rugonnacry;16011 wrote:Im not christian.
And apparently you missed my very elementary point.
YOU MUST be able to seperate your PERSONAL beliefs from your DAILY work. Not everyone believes the way you do Not even the majority. Therefore to Run anything From the Country down to the shift manager at pizza hut, based on your personal beliefs would be more likened to a DICTATORSHIP (Go ahead and quote Mr. Webster on that one) as opposed to the UNiteds states Democratic Republic.
You missed my point. We are not discussing how you or someone who believes like you would act. We are not discussing how someone who operates with deceit would act.
We are discussing a political party whose members are Christians or Jews, who pledge to live by a set of principles established outside themselves by God. No one else may be a member of this party. This means that all members of the party must do their best to adhere to the idea that they do not hate their fellow man. They must put this idea into action. Their measure and guide is the Word of God.
If you are not a Christian or Jew, you would not be accepted as a member and therefore your hatred would not be a factor the party would have to deal with. If you were a member and failed to honor your pledge, you'd be ejected from the party. It's as simple as that.