@mark noble,
Let me see if I have this right...
You are proving that this is a place where reasonable discussion is difficult by being an extremely difficult participant in the discussion?
Rather low bar you've set there.
To back up a bit:
Obviously, people who were used to more hands-on, top-down moderation at the old Philforum are unhappy with the lack of hands-on, top-down moderation here.
That is why Robert has created a group where you can have the hands-on, top-down moderation that you prefer. That is why jgweed is looking for moderators who can provide that hands-on, top-down moderation you prefer.
We get that you prefer it.
However, there isn't some empirical truth of The Proper Way To Moderate Forums. Many of us here MUCH prefer the more free-flowing, crowd-sourced, and open conversation that we find here.
And particularly -- many of us prefer many different things, which I find to be the beauty part of A2K's software. It can be adjusted to many different preferences, all using the same forum.
However -- the question of which forum is better and which method of moderation is better is largely
moot. The fact that many former Philforumers prefer the old way has been acknowledged and action has been taken accordingly. And in a short time (hopefully very short but I dunno where Robert is in things), you can go ahead and have that oasis that you so desire.