You miss the point that the irrational fears about the building of that church did not pan out, and that the fears regarding the building of the community center/mosque may be similarly irrational.
Out of the 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, only 19 of them were directly involved, as hijackers, in the attacks of 9/11, and their motives were more political than religious. To challenge the building of every mosque in the United States, based on the political actions of a very small minority of Muslim extremists, is as irrational as the protests against the building of that Catholic church 225 years ago.
According to the 2004 John Jay Report commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), there were 6,700 cases of sexual abuse of Americans by Catholic priests which were investigated
and substantiated between 1950 and 2002.
Would you advocate that every Catholic parochial school be closed down because of the possibility that pedophile priests might have contact with children? Would you forbid the building of Catholic churches within a mile of public schools or playgrounds for the same reasons? Should we ban the building of Catholic churches since they might be breeding grounds for pedophiles?
How far do you want to carry blaming all members of a religion for the actions of a very small minority of followers?