@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Don't matter who has the "highest regard," or being a New Yorker doesn't give you license to take away Constitutionally guaranteed rights. You always talk about emotion; we're talking about the US Constitution, and the right of any group to build a church anywhere they please in these United States.
The protesters are not trying to take away anyone's constitutional rights. Here in NYC the comments on talk radio seem to revolve around the thinking that a "religion of peace," that wants to build bridges, would acquiesce to the "feelings" of those that lost loved ones on 9/11. In other words, the mosque would just have another location, not far from the present site.
But, since that does not seem to be amenable, at present, then there are hardened feelings. But, forget the constitutional rights. That is a red-herring at this point in the discussion here in NYC.
But, I do believe New Yorkers have a more vested interest in this mosque, while so many other "voices" are just sticking their two-cents in from afar. These out-of towners need not educate New Yorkers on the constitution. New York, if you remember was in the original 13 colonies. California was part of Spain at that time, I believe. And, who knows, it might become Aztec territory again at some point?