@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;116257 wrote:Well, it's not clear to me what you mean, to be honest.
oh, really ? Tell me what I said that is not ABSOLUTELY clear.
Quote:Firstly the video does show it's sources, from various journals and newspapers and a section from the relevent e-mail in it's unedited form, all you have to do is pause the vid to have a better read and further sources.
This e-mail is provided as evidence that "scientists are fudging data to present their case for global warming", and Your World is one of the less biased Fox News commentators on the issue.
Absolutely, that is the Fox News claim.
Quote:"If your guts said 'this global warming thing, I think it's a scam, well I think your seeing it now." Glenn Beck (in the Potholer vid I linked to earlier).
Glen Beck is a good person to pick as a supreme A hole with no brain. I would not doubt any assinine comment, as coming from him.
Both these 'reporters' held up the quote as evidence for their opinion.
so it seems that your vid is really just a respoonse to GLENN BECK rants ? As representative of skeptic's thought on the matter ? hehe, good one, Dave Allen, good one !
That's how I derive my opinion that Fox News was attempting to twist this particular quote "we can't account for the warming we're seeing right now and it's a travesty that we can't" into an admission by an expert on AGW that it is somehow fraudulent.
You seem to be saying that in your understanding, if fraud exists, that the whole of something being researched is not true.
As an example, I can think of a researcher who had phony offices for billing research that was never done. It was research on the psych of Downs' syndrome people. It's not as if, when the fraud was discovered, that people with Downs are then thought to not have psych problems, it's just that the researcher had been CAUGHT.
I find it amusing that you infer that if someone is caught lying or misrepresenting something, that critics MUST be saying ( if they comment on a fraud in research) , that the researched problems DO NOT EXIST.
However, as the vid points out, if you read the e-mail in its entirity, and couch it in the context of what other e-mailers were discussing, it isn't indicative of an admission of fraud or scam.
That is not what was said by Fox EITHER.
Quote:We can look at another skeptic newscaster, Rex Murphy. He doesn't mince words. Let's see if he says what your video offers as a strawman of a "denier" statement. I don't know who he is or what he said. He may very well be a more level-headed commentator on the issue. He doesn't have the visibility that less careful commentators have, as far as I can see and assuming he is more credible, so if there are canards produced by people like Beck, I'd say refuting them still 'counts' as criticism of Fox News.
See, just as with your video, you intend to make Fox News - any Fox News- representative of skeptical opinions - opinions skeptical of these particular ClimateChange political presentation bigshots ( mann, jones, et al).
If one newscaster is credible doesn't make the other newscasters credible, or the general thrust of the channel at large.
So unfortunate, Dave Allen, that you cannot get around to applying the same reasoning the other way 'round; that a Glenn Beck rant does not make the skeptical position non-credible.
but to apply the same fair reasoning both ways ....that is not within your kind of thinking, is it, Dave Allen ?
Rex Murphy on the same thing
Newscasters are not the whole of the skeptical population, on the issue. but since you choose to highlight a Fox newscaster as "representative", we can look at other newscasters, too. Obviously, I could find newcasters who are pro- "Team Warming" and debunk them - then claim that their position is your position.
but you have not debunked that Fox report. Your video is trash, and you seem to know it now.
so show what was REALLY meant, and how you derive that meaning from the words, or you'll be looking awfully poorly.
while you're at it, you might look at Climate Audit site to see the graphs and to place the emails in context ...
See what Briffa had said. He's not GLENN BECK, he's one of the researchers.
Michael Mann