ughaibu wrote:
Presently at the top of the new posts page, first ten:
What Makes Humans Human?
Funny Pictures ***Slow Loading***
Satan. Created by God perfect and good or evil?
I wish I was a beer drinker
New Rating System
NeoPets Riddles (Lenny Conundrums) and Answers Here
Federal Gov't DoD Procurement Insourcing Directive & Minority Owned/ Small Businesses
Going out with a widow - experiencing some difficulties
In February I joined a philosophy forum, A2K is emphatically not a philosophy forum.
This is rather unfair. You're complaining about the content of a forum's topics not being strictly philosophical yet you aren't using the tools available to navigate to the list of philosophical topics.
If you use the New Posts list, of course you are going to get the whole alphabet soup of subject variety.
If you want the more narrow philosophical subject matter, use the tag system and click on the Philosophy tag to navigate to the Philosophy forum list of topics. Doing so gives me these first 10 subjects that are sorted chronologically by latest activity:
Moderators Needed for the New Philosophy Forum Group on A2K
Can Nobody Exist?
The necessary truth of any truth
What does being rational mean?
From Brain to Consciousness to Mind--the biological basis
Are Philosophers lost in the clouds?
I fear...
Life too short for Philosophy?
Our mind journey over life
Equal gain
Goal Seeking & Expediencey Paradox