Pinochet73;34490 wrote:Aaron, as long as you keep pinging people for their writing, when yours sucks, I'm going to keep needling you. And don't even think about playing the race-card. You're a prankster, and deserve being screwed with, on that account. Now, your punctuation would alone cause you to fail Freshman English, not to mention your routine use of double negatives, run-on sentences, and poor diction. Also, you frequently misspell words. You might call yourself a writer, but you have yet to prove it. Deeds, Aaron, not words. Words are cheap. If words alone work around here, then I declare myself a Harvard Professor of History, and demand respect and agreement, if not adulation, from everyone.
Well, you know, if I thought you a credible entity, I might be offended and hurt by your words...but it's all I can do to keep from "belly laughing", behind your dribble. You know, I'll give it to you...my punctuation might suffer, and I do have an unconventional style...but as to my spelling (which, I might add, is infinitely more important than punctuation, because if a word is misspelled or the wrong word used, it, unequivocally reduces the strength of your argument, because your intelligence, knowledge of the subject matter, and attention to detail come into question...you being an "alleged" educator ought to know this), it's hardly ever off, because I do use a dictionary, at every turn.
My incidences of "misspelled words", is considerably less than yours.
My diction (from Merriam&Websters 2: choice of words especially with regard to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness), is never in question, precisely, because I am a writer, and know, "full well", what I write, "I mean"....so look to your own inability to comprehend what is meant before you fault me.
There is no need for me to "play the race card", or any other "card", for that matter...that device is left to those who must use ploys and tactics in order to support their arguments or positions. When race becomes an issue needlessly, I point it out. Plain and simple. I will not let stand ,"others" using the "race card", or "white privilege", which is the polar opposite, in order to effect justification for their position...no one race is better or more superior than another, despite what is believed. Don't you agree?
And I don't need to prove anything to anyone here...I have a circle, in which I operate...and my services and my art is in demand..."the truth doesn't require your belief, to be true...it is "true", despite what you may believe".
And given your foibles and missteps, for you to claim to be anything more than a janitor at Harvard, is really "a stretch". LOLOL