OmSigDAVID wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
In the first place the AFL CIO statistics were deceptively stated. $16/hr is NOT the average wage in this country.
I didn't say that the Labor unions were all controlled by the Mafia. (Do you actually read other's posts?).
Instead I said that their operations
were LIKE a Mafia protection racket.
George, do u think that obama
LIKES Mafia protection rackets ?
Apparently he likes the rackets as practiced by the SEIU, AFSCE, the AFT and the AFL/CIO. They are his main contributors.
For government employees the racket works very easily. Once in power the Dems declare the various government departments as eligible for organization by the designated union, and PRESTO ! no expensive campaign oir voting by the hapless employees - the union starts collecting about 1% of their pay, prededucted from their paychecks every payday. With hundreds of thousands of employees there's big bucks involved, and a large slice of it comes right back to the Democrat politicians in the form of political contributions.
Since Federal law prohibits government enployee unions engaging in collective bargaining over work rules, pay and benefits, the union has virtually nothing to do but spend the money. Even the Mafia doesn't have it that good.