Caroline it is a joy to see you again! You're as sweet as ever
@mark noble,
I could not do that thing you emailed me about
I hope it's not trouble now. lalalaliking seeing you and sun back
Don't fall into any holes! (especially ones you've dug up)
I need sleep
@mister kitten,
Hi MK, glad to see you too! Hope you're ok.
@mister kitten,
Hi <ole!
That's ok, my friend. It's nice to see you (read you) too.
Have a great day!
Lets not forget to say thanks to Justin for finding us a good home and not selling it to the highest bidder, cheers J!
Hi, sun, and mister kitten, and caroline, and any other old friends who may bump into this. So ... how's it goin'? I'm fine -- beat down, but fine ... talk to ya later.
Nice to see you chad, I'm doing good thanks, glad to hear you are too. Been busy on the farm?
Yeah, it's been busy. One of the horses somehow got itself stuck between the tractor and the barn wall yesterday. I had to take down part of the wall to get her out. These weeks of triple digits really takes it out of ya though. Can't really plow right now because the ground's too dry and it just makes huge clods. We've (my wife and I) have been working really hard to get the house finished too. Oh yeah, I replaced the fan in the refrigerator yesterday too.
Sounds like hard work. I was digging today and I didn't last long, I'm so unfit!
God, it's been forever since i've visited the forum or posted. How are you all?

@Pepijn Sweep,
There doesn't really seem to be much activity in the 'philforum' group at the moment, so hopefully some of us philforum members can rekindle the conversation (as soon as I get all these new assignments and papers over with

Just in case anyone following this thread cares: we are quite far behind on our philosophy forum group implementation as initially intended and implied/promised, life intervened and we had to work on other things that put off our work on the groups, but we are now working on it again and hope (but are leery of promising) to be finished soon and let it get off to the best start it can on this platform.
@Robert Gentel,
thanks for the input Robert !
Obrigada e força ai !
Hi, Leonard. It would be nice if we could "rekindle" conversation, but I doubt it is possible, since many (perhaps the most part) of philforumers are now off this forum due to various reasons. Some are banned for invitation to another forum promised by former philforum mods. (It wasn't launched as well)
Just to pop in . . . or should I say, actually and more honestly, that I just popped in (been away on work here at my office and with my research and on-line nowhere...other than research related sites...pretty much). AND...being here, wonder if any of you all got the 'win a free Green Card to the usa 'add there, in Japanese, at the bottom of page after the most recent post? Fun, humorous, and strange. I hope all have been doing fine...and that does mean ALL !! (not just those of any particular past forum history)
Nice to meet you again, Kaseijin. Some time ago I also had the same ads in Russian. Now at the bottom is written "Sims 3: Do you believe in love at first sight" in Russian. Well, they need to get money from somewhere... And unfortunately that's not the biggest problem in this place...
@Robert Gentel,
Thanks for letting us know.
Hi Leonard how are you? Catch you in chat soon.
Anyone seen sometime sun?