Setanta wrote:Your remark about Sarah Brady was snotty and unnecessary--i'm not surprised by that at all.
Its not my job to surprize u.
Setanta wrote:She and her busband were long-time activists in the Republican Party and for conservative causes.
There is nothing conservative about gun control; it is a
radical repudiation of the Bill of Rights.
If she was an activist for conservatism, as u claim,
then she became a Benedict Arnold.
I was very close to being shot once; slug 3 inches in front of my face.
If I get shot in the future, I will not betray the Constitution.
Setanta wrote:It was hardly a case of a "private citizen mouthing off."
This is another sample of your idiosyncratic and
self-serving description of how highly you value civility.
U appear to be ignorant of the concept
at hand; permit me to enlighten u: if I had vilified u,
then I 'd be guilty of inadequate civility,
but civility does not restrain me (nor anyone)
from condemning other figures who are not
participants in this conversation; accordingly,
I can freely denounce Stalin, Hitler, the Kennedys and Pol Pot without compromising civility.
Got the idea??
Setanta wrote:Whether or not a bill "sees the light of day" is irrelevant here--it "saw the light of day,"
was eventually passed and signed.
Not during the Reagan nor even the Bush Administration; that 's the point.
KNOW, everyone
KNOWS, that it was passed under Clinton,
with the result that American resentment among
the voters cost the Demos
BOTH houses of Congress,
by landslides -- a slap in the face to Clinton. He knew it.
Setanta wrote:You apparently don't know the provisions of the Brady Bill.
It is concerned with background checks,
Setanta wrote:and distinctions between types of firearms are irrelevant.
No; ridiculous.
Setanta wrote: I though the gun nuts always prided themselves on their detailed knowledge of weapons and the issues. I guess that doesn't apply to you.
With age, my memory is not always as sharp as I 'd like.
Some of the statute has expired. I remember that.