@cicerone imposter,
CI, if you look at my earlier post, I was upfront in saying this should not be the case. In a perfect world, nobody should have to do anything to prove they disagree with the actions of a group with which they are associated. Individuals should be judged by their own actions, not the actions of others they are linked to through some mutual association (Islamic faith, in this instance.) But, I understand why people view moderate Muslims with suspicion based on the seeming lack of outrage among moderates to the atrocities of their brethren. I don't think this is right anymore than I guess you do. It just is. And as such, I can understand those who think this mosque/community center should be built elsewhere in NYC.
IF moderate Muslims spoke up more than they do about the atrocities of the extremists, I think people as a whole would indeed not color all Muslims with the same brush. I could be wrong and it may well not make any difference, but at this point we will never know.