American United or AU inforcing seperation of church and state

Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 07:03 am
aaronssongs;22194 wrote:
Ok, we can do that....I won't pay attention to your posts, and you don't pay attention to mine, ok?
I'm a moderator, i pay attention to most every post.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 07:06 am
aaronssongs;22170 wrote:
Thank you.....I was listening to NPR, today, and an ex-American military officer, was being interviewed, concerning his book about his experience. He was an Costa Rican national, who decided to enlist in the armed forces. He became an officer, and had a command in Iraq. He increasingly became disaffected and questioned some of the orders and missions he was asked to go on. It wasn't until the moment of truth came....he was required to fire upon an Iraqi, for the first time, with a grenade...he fired, but doesn't remember the man falling down....but does remember members of a crowd, pulling the body out of the line of fire. He had never killed anyone before...it changed everything...while being re-commissioned, and getting his status amended, on a return visit to the US, his status was not renewed, and could only be expedited if he returned to duty in Iraq....he decided, after much turmoil, to become a conscientious objector, and prepared to be court-martialled.....
That was as much of the interview as I caught...but I was so moved by him challenging those who had never seen war, up close and personal (such as most of the present administration, with the sole exception of Colin Powell), much less any military service of any kind, but who are more than enthusiastic about sending young Americans into battle, and not blinking their eyes. Hypocrites, cowards, and charletans, all.

Welcome to America, a republic for which it stands.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 07:09 am
STNGfan;22177 wrote:
I tell you what when all the congressman and the President send their own kids to Iraq to fight. I will consider it a war worth fighting for but blindly sending other peoples children off to die.
I agree Hyporites, cowards and charletans all.
It is easy to sit in a seat and congress and send people off to die.

What I think is funny is that they will send Americans off to die and say the sacrifice is worth it but refuse to raise taxes to afford it.
Human life= expendable
Their money= not expendable

shows what they value more...right to life my *ss.
It is easy to sit in a seat and congress and send people off to die.
How hard is it from where your at? Your an American and you are responcible as well. And for that they will kill you but being you'll convert to Islam you would do good to stand behind then and not America.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 07:14 am
aaronssongs;22196 wrote:
" That explains it, you've never had to really work."
I worked as a cardiopulmonary technician, in a world class pulmonary lab, in the Texas Medical Center for 14 years, under Dr. Paul M. Stevens, the former head of Baylor College of Medicine-Pulmonary Dept. Thank you.
Oh yeah, check out my MySpace page (URL: myspace.com/aaronssongs)....there is a whole lot of work listed there. And my website (www.2osos.com/)...which is work mixed with fun...., on the contrary, I have had to work, and "hard".

Like my uncle ( a very wise man) used to say, "what you don't know, would fill volumes".
Yeah, wait let me guess, you were an intern?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 07:16 am
rugonnacry;22199 wrote:
Thanks for the ridiculously long posts. Show of hands who read it?
I took the liberty of deleting one.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 07:21 am
aaronssongs;22207 wrote:
It was an op-ed....guess newspapers are for lining kitty boxes in your house. lol

FYI. Posting other peoples work without permission in there entirety is plagiarism. Being a writer don't you think you should know that, or are the elite left obsolved of this? If you have permission to re post it then you should post that as well, customary is to post three to four paragraphs with a link. And also include there copywrite, you sure your a writer?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 07:35 am
92b16vx;22215 wrote:
Pull you head out of your ass before you laugh too hard, you'll get **** in your mouth.

Aaronssong, seriously, most of the posters here, the ones you've directed post to in this thread, are a complete waste. They think they "pwn" people on the internet, and that by simply asking rudimentary questions trying to twist around your views are somehow debating, or "smart". They are in a word pointless. I come here less and less because the ignorance is overfuckingwhelming. Not only that, but there is no debate, even the moderators berate their base, that's why this place has such a small crowd, most people come, post, see the peanut gallery, and don't waste anymore time. None of them will take time to look at FACTS, but instead just keep yakking on about their opinions as if they were facts. It really doesn't matter if you were to take them to Bushs house, and have him tell them the complete truth, they would just think he had turned into a islamofascist sympathizer, and go about pretending they have a clue what patriotism is.
It's a complete waist alright, a waist of your time. Me on the other hand have all the time in the world.
I come here less and less because the ignorance is overfuckingwhelming.
Tolerance abounds from the elite left. Overwhelming is for feeble minds.
Not only that, but there is no debate, even the moderators berate their base,
Sucks us having an opinion huh, you kinda wish we would just fall over with our feet in the air? The reason you can't convince us is not because we are ignorant it is because your story is flawed. You know like believeing Iraq started after 9/11!
that's why this place has such a small crowd, most people come, post, see the peanut gallery, and don't waste anymore time.
Yet your still here? Peanut is as peanut does?
None of them will take time to look at FACTS, but instead just keep yakking on about their opinions as if they were facts.
Every wonder what the opposition is up to watch what they accuse you of.
It really doesn't matter if you were to take them to Bushs house, and have him tell them the complete truth, they would just think he had turned into a islamofascist sympathizer, and go about pretending they have a clue what patriotism is
Yeah, yeah we know decent is the truest form of patriotism, well in my book the anti-decenter gotta rank right up there with them. Don't like my form of patriotism, tuff!!!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 07:44 am
aaronssongs;22217 wrote:
Thanks....sometimes I take it way too seriously, and get so frustrated...My partner asks who am I "reading" now. I tell him I've just got to get some folks "straight"! LOL...appreciate you.
Your gonna be here a long time. I can have a very intellectual conversation, problem is some people do get frustraded and end up all emo inside. The can't rastionalise after that. "straight" we are.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 06:54 am
Dr.anal, you're such a humorous little man.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 09:06 am
Western Christian nationalists must unite worldwide and lay the groundwork for the building of a sovereign, autonomous, independent and powerful CHRISTIAN IMPERIAL STATE, someday soon, somewhere on Planet Earth. It'll be based on the template of Medieval Christendom, NOT democracy or constitutionalism. In other words, it'll be founded on principles of STRENGTH, and therefore empower itself to take direct and decisive action against God's enemies.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 09:37 am
92b16vx;23438 wrote:
Dr.anal, you're such a humorous little man.
Humorously free. I'll have to ask you use my name in the way it was intended or i will remove your post.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 10:57 am
Drnaline;23456 wrote:
Humorously free. I'll have to ask you use my name in the way it was intended or i will remove your post.

OOOooh, look who's back....I've decided whenever I need a good laugh, and need to roll my eyes, I may continue to visit the site...and what do I find, but more of the same unenlightened bull.

Edited by MOD.

The word you were going for is "copyright"...and as hard as it is to believe, I am, indeed, "a writer" (freelance and poetry), working on my 2nd book, "Volume NeXt", which will include some of my music compositions....and yes, I'm a musician and a producer...and got favorable reviews for my debut music cd, of contemporary music...sorry to disappoint. Spin it any way you like.
And I'm not elite or elitist...I know I may be perceived as such....it's simply having "command" of the English language, and am intelligent...traits sorely lacking on this website.

And kudos to 92b16vx, missdixy, briansol, rhopper3, rugonnacry...I enjoyed your intelligent and intuitive posts...nice to see you balance out the crap, nicely.

Edited my MOD

Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 11:10 am
aaronssongs;23482 wrote:
OOOooh, look who's back....I've decided whenever I need a good laugh, and need to roll my eyes, I may continue to visit the site...and what do I find, but more of the same unenlightened bull.

Edited by MOD.

The word you were going for is "copyright"...and as hard as it is to believe, I am, indeed, "a writer" (freelance and poetry), working on my 2nd book, "Volume NeXt", which will include some of my music compositions....and yes, I'm a musician and a producer...and got favorable reviews for my debut music cd, of contemporary music...sorry to disappoint. Spin it any way you like.
And I'm not elite or elitist...I know I may be perceived as such....it's simply having "command" of the English language, and am intelligent...traits sorely lacking on this website.

And kudos to 92b16vx, missdixy, briansol, rhopper3, rugonnacry...I enjoyed your intelligent and intuitive posts...nice to see you balance out the crap, nicely.

Edited my MOD


Can't stay away can you? We love you too.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 11:13 am
Drnaline;23488 wrote:
Can't stay away can you? We love you too.

Edited...mmmph,mmph, mmph....The truth hurts doesn't it. Can't deal with it.
Edited...oh, but you don't edit yourself, do you?

Edited by MOD.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 11:14 am
Third infraction, you may not be here much longer
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 11:17 am
Now I'm curious to see what he said...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 11:17 am
Drnaline;23494 wrote:
Third infraction, you may not be here much longer

Edited by MOD

Would this be the 4th infraction....oooh, bad Aaron...bad, bad, Aaron...I just hope it's up long enough for the truth to get out...
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 11:19 am
now edit it again...and again...I'll be banned, and you'll still be stupid.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 11:20 am
aaronssongs;23497 wrote:
Edited by MOD

Would this be the 4th infraction....oooh, bad Aaron...bad, bad, Aaron...I just hope it's up long enough for the truth to get out...

You guessed it, i don't think you can do it in one post?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2007 11:20 am
No, I'm sure he'll just ban you Smile Don't worry though, you get to have your nam written in pink letters, I believe, and I'm sure you'll love that.

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