Drnaline;22001 wrote:Or neither. I'm a minority who doesn't feel victimised and you find that strange?Probably to both, but by the same token who hasn't in one way or another? Probably no one on the planet including whites?
What makes you a person of color? Because, your answers are suspect.
And I'm inclined to believe that you are a right wing extremist, based on your ID, ( A "Peace sign"), as "Footprint of the American Chicken"
" Feminism is a minority social movement, whose members murder innocent children in order to obtain sexual gratification.
Mike Adams
"The candidates that can't face Fox, can't face al-Qaida. And that's what's coming." Roger Ailes
Seems you have quite a few issues. All of which I seem to be at odds with.
"Desiring Peace", does not mean that you are weak, or operate from a position of weakness...it means that you cannot bully your way around the globe, and enforce your will on other peoples...no matter how right you thnk you are, and how wrong you think they are.
Feminism "is' a minority social movement, prodominant in the 60's and 70's, which has "morphed" into a broader based entity, which has to do with women's rights (i.e. equal pay for equal work, maternity leave, childcare, etc...)...and they don' t believe in the "murder of children"...I know you "pro-lifers" love to spin that...but some in the medical community, professionals, and people in positions of authority, along with a large segment of society do not believe that fetuses or embryos are children...anymore than egg yolks are baby chicks...the outcome is unsure.
Fox is an extremist right wing mouthpiece and cheerleading section for the Republican party and platform...which doesn't possess the decency or the integrity to hold this present corrupt , criminal administration to accountability. The candidates who wouldn't dignify that network, and lend it credibility by appearing on it, in any fashion or form, are courageous and heroic, exhibiting belief in a truly "fair and balanced" America...which lives up to its' creed.....life, liberty and justice for all....not just people who believe as you do. Tilt-A-Whirl
Oh, and the "fear mongering" about Democrats and liberals being afraid of Al-Quida....9/11 was an equal opportunity massacre...Democrats died along with Republicans...liberals with conservatives...gays with straights, women with men...pro-lifers with pro-choicers...and so on....stop acting like you all have a monopoly on outrage and revenge. Nobody is afraid of anyone.
We just have a different view as how to address it...with diplomacy, carrying a "big stick"...stop portraying Dems and liberals as "pantywaists"...we need to be united as Americans....the borders are a joke...whose watch is it on?
Dems don't have a majority in Congress and the Republicans are being obstructionists...not the Dems fault...so stop it. You Republicans have had your turn...you had the majority for 6 years, and look at the mess you made.
Look at all the scandals.
Now it's time for the Dems to correct (if possible) the biggest mess in our history. Move out the way.
And to address your previous post....
Don't play crazy...discrimination against whites doesn't even compare or impact the way discrimination against POC has...have whites been denied civil rights, the right to vote (in an open election), racial profiling, equity in the application of laws, employment, pay, education...and on and on and on and on....I was born at night, but not "last night".