Rockhead wrote:okie asid...
"Sirhan Sirhan was apparently not practice Islam as his religion, but I doubt very seriously that many Islamic Terrorists that claim to do what they do because of the Islamic faith are very religious either. so I can say anything I want and tie it together now, blah blah blah...."
I understand your point, but do you seriously believe that some people think their religion motivates them to kill other people? I have not studied the Islamic religion, but I have heard and read that truly authentic Islamists believe their religion does not justify killing, that killing is justified by twisting the meaning of the Koran. It would seem to me that if mainstream Islamic religion does in fact advocate killing, then the entire world has some waking up to reality steps to take.
I don't know how you think, but I have always thought that psychopaths or criminals will use anything as an excuse or justification for their evil deeds. Perhaps it is even a subconscious thing to soothe their conscience for what they do, I don't know, Rockhead.