Re: Bible Party of the USA
Quote:Originally stated by rhopper3
I have heard all this before starting around 1980 when I graduated high school, and its the same people perptrating it, the ones who want their outdated ideas to hold sway after time has left them behind
kids today are smarter, and more saavy than ever and I hope less subject to this kind of BS.....
I'm a several years ahead of you and saw what was happening in K-12 and College. Then saw it again with my children and grandchildren. You can say a rock doesn't exist. That doesn't change the fact that it does. The only way to change a rock is to destroy it.
Knowledge isn't like a rock. It exists but can't be destroyed. As long as someone has a thought in their head, the thought continues to live. If they pass that thought to another person, that person has that thought and can do with it what they will. Both persons have a common frame of reference with respect to that thought. The only way to prevent this process is to prevent thoughts from being transmitted. In other words, prevent free speech and structure a society's educational system to teach what you want taught.
Soft brainwashing starts with the enemy establishing a captive situation. This can be actual or mental captivity. The Stockholm syndrome then operates. If the enemy then enters discussion with the captive, the captive is more receptive to the thoughts and behavior modes of the enemy. This is because the enemy controls something the captive needs. In the case of a child or student in a school, a grade that passes them on to another level. In the case of a hostage, the hostage's life, food, and ability to urinate or defecate without soiling their pants.
In the case of a POW, the same thing operates plus the potential for better treatment if they pretend to accept the captor's premise and train of thought. Add to that the promise of eventual release. If the POW begins to accept the premise, even if only on the surface, to appear to accept it, then the battle is lost.
In the case of political correctness society wants to avoid unpleasant consequences. The enemy counts on this reluctance and counts it in their plans. The enemy also uses this mode of behavior to control those who don't accept the political correctness by bringing pressure to bear from those who do. This is a powerful mechanism that has been at work in the USA and western society for many decades. Ever read George Orwell's Animal Farm? It's a short book. I use the term enemy in the above discourse because anyone who uses coercion to change your thought or behavior is an enemy.
If you can prevent a society from establishing a base of common knowledge in their children before introducing conflicting ideas and modes of behavior, you can control that society and bring it down. That has been happening off and on for centuries to one society or another. We are the most recent example. This process is a form of warfare. It is part of what SunZu referred to when he counseled to shape the environment so there is no need to have a battle.
Intelligence doesn't determine whether someone knows something if they haven't been exposed to it; Garbage in, garbage out. If all you are fed is garbage that is all you'll know. Perhaps that has been your diet and you are unaware. When someone points out the fallacy of your mode of thought you get defensive. Self-denial is common in cases like yours. Could Johari's window be operating? Or is this pronouncement of yours something more sinister. If people are aware of what is happening and have an inkling of why, they can take action to change it. Are you afraid of that? If so, why?