for god's sake some of you are absolutely sickening in your hatreds.
I live here in New York close enough to where the WTC was once stood. In the closet now hangs a jacket bought at the Burlington Coat Factory on Park Place where the Mosque soon should be.
An arguing on reason is that parts of a plane and maybe body parts too landed on the roof of that building. Then tell me where can a mosque be built? Throughout the city clouds of ash were spread and in that smoke and ash sat tiny remnants of those killed. None of the city will be able to have a mosque by the twisted logic.
An arguing says it too close is to the site of the former WTC. Men and women walked miles from there that day covered in white ash is any space in the city not connected? The towers tall ones 1 and 2 WTC were visible from many places. A mosque anywhere that a WTC tower could have been seen from might be seen as an afront to the horrors of 11th September 2001. No a mosque cannot be built anywhere in the city if a view of the towers could made have been from there.
Let me ask this if a man of Jewish faith got in a plane and crashed and killed hundreds thousands even claiming it was for Abraham and he had a following loyal of thousands would all synagogues then be disallowed at that place?
A lunatic of hatred is bin laden and al quaida and mistake not that they adore the hatred showing now from Americans since shows it does the true nature of what this land is. It solidifies their claim that the U.S. is anti-Muslim anti-Islam.
Is the building there insensitive yes. Inappropriate no. Freedom of religion to practice a belief is what the U.S. claims pride to having but no not when it's a group we have decided all are evil.
Through the centuries the U.S. has shown what it is. Hating of Jews, hating of Irish, hating of gays, hating of blacks, hating of Japanese, hating of hispanics, hating of anything other than the standardized set by bigots and fools. We placed those deemed not fit physically or mentally in insttutions and hid them away from sight.
The U.S. is no better than Germany at the height of Nazi attrocities where with so many were slaughtered including many of my own heritage. From my grandfather on the maternal siding came forward only a handful all others DEAD as they were killed both in the once proud city of Lemberg then Lwow now Lviv or and in camps far from their home. From logic having given here by many I must detest and protest any place which plans to sell a German product any of sort because one mad German rallied people together and created a furror and hatred fever. Not all Germans felt that way should they be punished too? The thinking here offered is that one man leading a group of people acting in the name of a religion must all be shunned.
I was once mugged by a black man should I hate all black men? A Puerto Rican man pushed me down a flight of stairs once now must I hate all Puerto Ricans and protest their business or storefront church?
In manhattaN the excuse becomes the sacred grounds near the WTC on nearest by Staten Island reasons poured forth of how the Muslims could not have a former Catholic site. Reasons as demented as there wou;d be too many people coming in to the community. google and here
Comments included 'parking' problems and a very honest
"We just want to leave our neighborhood the way it is-Christian, Catholic."
So much for the U.S. being welcoming of all.
Keep your divine self-righteous hatred and suffer the death of from yourself as you eaten are from within.