Climate Change Politics

Dave Allen
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 04:46 am
memester;116221 wrote:
I did not see that fox news was saying that the author does not believe in GW.

It is obvious that that is what Fox News were implying. So it isn't BS or Bunk to point out that that isn't what he meant.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 05:29 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;116253 wrote:
It is obvious that that is what Fox News were implying. So it isn't BS or Bunk to point out that that isn't what he meant.
I suppose this means that you are saying that his actual words are not good enough to use ?

Dave Allen, that "take' on it, that your video offers...that is not what was commonly reported, even by "deniers", is it ?

Perhaps you can show us the sources that actually say what your video attributes ? You probably can find some source saying it, Dave Allen; that the author really doesn't believe there is GW . Someone somewhere said it, I bet !

We can look at another skeptic newscaster, Rex Murphy. He doesn't mince words. Let's see if he says what your video offers as a strawman of a "denier" statement.

And do tell us, anyhow, what was ACTUALLY meant by Fox News Very Happy AND HOW YOU DERIVE THAT INTERPRETATION from the words spoken
Dave Allen
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 06:02 am
memester;116255 wrote:
Why don't you say what was meant ? I asuppose this means that you are saying that his actual words are not good enough to use ?Very Happy

In any case, that "take' on it that your video offers...is not what was commonly reported, even by "deniers", is it ?

why don't you show us the sources that actually say what your video attributes ? You probably can find some source saying that, Dave Allen.

Well, it's not clear to me what you mean, to be honest.

Firstly the video does show it's sources, from various journals and newspapers and a section from the relevent e-mail in it's unedited form, all you have to do is pause the vid to have a better read and further sources.

This e-mail is provided as evidence that "scientists are fudging data to present their case for global warming", and Your World is one of the less biased Fox News commentators on the issue.

"If your guts said 'this global warming thing, I think it's a scam, well I think your seeing it now." Glenn Beck (in the Potholer vid I linked to earlier).


Both these 'reporters' held up the quote as evidence for their opinion.

That's how I derive my opinion that Fox News was attempting to twist this particular quote "we can't account for the warming we're seeing right now and it's a travesty that we can't" into an admission by an expert on AGW that it is somehow fraudulent.

However, as the vid points out, if you read the e-mail in its entirity, and couch it in the context of what other e-mailers were discussing, it isn't indicative of an admission of fraud or scam.

We can look at another skeptic newscaster, Rex Murphy. He doesn't mince words. Let's see if he says what your video offers as a strawman of a "denier" statement.

I don't know who he is or what he said. He may very well be a more level-headed commentator on the issue. He doesn't have the visibility that less careful commentators have, as far as I can see and assuming he is more credible, so if there are canards produced by people like Beck, I'd say refuting them still 'counts' as criticism of Fox News.

If one newscaster is credible doesn't make the other newscasters credible, or the general thrust of the channel at large.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 06:17 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;116257 wrote:
Well, it's not clear to me what you mean, to be honest.
oh, really ? Tell me what I said that is not ABSOLUTELY clear.

Firstly the video does show it's sources, from various journals and newspapers and a section from the relevent e-mail in it's unedited form, all you have to do is pause the vid to have a better read and further sources.

This e-mail is provided as evidence that "scientists are fudging data to present their case for global warming", and Your World is one of the less biased Fox News commentators on the issue.
Absolutely, that is the Fox News claim.

"If your guts said 'this global warming thing, I think it's a scam, well I think your seeing it now." Glenn Beck (in the Potholer vid I linked to earlier).
Glen Beck is a good person to pick as a supreme A hole with no brain. I would not doubt any assinine comment, as coming from him.

Both these 'reporters' held up the quote as evidence for their opinion.
so it seems that your vid is really just a respoonse to GLENN BECK rants ? As representative of skeptic's thought on the matter ? hehe, good one, Dave Allen, good one !


That's how I derive my opinion that Fox News was attempting to twist this particular quote "we can't account for the warming we're seeing right now and it's a travesty that we can't" into an admission by an expert on AGW that it is somehow fraudulent.
You seem to be saying that in your understanding, if fraud exists, that the whole of something being researched is not true.

As an example, I can think of a researcher who had phony offices for billing research that was never done. It was research on the psych of Downs' syndrome people. It's not as if, when the fraud was discovered, that people with Downs are then thought to not have psych problems, it's just that the researcher had been CAUGHT.

I find it amusing that you infer that if someone is caught lying or misrepresenting something, that critics MUST be saying ( if they comment on a fraud in research) , that the researched problems DO NOT EXIST. Very Happy

However, as the vid points out, if you read the e-mail in its entirity, and couch it in the context of what other e-mailers were discussing, it isn't indicative of an admission of fraud or scam.
That is not what was said by Fox EITHER. Very Happy

We can look at another skeptic newscaster, Rex Murphy. He doesn't mince words. Let's see if he says what your video offers as a strawman of a "denier" statement. I don't know who he is or what he said. He may very well be a more level-headed commentator on the issue. He doesn't have the visibility that less careful commentators have, as far as I can see and assuming he is more credible, so if there are canards produced by people like Beck, I'd say refuting them still 'counts' as criticism of Fox News.
See, just as with your video, you intend to make Fox News - any Fox News- representative of skeptical opinions - opinions skeptical of these particular ClimateChange political presentation bigshots ( mann, jones, et al).

If one newscaster is credible doesn't make the other newscasters credible, or the general thrust of the channel at large.
So unfortunate, Dave Allen, that you cannot get around to applying the same reasoning the other way 'round; that a Glenn Beck rant does not make the skeptical position non-credible.

but to apply the same fair reasoning both ways ....that is not within your kind of thinking, is it, Dave Allen ?

Rex Murphy on the same thing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am3-HpSnE9Y

Newscasters are not the whole of the skeptical population, on the issue. but since you choose to highlight a Fox newscaster as "representative", we can look at other newscasters, too. Obviously, I could find newcasters who are pro- "Team Warming" and debunk them - then claim that their position is your position.

but you have not debunked that Fox report. Your video is trash, and you seem to know it now.

so show what was REALLY meant, and how you derive that meaning from the words, or you'll be looking awfully poorly.

while you're at it, you might look at Climate Audit site to see the graphs and to place the emails in context ...

See what Briffa had said. He's not GLENN BECK, he's one of the researchers.
Michael Mann
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 08:28 am
memester;116221 wrote:
I can't view that article and I did not run for the hills.
mkay....... well you have the reference and any community college library will have Nature, so you can go pull the 12/24/09 issue and look at the article in print.

memester;116221 wrote:
I did notice this though uh huh. whose ensemble forecasts ?
Read the article and critique the methods. They go into detail about that. And again, I'm not defending their methods at all -- it's just the first article I ran across. If you've got a problem with their data sources, you need to read what they say about them first

The relationship between pH and ammonia is not even fish related. It's basic chemistry. Shift to more ammonium at lower pH, not THE REVERSE OF THAT.
Oh for god's sake, just take 2 seconds and read it. That is EXACTLY what they say. This is the Wilkes Univ site:

From the doubled headed arrow we can tell that the reaction can go either way and hydroxyl ions and ammonium ions could combine to form ammonia and water. This is precisely what happens as the pH of water increases; that is the water becomes more alkaline. You may recall that alkalinity is caused by an increase in hydroxyl ions. An increase in hydroxyl ions (or alkalinity) pushes the equilibrium to the left and more unionized ammonia is formed.
They specifically say here that with HIGHER pH, more UNIONIZED AMMONIA forms. That is the same thing you said -- that the LOWER pH the more IONIZED AMMONIUM forms. The left side of their equilibrium equation shows NH3 and H2O. Their chemistry is CORRECT. So is YOURS. Take the time to read it.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 08:46 am
Aedes;116288 wrote:

Oh for god's sake, just take 2 seconds and read it. That is EXACTLY what they say. This is the Wilkes Univ site:

They specifically say here that with HIGHER pH, more UNIONIZED AMMONIA forms. That is the same thing you said -- that the LOWER pH the more IONIZED AMMONIUM forms. The left side of their equilibrium equation shows NH3 and H2O. Their chemistry is CORRECT. So is YOURS. Take the time to read it.
I've already shown you the mistaken part. Yes, they got it right in one section, then got it wrong. As they explain it, the un-ionized ammonia is the problematic part, not the ionized (ammonium ), which is true.

but then they say this, which is contradictory - an error
Toxicity increases as pH decreases and as temperature decreases.
to be consistent, they would have said it decreases as pH decreases.
but they got it mixed up.

Dave Allen
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 09:20 am
memester;116259 wrote:

Rex Murphy on the same thing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am3-HpSnE9Y

What gets cited as evidence of shenanigans at 1:45 in this vid.

Could it be "we can't account for the warming at the moment"?

Who gets cited as an interesting commentator at the start of the vid?

Could it be John Stewart, of Your World, the Fox News programme that the Greenman vid seeks to answer?

So it would seem that Rex Murphy is looking at the same things as people like Beck (who is, yes, an ass), and drawing the same conclusions from them. He might be a bit more level headed and reasonable sounding, and I agree that in terms of tone alone he adds a bit more to the debate - but he makes the same fundamental error - which is that he is refusing to acknowledge that the context of the e-mails paints a different picture than the one that can be painted by a few cherry picked examples.

For example - the contention that the e-mailers were trying to stifle scientific debate and block alternative ideas:

Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 09:29 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;116314 wrote:
What gets cited as evidence of shenanigans at 1:45 in this vid.

Could it be "we can't account for the warming at the moment"?
unable to quote what it is that you paraphrase so incorrectly ?


Who gets cited as an interesting commentator at the start of the vid?
Could it be John Stewart, of Your World, the Fox News programme that the Greenman vid seeks to answer?
It certainly could be ! John Stewart gets quoted as a PROPONENT of AGW even poking fun at Gore


So it would seem that Rex Murphy is looking at the same things as people like Beck (who is, yes, an ass), and drawing the same conclusions from them.
OF COURSE he is looking at the same stuff: this is about climategate, after all ! What should he be looking at, if not the emails ?


He might be a bit more level headed and reasonable sounding, and I agree that in terms of tone alone he adds a bit more to the debate - but he makes the same fundamental error - which is that he is refusing to acknowledge that the context of the e-mails paints a different picture than the one that can be painted by a few cherry picked examples.
you keep saying they are taken out of context - as if in context they are not damaging - but IN CONTEXT, they are damning.

For example - the contention that the e-mailers were trying to stifle scientific debate and block alternative ideas:

not another one of your hoax vids. OK, I'll look.
Dave Allen
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 09:36 am
memester;116319 wrote:
you keep saying they are taken out of context - as if in context they are not damaging - but IN CONTEXT, they are damning.

Damning of what?

Because the last time I asked what you what was damning about them all you could provide evidence for was that they were damning of a vague agreement about avoiding an FoI request for something unspecified.

Which isn't exactly my conception of damning.

---------- Post added 01-02-2010 at 10:37 AM ----------

memester;116319 wrote:
unable to quote what it is that you paraphrase so incorrectly ?

I'm not paraphrasing. That is what is written on his slideshow at that time.

---------- Post added 01-02-2010 at 10:46 AM ----------

Also, for what it's worth, I haven't said anything dismissive of proper scientific skepticism in this thread as far as I can tell.

I have been dismissive of media types cherry picking irrelevent, or inconclusive, remarks and using them as 'evidence' of 'fraud'.

I don't think scientists skeptical of AGW fall into the same category at all, really. Aside from those I suspect of having been bought.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 09:49 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;116323 wrote:
Damning of what?

Because the last time I asked what you what was damning about them all you could provide evidence for was that they were damning of a vague agreement about avoiding an FoI request for something unspecified.

Which isn't exactly my conception of damning.
The last time you asked me was when I was to show conspiracy solely from the emails. they are damning when viewed in context, in that they DO show exactly what is claimed.

---------- Post added 01-02-2010 at 10:37 AM ----------


I'm not paraphrasing. That is what is written on his slideshow at that time.
on the screen as he talks is a series of the emails ! Those are not his words, but the Climate Change scientists'. ooh, boy, you are offering some great stuff.
Dave Allen
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 09:51 am
memester;116319 wrote:
not another one of your hoax vids. OK, I'll look.
Well, the only reasons you've chosen to dismiss the others as hoaxes have been strawman arguments, or quibbling over whether they've been quixotic or not. Hopefully you'll see that this one even credits some scientific skeptics and criticises some of the e-mailers behaviour (though it stops short of accusing them of fraud).
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 09:55 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;116331 wrote:
Well, the only reasons you've chosen to dismiss the others as hoaxes have been strawman arguments, or quibbling over whether they've been quixotic or not. Hopefully you'll see that this one even credits some scientific skeptics and criticises some of the e-mailers behaviour (though it stops short of accusing them of fraud).
yes, I dismiss strawman arguments offering Glenn Beck's type of statements as representative of skeptic arguments.
0 Replies
Dave Allen
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 09:55 am
on the screen as he talks is a series of the emails ! Those are not his words, but Climate Change scientists. ooh, boy, you are offering some great stuff.

That's the evidence for which he bases his words - and it's not evidence at all - so his words are irrelevent - whilst the vid made by Greenman explaining why "we can't account for the warming at the moment" is a canard is relevent.

Because "we can't explain the warming at the moment" isn't actually what Fox News presents it as being.

---------- Post added 01-02-2010 at 10:58 AM ----------

memester;116332 wrote:
yes, I dismiss strawman arguments offering Glenn Beck's type of statements as representative of skeptic arguments.
An argument which is, in itself, a strawman, because the vid doesn't just tackle Glenn Beck, and those arguments were, for a while, bandied about by deniers as a gestalt, even if a few scientific skeptics are above such things.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 10:03 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;116333 wrote:
That's the evidence for which he bases his words - and it's not evidence at all - so his words are irrelevent - whilst the vid made by Greenman explaining why "we can't account for the warming at the moment" is a canard is relevent.
bunk. that statement is not the only evidence on which he is basing his words, they are just ONE PART of the evidence.


Because "we can't explain the warming at the moment" isn't actually what Fox News presents it as being
You still have not quoted Fox to show that what you say has even a morsel of truth in it.

An argument wich is, in itself, a strawman, because he vid doesn't just tackle Glenn Beck, and those aruments were, for a while, bandied about by deniers as a gestalt, even if a few scientific skeptics are above such things.
a few ? and the rest are in agreement with Beck types? what kind of crap are you into putting out, Dave Allen ? remember, I did not say "Glenn Beck", I said "Glenn Beck type" arguments.

this is an interesting argument that you now bring, considering it was you that brought Beck in
"If your guts said 'this global warming thing, I think it's a scam, well I think your seeing it now." Glenn Beck (in the Potholer vid I linked to earlier).

Not a strawman at all. Anyone who says that the quote shows that the researcher did not believe in GW, is WRONG. Like Glenn Beck is.

But your video puts all skeptics as Climate DENIERS. They talk about no other kindof skeptic or any other persons concerned that the emails do show malfeasance, do they ?

They don't talk about G Monbiot, a pure AGW proponent and anti-denier, who is concerned about this. No, they talk about Beck and his ilk. they do not talk about climate audit people, such as Steve, the one who exposed now admitted errors..who says CO2 may be a huge problem, a medium problem, or a little problem. Do they ?

As if they even deny "CLIMATE". Not AGW, Not even GW, not Climate Change, but CLIMATE. Climate Deniers, Dave.

trash vids, Dave.
Dave Allen
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 10:14 am
memester;116337 wrote:
bunk. that statement is not the only evidence on which he is basing his words, they are just ONE PART of the evidence.

It's not bunk, it's true. Watch the video yourself again if you don't believe me. It's there at 1:45. Are you denying this?

What does it mean? Well, there's no discussion from that anyone on Fox is there? They have jumped to the assumption that it is indicative of conspiracy and have reported it as such (in tones of varying tentativeness or zealousness depending on the persona of the 'reporter').

People on this forum seem to believe its also indicative of a conspiracy of the sort worth commenting on - rather than 'jane and john conspire to watch TV' or something.

It isn't all the evidence - but it is representative and, as you can see from the potholer vid, something other pundits focussed on as well.

You still have not quoted Fox to show that what you say has even a morsel of truth in it.

Well I quoted Beck in reference to it. I also don't need to quote Fox really, as the vids are full of remarks from Fox reporters and pundits on the issue.

.a few ? and the rest are in agreement with Beck types? what kind of crap are you into putting out, Dave Allen ?

No, they don't have to be.

As I said, I haven't actually been dismissive of scientific skeptics.

I posted the vids, originally, to ask you if your reading of the emails showed anything damning, or were they just twisted out of context, as these vids show has been done on Fox News shows and the like.

---------- Post added 01-02-2010 at 11:18 AM ----------

memester;116337 wrote:

They don't talk about G Monbiot, a pure AGW proponent and anti-denier, who is concerned about this. No, they talk about Beck and his ilk. they do not talk about climate audit people, such as Steve, the one who exposed now admitted errors..who says CO2 may be a huge problem, a medium problem, or a little problem. Do they ?

Not in this instance - they made 10 minute videos that seek to demonstrate why some of the most popular canards put about by high-profile pundits and reporters on this issue are incorrect.

However, on the Greenman channel there are more in-depth looks at the issue, including critiques of some scientific skeptics.

Not all of them and not everything they say, of course. But why should they - he's not obliged to address everything, and sensibly chooses to address the most common, the loudest, objections and misinformation.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 10:20 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;116339 wrote:
It's not bunk, it's true. Watch the video yourself again if you don't believe me. It's there at 1:45. Are you denying this?
yes. What is there? slideshow of the emails passing by as he talks. not just that email.

What does it mean? Well, there's no discussion from that anyone on Fox is there? They have jumped to the assumption that it is indicative of conspiracy and have reported it as such (in tones of varying tentativeness or zealousness depending on the persona of the 'reporter').

People on this forum seem to believe its also indicative of a conspiracy of the sort worth commenting on - rather than 'jane and john conspire to watch TV' or something.

It isn't all the evidence - but it is representative and, as you can see from the potholer vid, something other pundits focussed on as well.

Well I quoted Beck in reference to it. I also don't need to quote Fox really, as the vids are full of remarks from Fox reporters and pundits on the issue.

No, they don't have to be.

As I said, I haven't actually been dismissive of scientific skeptics.

I posted the vids, originally, to ask you if your reading of the emails showed anything damning, or were they just twisted out of context, as these vids show has been done on Fox News shows and the like.
You have not shown that the Fox clip is saying what you claim it did. I guess you do not intend to.

We can take that now as a refusal ? and dump it with the rest of your trash?

How about we examine two items that you hold to be an email that is being taken out of context and doesn't mean what it seems to say ? You pick. How can I be more extending of opportunity to you ?
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 10:26 am
As a side note: It's really sad that Climate Change became politicized in the first place. Once people view anything as a "political" issue, their loyalties and hatreds are marshaled; the wagons get circled and otherwise insightful and intelligent minds become closed.

*buys a time machine to have someone other than Al Gore blow the first, big whistle*
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 10:28 am
Khethil;116342 wrote:
As a side note: It's really sad that Climate Change became politicized in the first place. Once people view anything as a "political" issue, their loyalties and hatreds are marshaled; the wagons get circled and otherwise insightful and intelligent minds become closed.

*buys a time machine to have someone other than Al Gore blow the first, big whistle*

this is really the thrust of what Rex Murphy is saying. It's a bad scene when scientists and ADVOCACY groups go to bed. And that is what the emails show, to him.

"The trick" .

0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 10:40 am
memester;116296 wrote:
I've already shown you the mistaken part. Yes, they got it right in one section, then got it wrong. As they explain it, the un-ionized ammonia is the problematic part, not the ionized (ammonium ), which is true.

but then they say this, which is contradictory - an error
Toxicity increases as pH decreases and as temperature decreases.
to be consistent, they would have said it decreases as pH decreases.
but they got it mixed up.

Those statements are absolutely not inconsistent. The first statement describes the dependency of the ionic state of ammonia on pH. The second statement describes the dependency of the toxicity of ammonia on pH.

The second statement, in other words, has to do with the toxicology of ammonia to a given organism and is not a general statement about ammonia chemistry (like the first statement).

Ammonia toxicity and its relationship to pH in fish is a much more complex question that they don't really answer. The pH dependence of ammonia toxicity may not actually have to do with the ionic state of ammonia -- it may have to do with an independent effect of pH on the fish, esp their gills. The fishdoc table cites TAN (total ammonia nitrogen) which is a combination of NH4+ and NH3, not a proportion of the two, so NEITHER site makes clear which ion is more toxic. They also aren't really defining "toxicity". In the fishdoc site, their table clearly is a measure of potency, i.e. the toxic dose of TAN decreases with increasing pH and increasing temperature. That contradicts the statement on the Wilkes page, but I can't be sure that they're talking about the same thing: Potency is not synonymous with toxicity.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 10:44 am
Aedes;116350 wrote:
Those statements are absolutely not inconsistent. The first statement describes the dependency of the ionic state of ammonia on pH. The second statement describes the dependency of the toxicity of ammonia on pH.

The second statement, in other words, has to do with the toxicology of ammonia to a given organism and is not a general statement about ammonia chemistry (like the first statement).

Ammonia toxicity and its relationship to pH in fish is a much more complex question that they don't really answer. The pH dependence of ammonia toxicity may not actually have to do with the ionic state of ammonia -- it may have to do with an independent effect of pH on the fish, esp their gills.
nope, lowering pH or increasing it is not the issue on damge to gills. obviously, if we have battery acid or pure bleach, there will be damage. but that is not what is being discussed. That, in fact, is a ridiculous idea to present. The articles are clearly about ammonia, not pH damage.


The fishdoc table cites TAN (total ammonia nitrogen) which is a combination of NH4+ and NH3, not a proportion of the two, so NEITHER site makes clear which ion is more toxic.
sure they do. NH3. here it is on Fishdoc:
As we have already said, ammonia (NH3) is highly toxic, whereas the ammonium ion is significantly less toxic.
and here on Wilkes
The toxicity to ammonia is primarily attributable to the un-ionized form (NH3), as opposed to the ionized form (NH4+)
They also aren't really defining "toxicity". In the fishdoc site, their table clearly is a measure of potency, i.e. the toxic dose of TAN decreases with increasing pH and increasing temperature. That contradicts the statement on the Wilkes page, but I can't be sure that they're talking about the same thing: Potency is not synonymous with toxicity.
they are not the same, obviously. Since they did not mention dose, your argument fails. that took me a minute to see what you had done, by inserting "dose". very nice trick, there, Paul. I'm impressed by the maneuverability you display.

either way, though, you were wrong to say it was a correct page Smile

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