Too many things to reply too, but I'm tryin.

Your not being long winded either, I'm reading everything everyone is saying.
She is not lazy. She probably doesn't take enough breaks to just sit around. Even after the kids go to bed, she is usually doing stuff she couldn't do while they were awake. There are a couple of shows she likes, but she will record them and watch them after they go to bed. She is either involved with what the kids are playing with, working on some type of project, cleaning up after messes (like soz said) or something. But I believe she leaves things for me, like the floors or dishes, etc. just because she feels that I should make some type of contribution. Even though she could probably do some of them with no problem during the day, she wants to make sure I put in my share. Hey, I don't mind, just she shouldn't act like I'm not doing anything.
I'm starting to get ideas of how some of this has come about. When the kids were young, I didn't know much about babies. I guess they kinda scared me, I don't know, I can't explain it. But I didn't want her to think I wasn't "doing my part". I would do what she asked if she needed a break. I would get up at night, we had sort of a rotation thing going. But I was more like, your the mother and you know what's best, so I'll let you handle the baby thing and if you need help, I'm more than willing. But I'll take care of everything else, the house, meals, whatever. I guess I thought of that as my contribution and she thought of it as disinterest in the kids. I hope this is coming out right. I wanted to help out and do my share, but I knew that she was better than me at taking care of the babies. So I would try and take care of everything else. I would help with the kids, but I felt I couldn't do it as well as her. I thought I was doing the right thing, but now she uses it against me. Arggg, I don't think I'm explaining this very well. I don't mean it to sound like I didn't help out with the babies and totally avoided them.
I'm am not overstating the work I do around the house. It is just understood that at some point each weekend I need to vacuum, sweep and mop. I clean the dishes, kitchen and table everyday. There are always dishes in the sink from their lunch when I get home. I clean those along with the dinner dishes. And, of course, I do all the "man" chores, like mow and take out the trash. This is kinda funny, but she goes so far as if she has to empty the trash during the day, she will leave the bag just outside the door to the garage. The trash cans are just 6 more steps away, inside the garage! This happens all the time, I don't get it, but I don't bring it up.
You can call me Dave.
I overexaggerated that she didn't have ANY friends. Although, believe me, I am trying to be honest and not exagerate. She has one friend in the area where we live from when she first started teaching. We don't see her a whole lot, but they have remained friend for a long time. She is unmarried and has no kids. I have desperately tried to get her to find more friends with common interests and kids. She takes the kids to gymnastics and dance and has met serveral nice mothers. She has done a few things with a few mothers, but she hasn't really stuck with it. The incident with my son almost drowning kinda stopped a lot of it. She was invited to a private swiming pool by a group of mothers. They were talking and she took her eye off my son for a second. That was all it took and another mother was pulling my son out of the water. He was unconscience (spelling sucks) but luckily he came to very quickly and everything was fine. Very scarry moment though. I don't think she has forgiven herself for that. I almost get the feeling that she is more mad that I might use that against more than anything.