.

I wonder if HT is going to correct this lie as well?

No, because it's no stupider than what Trump actually said:
I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you're totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous—whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light—and I think you said that that hasn't been checked, but you're going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you're going to test that too. It sounds interesting…

And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds—it sounds interesting to me.

If you want to defend Trump's "reasoning" go ahead. Calling the OP a liar doesn't neutralize or excuse Trump's stupidity.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 08:00 am
Good question, comrade.

That's a term of affection and respect. Thanks, comrade.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 08:06 am
I see. When you decided to call me comrade in one of the gun threads, you were simply expressing your affection and respect for me.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 09:19 am
Exactly — the brotherhood of firearms owners! I started referring to Baldimo that way after he indicated his admiration for Tulsi Gabbard.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 11:00 am
I know you're not going to provide any evidence of this.

Barr has the evidence.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 01:15 pm
You mean after Hillary Clinton slandered her and called her a Russian agent? Yet you want to complain about red baiting...
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 01:34 pm
Sorry but the Russians aren't "red" — you really need to bone up on recent history — and Clinton never called her a Russian "agent". She did call Jill Stein a Russian "asset" and suggested that Gabbard was as well. It's hardly "slander" and Gabbard dropped her lawsuit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 08:26 pm
We now have 2,039,400 cases of coronavirus in America, yesterday we had 2,017,035 cases of coronavirus. That means that another 22,365 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 114,452, yesterday it stood at 113,517. That means another 935 Americans died today.

One has to wonder if anyone other than Trump had been in charge how different the country might be now. New Zealand has completely eliminated the coronavirus while we have two million cases of coronavirus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 08:46 pm
Exactly — the brotherhood of firearms owners!

Hmm. I had you all wrong. So now that you've clarified your position, allow me to welcome you into the fold.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 08:58 pm
Everyone that watched Trump when he found out about the studies that showed that sunlight and bleach killed the coronavirus watched Trump get the bright idea that if bleach kills coronavirus and people have coronavirus it was just common sense that if you put the bleach in the people the problem is solved. The problem was that the study was to show how to kill coronavirus on surfaces. And Trump being the stable genius he is, was able to figure it out all on his own. It did happen and if you watched Trump’s last daily coronavirus you would know why the idiot did not want to face questions about his bleach solution.
Trump bleach solution was watched live by millions. You will never be able to lie it away. Trump is a full-blown idiot, matter of fact he is an embarrassment to idiots everywhere.
He repeated what everyone was repeating at the time? Only the idiots on the right were saying coronavirus was no worse than the common cold. Everyone else had watched as a pandemic was raging in China killing people. Countries are never shut down for the common cold. Only an idiot could look at China and say it was no worse than the common cold. Trump wasted the time when a difference could have been made. People did not have to rely on WHO they watched what was happening to China live. If a picture is worth a thousand words than we had tens of millions of words about the coronavirus. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Is America going to pay for what we did to the world in 1918. The 1918 pandemic started in America an 60,000,000 million died. We never paid a cent. Neither will China.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2020 09:05 pm
There is one problem with that, you can't blame the news media because Trump did it live in front of millions on TV. You remember the hook they used in Vaudeville to pull the bad acts off the stage. Trump got the hook after that and was pulled off the stage that was his last daily coronavirus briefing. The people that watched Trump knew that was the stupidest thing ever said by any president in history. No body needs to lie when it was watched live.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2020 08:00 am
Exactly — the brotherhood of firearms owners!

Once again, welcome to the fold. Always good to see another person come to terms with pistol-grips, barrel shrouds, and those other things that look scary.

EDIT: Now would be a good time for those who are all thumbs in a debate to mobilize those thumbs and make the challenge go away.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2020 08:53 pm
The bottom fell out of Wall Street today as investors realized coronavirus is not going down but going up by 90% in some states. They realize Trump totally messed up with the first wave of coronavirus and with the second wave underway following Trump is like following Custer into Little Big Horn you know you are not coming back.

Today we have 2,062,704 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 2,039,400 cases of coronavirus. That means another 23,304 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 115,441 today, yesterday it stood at 114,452 dead Americans. That means another 989 Americans died today. The experts are now predicting 200,000 Americans will die of coronavirus by the end of summer and we are on pace for more than that.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Jun, 2020 08:34 pm
Trump the chump is on a verge of launching the great coronavirus spreading tour. By the time Trump the chump gets through we will be able to trace at least 100,000 cases of coronavirus directly to his political rallies and convention. Fueled by idiots who refuse to take any precautions there will be no masks and no safe distance at the political rallies. They can not wait to see Trump’s public masturbation so much so that they will risk their lives and their family’s lives.

Today we have 2,085,266 cases of corona virus, yesterday we had 2,062,704 cases of coronavirus. That means an addition 22,562 Americans came down with the coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 116,257, yesterday the death toll stood at 115,541. That means that an additional 716 Americans died today from coronavirus. The new prediction of deaths from coronavirus calls for a 140,000 by the Fourth of July. That would be an additional 23,000 deaths in 24 days. With some state’s coronavirus cases sky rocketing by 90% we should make that easily.
Reply Fri 12 Jun, 2020 08:55 pm
Trump the chump is on a verge of launching the great coronavirus spreading tour.

How many are the protests going to kill? Are those people immune?
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2020 08:35 pm
Trump is ready to embark on what will be called the “the spread the coronavirus tour.” The motto for this tour will be “brother can you spare some coronavirus.”

We have 2,115,233 cases of coronavirus today, yesterday we had 2,085,266 cases of coronavirus. We have crossed yet another milestone at 2 million one hundred thousand cases of coronavirus. That means another 29,967 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 117,073, yesterday the death toll stood at 116,257. That means another 816 Americans died today from the coronavirus.
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2020 08:44 pm
Trump is ready to embark on what will be called the “the spread the coronavirus tour.”

Too late, the protestors already did that.
Reply Sat 13 Jun, 2020 08:46 pm
The protests started with the right wing storming the state capitals with the intent of spreading the coronavirus far and wide. As far as Trump goes and his public masturbation tour goes, it will spread coronavirus faster and further than any outside demonstration. Whether large crowds packed into small spaces spread coronavirus a 100 times worse or 50 times worse won't be know for a while but we do know the spread of coronavirus is far more likely inside. Trump followers will have to sign a release that they won't sue Trump when they get coronavirus.

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