Drnaline;27193 wrote:Where does it say the two cannot be intertwined? It doesn't say Government shall make no law it say Congress shall not..
All right, this just requires a little understand of how the American government works.
1) Congress (Legislative branch) makes all the laws. It cannot do anything but make laws.
2) The Executive branch has no powers other than to ENFORCE laws that the legislative branch makes. The powers given to the government by the constitution are very narrow, and that's all the executive branch gets.
3) The Judicial branch can only do two things: a) decide who is actually breaking a law, and b) decide is a law violated the constitution.
So in other words, yes, Congress makes all the laws. Thus, this prohibits ALL the branches of government from respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Everything the government does starts at congress. So, yes, this does affect the ENTIRE government.
As far as your wife working for a government agency and being christian -- that's dandy! She's within her first amendment rights. In fact, if they said "No christians may work here", they are violating the constitution!
HOWEVER, this DOES NOT mean that the national guard can decide to give a million dollars to a church, for example -- no matter how much your wife might want that. The "check my religion at the door" rhetoric is tired. Please let it rest. It doesn't mean anything, and it's certainly not what we're talking about. Your wife can sit at her desk and pray her whole lunch hour if she feels like it. No one cares. The wall of separation between church is state isn't talking about that. No one has ever said it was, or intended for it to.
People are free to CHOOSE to participate in their religion freely. The wall of separation means that may not be FORCED by law to participate in some religion, one which they may or may not believe in or agree with. Therefore you may not FORCE little Johnny to study the bible and say his prayers in school. If he wants to, he is free to do so (and he really is!), but he cannot be FORCED to. That's what it's all about. If you don't believe me, call your local high school and see if they don't have some sort of christian club that meets for prayer before school, or something.