Bible Party of the USA

Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:00 pm
Silverchild79;14287 wrote:
wow, your views borderline on radical.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:02 pm
I was trying to be nice
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:05 pm
Silverchild79;14285 wrote:
way to (conveiniantly) mis read your own bible! Christ "freed" the world from sin in the Bible, not slavery. That's what that scripture pertains to and nothing besides

Roger that. Do you work? Do you feel trapped? Are you free to walk away from your work? Are you a slave to the job you have and the debt you owe? Who do you work for? The Bible expects Christians and Jews to make the most of the circumstances they find themselves in and to work as though they are working for God to bring Him glory. Yes, slavery is wrong. If you read the Charter of this party you will see that is one of the basic beliefs each member must have.

Have a good night. I am signing off for the night. I'll check again next weekend. Don't have time during the week.
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:05 pm
Silverchild79;14293 wrote:
I was trying to be nice

Oh, so you're the person in that car with the bumper sticker that reads coexist running down I66 every day.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:08 pm
Volunteer;14294 wrote:
Roger that. Do you work? Do you feel trapped? Are you free to walk away from your work? Are you a slave to the job you have and the debt you owe? Who do you work for? The Bible expects Christians and Jews to make the most of the circumstances they find themselves in and to work as though they are working for God to bring Him glory. Yes, slavery is wrong. If you read the Charter of this party you will see that is one of the basic beliefs each member must have.

Have a good night. I am signing off for the night. I'll check again next weekend. Don't have time during the week.

There is a big difference between being financially bound to your job and being forced into Slavery. The idea that you would even lightly attempt to equate them is ridiculous, and does not represent any perfect god...
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:25 pm
"I could accept homosexuals teaching other subjects, not sexuality."

No matter who teaches sexuality, religion is not to be interwoven with the subject matter.

"Homosexuality is a type of religion, it has the attributes."

That's a blanket statement applied to a huge population. No, it's not a religion at all to many gay people -- the radicals, yes, perhaps, but not everybody. You have a religion-based prejudice crowding your thinking on this matter.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:29 pm
I believ homosexuals might be more inclined (because they are so against the norm and also outspoken) to promote 'tolerance' despite religious beliefs of students (admittedly, a good Christian is scarce in a sex ed class, but most don't care.)

P.S. Are these reputation point things new? What's up with them?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:31 pm
Volunteer;14254 wrote:
My how aggressive. You really need to consider what you do for a vacation. Yours didn't help you unwind. Oh-ho! You really didn't spring for the extra room.

Your post was also very hypocritical. You want others to care what you think and let you behave in any way you wish. Yet you actually tell others you not only don't care what they think or believe, but really wish they'd cease to exist.

That's not very tolerant of you. Shame, shame on you. :no:

Your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired, or you are just stupid. Try it again, only this time, assimilate the sentences into one cohesive thought...

I already said I don't don't give a *** about you and your freedom of speech. You can say all you want (<---pay special attention to this line), as long as it doesn't infringe on others freedom and happiness...

Maybe you can get together with the Klan and cry on each others shoulders about how you can't hate people without reprocussion.
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:35 pm
Silverchild79;14255 wrote:
This is the biggest problem with Christianity. The lack of tolerance for other people point of views. Nobody can give their ideas to a Christian if they're not Christian, because then it's an "Attack on Christianity". That's complete vanity, to think the average Atheist is even mildly concerned with the state of the Christian populace is paranoia, they couldn't care less, that's why they're atheists.

Christians need to learn that we live in a small world where many different people have many different ideas and learn to agree to disagree. Just because someone sees things a little differently then you doesn't mean they're filled with the "spirit of the Anti-Christ"

They will never get it.
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 07:03 pm
Silverchild79;14255 wrote:
That's complete vanity, to think the average Atheist is even mildly concerned with the state of the Christian populace is paranoia, they couldn't care less, that's why they're atheists.

That's why 'The Flying Spaghetti Monster' is all over the place?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 07:16 pm

You stated one purpose of the your Bible party would be to coordinate with Jews. Sorry, Dude. That tore it for me. No....I'm not going to coordinate anything but the demise of Islamo-Fascism with Jews. Aside from that, we have nothing to discuss.
chuckc cv
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 08:48 pm
Originally stated by Silverchild79
This is the biggest problem with Christianity. The lack of tolerance for other people point of views. Nobody can give their ideas to a Christian if they're not Christian, because then it's an "Attack on Christianity". That's complete vanity, to think the average Atheist is even mildly concerned with the state of the Christian populace is paranoia, they couldn't care less, that's why they're atheists.

Christians need to learn that we live in a small world where many different people have many different ideas and learn to agree to disagree. Just because someone sees things a little differently then you doesn't mean they're filled with the "spirit of the Anti-Christ"

They will never get it.
Hopefully people do.

I would further speculate that Christians are not the only religious group who are intolerant of others beliefs. IMO, it is religious intolerance plaguing our global community.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 04:59 pm
Silverchild79;14285 wrote:
So I would assume the 18th century colonial criminal system in New England that put men in stocks in public square for not going to chuch, and the inquisition (which executed people for not being chirstian) are likewise only my opinion and not historical fact right? sure...

Who perpetrated the inquisition? Was it the Church or someone who co-opted the name of the church?

"In the Iberia of the reconquista a scenario of this kind presented a danger profoundly more serious than elsewhere. As the Christians slowly reestablished their hegemony over the peninsula - expressed in the two distinct political entities, Portugal and Spain - the potential antagonists of religious uniformity they were determined to impose were not indigenous eccentrics, as was the case in other European countries (bear in mind that the Protestant Reformation was at this moment still forty years in the future), but a conquered population linked by ties of race and religion to the Muslims living in the principalities of North Africa, which at Gibraltar lay only sixteen watery miles away. Even more ominous from the Spanish point of view was the fact that these so-called barbary states - the modern nations of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia - formed part of a vast imperial system established by the Muslim Turks, a system as powerful and menacing to western Europe as the Soviet bloc was conceived to be in our day. As the reconquista proceeded, therefore, and especially after Granada and the last remnant of Spanish Islam fell to the armies of Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492, policy-makers had to decide how to treat the Moors and the relatively small but influential Jewish community which, in marked contrast to what our century has witnessed, had flourished within a larger Islamic society. The Christian victors, fearful of Muslim sympathizers in their midst, offered no compromise: Moors and Jews had to accept baptism or face expulsion from the country now defined as entirely Catholic.

What this decision amounted to, of course, was a policy of forced conversion, something quite incompatible with traditional Catholic teaching. This fact was pointed out by several popes and numerous Spanish theologians over a long period, but the sentiment expressed by one of Ferdinand of Aragon's royal predecessors was the one that prevailed: "The enemies of the cross of Christ and violators of the Christian law are likewise our enemies and the enemies of our kingdom, and ought therefore to be dealt with as such."

Predictably, however, the stark choice between conformity and exile invited pretense and hypocrisy on the part of those dragooned into a faith not of their own choosing. The Jews and Moors who conformed rather than depart the land in which they and their ancestors had lived for hundreds of years did so with varying measures of reluctance, merging often into downright dissimulation. And this is precisely why the Inquisition was created by the Spanish monarchs: as the etymology of the word implies, the first task of this new judicial body was inquiry, specifically inquiry into the authenticity of the conversion of the Moors and Jews who had come under the sway of those monarchs."

From: The Spanish Inquisition:Fact Versus Fiction

OK, so you'll discredit it just because it is from a web site associated in name with the Catholic denomination.

Bottom line:
Jews are Jews because they were born into their Jewish families. You can't force someone to become a Jew any more than you can force someone to become a Christian.

People cannot be forced to be Christian. Doing so contravenes Christ's Word.
Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 05:01 pm
Silverchild79;14296 wrote:
There is a big difference between being financially bound to your job and being forced into Slavery. The idea that you would even lightly attempt to equate them is ridiculous, and does not represent any perfect god...

The paralell is in the Bible also.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 05:16 pm
92b16vx;14310 wrote:
Your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired, or you are just stupid. Try it again, only this time, assimilate the sentences into one cohesive thought...

I already said I don't don't give a *** about you and your freedom of speech. You can say all you want (<---pay special attention to this line), as long as it doesn't infringe on others freedom and happiness...

Maybe you can get together with the Klan and cry on each others shoulders about how you can't hate people without reprocussion.

You seem to be the person with all the hate. Look at your post from the receiving end. Klan? Ha, the Klan wouldn't have me. I love and respect Jewish and Black people.

I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm sharp and hard enough to get the job done. What is the old saying one man sharpens another? If you think rather than emote, you might get a little sharper also.

If you adhere to the idea that anyone can do anything they wish because it is all relative, then you can't realistically tell others they must refrain from doing anything their heart desires. Other people will never come up to your expectations. Their idea of what is right or wrong will probably not match yours. Who arbitrates if everyone can choose their own standard? In that situation, might will rule. At that point, I sure hope you aren't some 98 pound pencil neck weakling or you'll be in a world of hurt.
Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 05:20 pm
Volunteer;14533 wrote:
Who perpetrated the inquisition? Was it the Church or someone who co-opted the name of the church.

"In the Iberia of the reconquista a scenario of this kind presented a danger profoundly more serious than elsewhere. As the Christians slowly reestablished their hegemony over the peninsula - expressed in the two distinct political entities, Portugal and Spain - the potential antagonists of religious uniformity they were determined to impose were not indigenous eccentrics, as was the case in other European countries (bear in mind that the Protestant Reformation was at this moment still forty years in the future), but a conquered population linked by ties of race and religion to the Muslims living in the principalities of North Africa, which at Gibraltar lay only sixteen watery miles away. Even more ominous from the Spanish point of view was the fact that these so-called barbary states - the modern nations of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia - formed part of a vast imperial system established by the Muslim Turks, a system as powerful and menacing to western Europe as the Soviet bloc was conceived to be in our day. As the reconquista proceeded, therefore, and especially after Granada and the last remnant of Spanish Islam fell to the armies of Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492, policy-makers had to decide how to treat the Moors and the relatively small but influential Jewish community which, in marked contrast to what our century has witnessed, had flourished within a larger Islamic society. The Christian victors, fearful of Muslim sympathizers in their midst, offered no compromise: Moors and Jews had to accept baptism or face expulsion from the country now defined as entirely Catholic.

What this decision amounted to, of course, was a policy of forced conversion, something quite incompatible with traditional Catholic teaching. This fact was pointed out by several popes and numerous Spanish theologians over a long period, but the sentiment expressed by one of Ferdinand of Aragon's royal predecessors was the one that prevailed: "The enemies of the cross of Christ and violators of the Christian law are likewise our enemies and the enemies of our kingdom, and ought therefore to be dealt with as such."

Predictably, however, the stark choice between conformity and exile invited pretense and hypocrisy on the part of those dragooned into a faith not of their own choosing. The Jews and Moors who conformed rather than depart the land in which they and their ancestors had lived for hundreds of years did so with varying measures of reluctance, merging often into downright dissimulation. And this is precisely why the Inquisition was created by the Spanish monarchs: as the etymology of the word implies, the first task of this new judicial body was inquiry, specifically inquiry into the authenticity of the conversion of the Moors and Jews who had come under the sway of those monarchs."

From: The Spanish Inquisition:Fact Versus Fiction

OK, so you'll discredit it just because it is from a web site associated in name with the Catholic denomination.

Bottom line:
Jews are Jews because they were born into their Jewish families. You can't force someone to become a Jew any more than you can force someone to become a Christian.

People cannot be forced to be Christian. Doing so contravenes Christ's Word.

Thank you. I've tried to say this many times before.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 05:20 pm
Pinochet73;14359 wrote:

You stated one purpose of the your Bible party would be to coordinate with Jews. Sorry, Dude. That tore it for me. No....I'm not going to coordinate anything but the demise of Islamo-Fascism with Jews. Aside from that, we have nothing to discuss.


We've been through this before, but not from this angle. The Bible Party would not coordinate with Jews. Jews would be members. I really doubt most tribes of Judaism would wish to be members in a political party with Christians. There is only one tribe that might, Messianic Jews.

What is the difference between a Messianic Jews and a Christian? What possible argument could you have with a Messianic Jew?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 05:33 pm
Silverchild79;14285 wrote:
Both of these are in violation of 1st Corinthians, nothing like educating a Christian about his own Bible. Still don't buy it? Do some research on head covering fo women, it's all over the chruch in early Europe. it wasn't even widely abandoned until 100 years ago or so.

It was a lot more recent than 100 years ago or I am getting old really. I remember Christian women in church wearing a head covering. It was usually a veil or a kerchief. Some made a day of it and wore a pretty (gay) hat. Some went all out and (especially at Easter time) and wore outrageous hats. This was customary. Other, similar customs applied to Christian men.

That was during the time when a man, or well brought up boy, could open a door for a lady and she wouldn't curse him for it. It was a time when men and women helped each other because it was the Christian thing to do.
Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 06:26 pm
Volunteer;14536 wrote:
In that situation, might will rule. At that point, I sure hope you aren't some 98 pound pencil neck weakling or you'll be in a world of hurt.

Far from it, and my **** is wired tight. Me and my brother both were raised to hold our our own.

You seem to be the person with all the hate. Look at your post from the receiving end. Klan? Ha, the Klan wouldn't have me. I love and respect Jewish and Black people.

Probably not based on your racial views, but they would definitely love your idea of masking your disappoval legally behind the bible. Most Klansmen are good christians just like yourself that want to see their pure christian race safe from the debauchery of the world, you want to see yours safe from the hedonism of homos.

I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm sharp and hard enough to get the job done. What is the old saying one man sharpens another? If you think rather than emote, you might get a little sharper also.

I believe the old phrase is iron sharpens iron, meaning my strength would be your stength through working together. Unfortunely the strength of acceptance for others is block by the weakness of intolerance, and fear of change.

If you adhere to the idea that anyone can do anything they wish because it is all relative, then you can't realistically tell others they must refrain from doing anything their heart desires.

I never said anyone can do anything they want, period. I said that you are free to express yourself in verse and action UNTIL, it infringes on anothers freedom and happiness.

Other people will never come up to your expectations. Their idea of what is right or wrong will probably not match yours.

Of course not everyones idea of right and wrong is the same as mine, it would be a boring world if everyone was the same, very boring indeed. The difference is, I am not going to try forcing my belief system on an individual that isn't hurting me. You would have homosexuals chastised because the bible says they are evil, and now you are mad because others that make the laws say you can't. Poor you, all those fags running amok, infecting America, who do they think they are being themselves, the nerve.
Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 06:47 pm
"What is the difference between a Messianic Jews and a Christian?"

One is a Jew, while the other is Christian.

"What possible argument could you have with a Messianic Jew?"

He's Jewish, not Christian. That's my argument.

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