Wozz wrote:Why not just ban the people? Why was a huge announcement made...especially if Robert initially agreed to help with the new site?
What huge announcement? I didn't even bother making a new topic, just a reply here. Normally, we do not communicate such things at all, often to our great discomfort while watching members accuse us on the boards of things we do not do or accusing us of not doing things that we do do.
But this is, what we refer to in technical terms, a cluster-**** that I discovered in the middle of the night while actually putting out existing fires unrelated to a2k. And I opted to do a lot of things differently, not the least of which is the rather drastic step taken of suspending Philforum member access to PMs entirely.
Our normal policy is to not disclose anything about it to anyone other than the user. Both to protect their privacy as well as to avoid inciting them to try to circumvent the ban (e.g. talking about them, which is why I've repeatedly asked not to grind axes against them here or bash their project).
However the scale of this is such that there is no possible way to have kept it private and we opted for one of our rarer uses of public explanations about what we are doing and take advantage of the greater transparency.
Quote:Okay so people are being spammed but that doesn't mean we need a near 30 page thread for it.
They actually used this thread to collect the user names to do so, only at the very end (starting last night) is it now about the spam they were using it for towards the end.
Quote: Just puts judgment at question here and it's nice that you are vouching for Robert but if you do not know him in real life then how do you trust someone on a forum?...
You have no compunction at all about casting aspersions on the judgment of others based on only knowing them on an internet forum, why is that suddenly insufficient evidence when it comes to my defense?
I post under my real name here. I know many of members here in real life. This community was founded in 2002. That is a very long history of internet community management that I have on the record and they certainly know me better than you do and if you think your entitled to cast doubt on my character based on your few minutes in this forum why is what is good for the goose not good for the gander here? As fecklessly as you throw around character doubt you sure gain a passion for unavailable evidence when it comes to character support.