Mosque to be Built Near Ground Zero

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 06:12 pm
@reasoning logic,
rl, I've said as much; all our victims see their perpetrators at terrorists. Our crime rate is one of the highest of any developed country, and BillRM fears Muslim terrorists who's number is so small, he has lost all perspective of what dangers he faces in his own country. He's a sick man, who happens to be a bigot.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 06:13 pm
BillRM, Are you really that stupid? Logical steps have been taken, and they operate pretty efficiently. What's your beef? Can you do a better job at securing our country? You're an idiot!
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 07:33 pm
@cicerone imposter,
BillRM, Are you really that stupid? Logical steps have been taken, and they operate pretty efficiently. What's your beef? Can you do a better job at securing our country? You're an idiot!

Oh would you care to name these logical steps that would reduce the likelihood of a large Mosque being once more used as a center for the plotting of mass murder, funding and recruiting for same?

Take note I stated once more as this had occur any numbers of times in the US and in other countries such as the UK.
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 07:57 pm
Word of the day! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamophobia
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 08:04 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Revealed: Muslim bomb plot gang's links to 'mega-mosque' in east London
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:20 PM on 9th September 2008
Ministers should review plans to build a "mega-mosque" in the East End in the wake of the airline bomb plot trial, the Tories urged today.
Shadow security minister Dame Pauline Neville-Jones said the case had shown that the group behind the mosque may have given cover to extremist activity.
Tablighi Jamaat, which describes itself an Islamic missionary organisation, is pushing for the mosque to be built next to the 2012 Olympics site in Stratford.
But the group was revealed in court as having links to some of the terror suspects, with several having passed through other mosques run by the group.
A computer design for the planed 'mega-mosque' to be built in London

The organisation, which has 80 million followers worldwide, insists it is a peaceful, apolitical revivalist movement that promotes Islamic consciousness among individual Muslims.

But intelligence agencies have cautioned that its ability to radicalise young men could lead to jihadist terrorism.
The London Markaz, which some say will be the largest place of worship in Europe, has faced criticism of its backers and allegations of Saudi funding since it was first mooted three years ago.
The complex will include a three-storey Islamic centre able to hold at least 40,000 worshippers and up to 70,000 if necessary.
The plans will have to go before Newham council but Mayor Boris Johnson may have a say and, in theory, it could be called in by the Government.

Abdulla Ahmed Ali, Assad Anwar and Tanvir Hussein had links to the mosque

Dame Pauline, former chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, said today: "The news that the terrorists convicted of the liquid bomb plot attended Tablighi Jamaat mosques is very disturbing. This is not the first time this has happened.

'Those convicted of the 7/7 bombings read Tablighi Jamaat sermons. Tablighi Jamaat claims to be solely a missionary organisation with a religious and charitable purpose."
But Dame Pauline believes it gives cover to extremist activity.

She said: 'This must be taken into account when considering the planning application for the Tablighi-Jamaat mosque in east London.'

Kafeel Ahmed, who died from burns last year after trying to set off a car bomb at Glasgow airport, is among --terrorists whose radicalisation has been blamed on Tablighi Jamaat.
Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer, two of the 7/7 suicide bombers, attended the European headquarters of Tablighi Jamaat in Dewsbury, West Yorks, while Muktar Ibrahim, leader of the failed 21 July bomb plot in 2005, attended a Tablighi Jamaat mosque in east London.

The group belongs to the ultra-conservative Deobandi branch of Sunni Islam, whose adherents run more than 600 of Britain's 1,350 mosques.

Critics include the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford. It claims the mosque will attract "religious fundamentalists and cultural supremacists".

Explore more:People: Boris Johnson Places: London, Europe Organisations: Joint Intelligence Committee, Newham Council Print this article Read later Email to a friend Share this article: Twitter Digg it Newsvine

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1053877/Revealed-Muslim-bomb-plot-gangs-links-mega-mosque-east-London.html#ixzz18zTSj6Ua
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 08:12 pm
BillRM, You really don't get it, do you? Most countries have their own police and secret service organizations to identify any group (any group) that threatens their security.

What England does to control terrorist plots of any kind is their business, and they do a pretty good job at it. Once terrorists are identified, they are brought to justice. This is what happens in most democracies.

Your fears are not rational nor do you have any common sense. It's more likely you will die from other or natural causes.

Do you look under your bed every night before going to sleep?

You should; you might find bed bugs.
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 08:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
British-born Muslim admits plot to blow up airliner

By Jason Bennetto, Crime Correspondent

A British-born Muslim has admitted plotting to blow up an aircraft bound for America in the first major prosecution of an al-Qa'ida terrorist in the UK since the 11 September attacks.

A British-born Muslim has admitted plotting to blow up an aircraft bound for America in the first major prosecution of an al-Qa'ida terrorist in the UK since the 11 September attacks.

Saajid Badat, 25, had planned to set off a bomb at the same time as the British "shoe bomber" Richard Reid, who is serving a life sentence in the United States. But Badat changed his mind and dismantled his shoe bomb, which was seized by police at his home in Gloucester in November 2003.

Anti-terrorist officers believe Badat became radicalised by extremists at a mosque in south London in the late 1990s after he fell out with his father. He then travelled to Afghanistan where he spent about two years at an al-Qa'ida training camp.

During a 15-minute hearing at the Old Bailey yesterday, he admitted to conspiring to blow up an aircraft between January 1999 and November 2003. The guilty plea took the authorities by surprise because he had been expected to stand trial for the offence.

Badat and Reid, who was sentenced to 120 years in the United States after being caught trying to detonate a shoe bomb on a flight to Miami, went to the same training camp in Afghanistan, possibly at Khalden. Both men are believed to have received training in suicide bombing and were given explosive devices designed to evade airport security and destroy an aircraft in flight. The bomb found in Badat's bedroom was identical in some respects to the device hidden in Reid's shoe.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke, the head of the Metropolitan Police's Anti-Terrorist Branch, said: "Today's conviction demonstrates the reality of the threat we are facing. Badat had agreed to blow up a passenger aircraft from Europe to the United States and was prepared to kill himself and hundreds of innocent people.

"We must ask how a young British man was transformed from an intelligent, articulate person who was well respected, into a person who has pleaded guilty to one of the most serious crimes that you can think of."

He added: "This is a very important conviction and is the culmination of a painstaking investigation lasting three years

"We travelled to some 15 countries as part of the investigation and gathered overwhelming evidence which led to Sajid Badat pleading guilty.

"That included scientific evidence which proved a match between material found at Badat's home and that which Richard Reid had."

The Old Bailey was told that in December 2001 Badat had booked a ticket to fly from Manchester to Amsterdam in preparation for an onward flight to the United States on which the explosive device would be detonated. But intelligence sources say no onward flight was booked from Amsterdam.

Instead, the court heard, on 14 December 2001, four days after Badat returned to Britain, he e-mailed his superiors "indicating he might withdraw". It remains a mystery why Badat had second thoughts about the bombing, although it is not unusual for suicide terrorists to pull out at the last moment.

Born on 28 March 1979 in Gloucester to a strict Muslim family who moved to England from Malawi, Badat was an active member of his community and had hopes of becoming a Islamic priest. He was educated at Crypt Grammar School for Boys in Gloucester from 1990 to 1997, where he gained four A-levels.

He is understood to have rowed with his father, Mohammed, a retired factory worker, and became increasingly serious about his religion. He spent some time at a mosque in south London, where counter-terrorist sources believe he was infused with radical ideas, and then went to the training camps in Afghanistan.While there, he is thought to have met Richard Reid. Unlike Badat, Reid was a poorly educated petty criminal from south London, who became radicalised while in a young offenders institution and at the Brixton mosque in south London. Reid tried to carry out his suicide mission on an American Airlines flight, carrying 197 passengers and crew, from Paris to Miami in December 2001, but was overpowered.

Phone cards found on Reid were said to have been used by Badat to contact Reid's terrorist link, a man named Nizar Trabelsi, who is in jail in Belgium.

After Reid had been arrested, MI5 and the anti-terrorist branch became increasingly convinced that there was a "second shoe bomber".

After Badat aborted his mission he enrolled in a five year course at the College of Islamic Knowledge and Guidance in Blackburn, Lancashire. But, after living as a boarder for two years, he returned to his parents in the summer of 2003. He lived in Barton, part of the 4,000-strong Muslim population of Gloucester, and preached at the local mosque, where he was a softly spoken and respected member of the community.

Badat came under investigation after his name was obtained by MI5 as someone who had spent a suspiciously long time in Afghanistan. He is understood to have been at a training camp for about two years from 1998 to 2000. He came under intense surveillance in an operation that involved anti-terrorist officers travelling to 15 different countries.

In November 2003, officers raided his home and found an explosive device designed to fit into the heel of a shoe. Badat later told police that he had removed the detonator and plastic explosive from the shoe in which it had been hidden. A piece of detonating cord that was recovered was identical to the one used in Reid's bomb.

While Badat is not thought to have been involved in any other bombing plots on his return to Britain, there is concern that he had been involved in attracting supporters to al-Qa'ida.

His arrest came as shock to those in his local community, many of whom struggled to believe that Badat could be involved in terrorism. Usman Bhaimia, Gloucester's first Muslim councillor said: "When I heard the news I was absolutely shocked. He is such a lovely guy, very studious and hard-working and quiet. Everyone in the community loves him and I think this is the reason why everyone is so shocked at the news."

Inayat Bunglawala, a spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "This appears to be the first clear-cut case of actual involvement by a British Muslim in a terror plot in this country. It is shocking news, but Saajid Badat can expect no sympathy from British Muslims because he has pleaded guilty to involvement in a terror plot targeting innocents."

Massoud Shadjareh, chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, said at least Badat had changed his mind about the plot. "When it really counted he decided that this was too horrible and an unacceptable thing to do," he said. "It shows his real Islamic inclinations came at the 11th hour to help him." A spokesman for the Islamic college in Blackburn said: "We are deeply shocked. We condemn what he has been doing and we welcome the success of the police."

The spokesman said Badat had gone through the same vetting process as every other student at the college in Blackburn. "Badat went through the vetting procedures but nothing showed up and he was taken on as a student. It could happen to any college."

Badat will be sentenced on 18 March after Mr Justice Fulford, has heard the full prosecution case, followed by mitigation.


cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 08:16 pm
Yes, and we've had American born men who joined the Taliban.
What's your point? Tim McVeigh was an American born terrorist who killed many in Oklahoma City. The Unibomber was an American born college professor who killed innocent folks.

Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 08:18 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Your fears are not rational nor do you have any common sense. It's more likely you will die from other or natural causes.

Once more visit NYC and tell me about irrational concerns..............

Oh who care what the risk of one person dying is or is not by terrorists actions?

I am sure you would go over big telling the above to the family members who have love ones needing to jump to their deaths from the twin towers so not to end up being burn to dead instead.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 08:20 pm
I've been to NYC several times. Most have gotten over it, and are trying to live normal lives - unlike you who live in constant fear.
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 08:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What's your point? Tim McVeigh was an American born terrorist who killed many in Oklahoma City. The Unibomber was an American born college professor who killed innocent folks.

Tim McVeigh was one man acting with only some help from one other person and as soon as he was captured any future danger from that source was over and that go even more so for the Unabomber.

However behind most of the muslins attackers to date is a large and ongoing organization that had used mosques as a cover and a means of planning future attacks, recruiting agents for future attacks and achieving some of their fundings.

In other word not the same damn thing at all so why do you not stop playing dishonest games?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 08:33 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Most have gotten over it, and are trying to live normal lives - unlike you who live in constant fear.

Living in constant fear or putting your head up you ass and pretending there is no problem that needs to be deal with is not the only two choices available.
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 08:55 pm
The second word of the day http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perception
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2010 09:28 pm
My head is in clear daylight; I travel the world - including the Middle East - without fear. I've traveled to Israel after their summer war with Jordan a few years ago, and visited Egypt one month after the massacre at Hatshepsut's Temple.

I have traveled to Peru, Turkey, Greece, Norway, and India this year, and plan to travel to more places in 2011.

I've traveled to Central Asia a few years ago where the majority are Muslims, and felt safer there than most big cities in the US. The children there approach American visitors with smiles, and speak excellent English in addition to several more languages. I have a Muslim friend who lives in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. He is a physician I met through an acquaintance many years ago, and we still communicate on a regular basis. I consider him a good friend.

You're the one with your head up your arse. You lack common sense or ability at rational thinking.
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2010 12:58 am
@cicerone imposter,
Bill is simply a troll who disagrees and argues on every thread that he posts on. It is clear that he usually has no concept of the topic to which he is replying. Facts mean little to him.
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2010 04:52 am
@cicerone imposter,
My head is in clear daylight; I travel the world - including the Middle East - without fear. I've traveled to Israel after their summer war with Jordan a few years ago, and visited Egypt one month after the massacre at Hatshepsut's Temple.

I have traveled to Peru, Turkey, Greece, Norway, and India this year, and plan to travel to more places in 2011.

I've traveled to Central Asia a few years ago where the majority are Muslims, and felt safer there than most big cities in the US. The children there approach American visitors with smiles, and speak excellent English in addition to several more languages

And those travels of your change the acts of one mass murders after another done in the name of god by Muslims in the West in what way or in what manner?

Did your travels and your running into friendly Muslims change the fact that a numbers of young Muslims born and raised in the UK blow themselves up on buses and subways killing their fellow citizens for example?

Did it change the fact that mosques had been used as a cover and support for mass murders time after time?

reasoning logic
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2010 05:41 am
Your last sentence could have also read [Did it change the fact that churches had been used as a cover and support for mass murders time after time.]

Do you think that the muslims are trying to catch up?

Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2010 05:46 am
@reasoning logic,
Did it change the fact that churches had been used as a cover and support for mass murders time after time.]

Would you like to name such in the last few hundred years?

reasoning logic
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2010 05:55 am
That is why I said catch up! Do they not have to go threw the same things as we did in order to get where we are at?

Now if you realy new the truth about how many people are being killed in the name of God by so called christians you would not believe it so we can not go there.
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2010 05:58 am
Happy festive period to all you guys that tried to set BillRM straight, somewhat fruitlessly I fear, which is why I've had him on ignore for yonks. Particular shout out to MM who has just a tiny bit of lefty in him!
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