Climate Change Politics

Dave Allen
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 01:04 pm
memester;116341 wrote:
yes. What is there? slideshow of the emails passing by as he talks. not just that email.

No, there are two others, I suppose.

One of them is Phil Jones' threat to redefine peer review in order to keep something out - clearly something that would be beyond his means to do really. Given we don't know what 'it' is how can a conclusion be drawn on what Phil Jones was trying to do - if he was trying to do something other than make a flippant comment to a colleague.

Rex also claims the "data used to build climate models has been lost".

No it hasn't. The data used to construct climate models comes from numerous sources, the UEA doesn't have a monopoly on them, even if it was 'destroying' data (a deleted e-mail does not count as destroying datas unless it was only document that contained such data - which sounds unlikely to me).

'Something' was deleted. What was it? Don't know. Was it important data about climate change available nowhere else? Don't know - but that's the conclusion Rex and co want to jump to and diseminate to their veiwers.

The third piece of evidence is another e-mail threatening deletion of an e-mail - again, no context, no knowledge of what the deleted e-mail is supposed to be about.

If this is what can be cherry picked from over a decade of e-mails to demonstrate fraud I don't like to think what sort of charge could be brought against me for things I've said in e-mails in the last ten years.

I'm fairly sure reminders to empty whole folders have been sent out.

How about we examine two items that you hold to be an email that is being taken out of context and doesn't mean what it seems to say ? You pick. How can I be more extending of opportunity to you ?

I refer you back to the vids - seeing as I don't see that you've actually provided a constructive criticism of them.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 01:19 pm
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;116406 wrote:
No, there are two others, I suppose.
so that your claim is now debunked.

One of them is Phil Jones' threat to redefine peer review in order to keep something out - clearly something that would be beyond his means to do really.
So you say.
Given we don't know what 'it' is how can a conclusion be drawn on what Phil Jones was trying to do - if he was trying to do something other than make a flippant comment to a colleague.
you are not paying attention. redefining peeer review is the item of interest, not specifically any item in particular.

Rex also claims the "data used to build climate models has been lost".

No it hasn't. The data used to construct climate models comes from numerous sources, the UEA doesn't have a monopoly on them, even if it was 'destroying' data (a deleted e-mail does not count as destroying datas unless it was only document that contained such data - which sounds unlikely to me).
Are you unaware that they threw out the temp data ? wow. no wonder you have no clue.
div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited { color:#06c; } SCIENTISTS at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have admitted throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based.
It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years.
The UEA's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was forced to reveal the loss following requests for the data under Freedom of Information legislation.
The data were gathered from weather stations around the world and then adjusted to take account of variables in the way they were collected. The revised figures were kept, but the originals - stored on paper and magnetic tape - were dumped to save space when the CRU moved to a new building.


'Something' was deleted. What was it? Don't know. Was it important data about climate change available nowhere else? Don't know - but that's the conclusion Rex and co want to jump to and diseminate to their veiwers.
ridiculous. He specifically tells what it is that he wants deleted.

The third piece of evidence is another e-mail threatening deletion of an e-mail - again, no context, no knowledge of what the deleted e-mail is supposed to be about.
bunk. simply, you are ignorant of the facts

If this is what can be cherry picked from over a decade of e-mails to demonstrate fraud I don't like to think what sort of charge could be brought against me for things I've said in e-mails in the last ten years.
we don't all get caught like this, do we Smile If we did, many many people would be screwed. And yet that is their luck. they got caught. that's teh way the cookie crumbles. Some pay for their illicit activities, some get away clean.
I refer you back to the vids - seeing as I don't see that you've actually provided a constructive criticism of them.
no bunk vids. You cannot even tell me two emails that are being taken out of contexzt, for us to examine ?

:lol:You claim they are taken out of context, it's not known what was being talked about, and everything is Kosher. So you pick 2.

You claim that I am not replying fully with evidence.

and you cannot even name 2 emails.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 01:23 pm
memester;116354 wrote:
Since they did not mention dose, your argument fails.
They DO mention dose, actually. They may not use that word, but the concentrations of exposure are the dependent variable in the table on fishdoc and that quite literally is a statement of dose. But I'd be happy to substitute the word concentration for dose if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Dose simply means the amount that the subject is exposed to. And potency, in toxicologic terms, is quite simply the AMOUNT required to produce a given effect. Hydromorphone is more POTENT than morphine because the same effect is achieved with fewer milligrams.

memester;116354 wrote:
that took me a minute to see what you had done, by inserting "dose". very nice trick, there, Paul. I'm impressed by the maneuverability you display.
When all other arguments fail you play word games. I think I've reached a toxic dose of conversation with you. My gills aren't looking so good. I'll see you in another thread.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 01:30 pm
Aedes;116410 wrote:
They DO mention dose, actually. They may not use that word, but the concentrations of exposure are the dependent variable in the table on fishdoc and that quite literally is a statement of dose. But I'd be happy to substitute the word concentration for dose if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
bunk. there is not any mention of it in any way shape or form. And yes, your insertion of that term where it does not exist, it makes the reverse statement true.

Dose simply means the amount that the subject is exposed to. And potency, in toxicologic terms, is quite simply the AMOUNT required to produce a given effect. Hydromorphone is more POTENT than morphine because the same effect is achieved with fewer milligrams.
of course. and that was never mentioned, nor alluded to.They were talking about TAN , in ammonia toxicity vs. pH and temp.

Total ammonia vs. temp and pH, not dose vs temp or pH.When total ammonia is viewed against pH; as pH rises, the the ratio of un-ionized to ionized rises.
0 Replies
Dave Allen
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 01:38 pm
memester;116409 wrote:
so that your claim is now debunked.
No it isn't.

If I'd said "it was the only thing held up as evidence" it might have been. Yes.

But I did not say that, I just said it had been held up as evidence.

Which is actually the case.

No 'debunk'.

As it is, the other stuff held up as evidence is no more damning anyway - unless there's more to it that Rex shows.

But he does not show - he merely remarks on the incomplete story.

So Rex is being no more credible on the issue than the likes of Beck, really.
Are you unaware that they threw out the temp data ? wow. no wonder you have no clue.

I'm aware that there is controversy on whether tree ring readings from the last 50 years or so can be trusted as providing accurate measurments, as they diverge so much from thermometer readings.

Are we to trust tree rings or thermometers?

Phil et al are going with the thermometers and discarding the tree ring data.

Which isn't being done in secret - they published several papers on the matter.

Is tree ring data from the past to be used to construct climate models?

There's continuing discussion, as the divergence of the last 50 years is put down to industrialisation causing abberant tree rings (pollution preventing the trees from growing faster despite the temperature being higher).

ridiculous. He specifically tells what it is that he wants deleted.

So what is it? Is it available nowhere else?
Some pay for their illicit activities, some get away clean.

How exactly are they paying? Phil voluntarily stepping down? Are you back to claiming this is 'straight up fraud to the tune of billions of dollars'? What's the crime here exactly?

You claim that I am not replying fully with evidence.

To my eyes all you ever seem to do is play some pedantic game. I have yet to see anything you've claimed backed up with much at all.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 01:53 pm
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;116414 wrote:
No it isn't.

If I'd said "it was the only thing held up as evidence" it might have been. Yes.

But I did not say that, I just said it had been held up as evidence.

Which is actually the case.

No 'debunk'.
this is what you said
Both these 'reporters' held up the quote as evidence for their opinion.
"The" quote.

As it is, the other stuff held up as evidence is no more damning anyway - unless there's more to it that Rex shows.
of course there is, but you don't want to get to it. You only want to present little bites from your Youtube vid.

But he does not show - he merely remarks on the incomplete story.

So Rex is being no more credible on the issue than the likes of Beck, really.
bunk. nothing he said denies GW. He is against toxic the mix of advocacy with science. That's not like Beck.


I'm aware that there is controversy on whether tree ring readings from the last 50 years or so can be trusted as providing accurate measurments, as they diverge so much from thermometer readings.

Are we to trust tree rings or thermometers?

Phil et al are going with the thermometers and discarding the tree ring data.
obviously you have no comprehension of what happened, and that is why I want you to name your emails..so we can see exactly what they refer to.


Is tree ring data from the past to be used to construct climate models?
certainly ! have you no clue ?

How exactly atre they paying? Are you back to claiming this is straight up fraud to the tune of billions of dollars? What's the crime here exactly?
Dave Allen, you talked about your emails, and I responded..nothing to do with who has paid..just that if everyones' emails were published, lots people would be screwed. that IS what you were talking about . isn't it ?

To my eyes all you ever seem to do is play some pedantic game. I have yet to see anything you've claimed backed up with much at all.
then why not name 2 emails and we can go deeper ? What's the problem ? You need to keep the responsibility for errors that you might make, on the youtube people ? is that it ?
Dave Allen
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 02:03 pm
memester;116416 wrote:
this is what you said "The" quote.

Sure - the knife was evidence that convicted the killer.

The only evidence?

Not necessarily.

of course there is, but you don't want to get to it. You only want to present little bites from your Youtube vid.

No, I'd like to discuss the vids as a big picture, and am forced to defend tiny (and rather irrelevent) points because you'd rather focus in on a clumsy word here or there than give a decent apercus of your problems with the vids.

bunk. nothing he said denies GW.

Is that an argument I actually made, or something you're just attributing to me willy-nilly.

He is advocating regarding climategate as a telling and significant act of fraud - but his case is weak.

obviously you have no comprehension of what happened, and that is why I want you to name your emails..so we can see exactly what they refer to.

Go back to the potholer vid.

Watch it.

I broadly agree with his assessment.

Maybe - MAYBE - he uses a word clumsily here or there.


You may think that makes his assessment bunk, but I don't agree.

then why not name 2 emails and we can go deeper ? What's the problem ? You need to keep the responsibility for errors that you might make, on the youtube people ? is that it ?

I don't think they are infalliable.

I just think there's more to be learned from ten minutes of watching them than a day spent arguing with you.

With that - like others seem to have done, I'm going to leave you to the thread unless something interesting comes up. It's not worth the time.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 02:27 pm
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;116420 wrote:
Sure - the knife was evidence that convicted the killer.

The only evidence?

Not necessarily.
true. and thus it is not that he is using that one quote which you named, at 1:45, as the evidence.

No, I'd like to discuss the vids as a big picture, and am forced to defend tiny (and rather irrelevent) points because you'd rather focus in on a clumsy word here or there than give a decent apercus of your problems with the vids.

Is that an argument I actually made, or something you're just attributing to me willy-nilly.
yes, it's an argument you made. You compared him to Beck. And Beck's outstanding attribute in this is that he is a denier of GW.

He is advocating regarding climategate as a telling and significant act of fraud - but his case is weak.

Go back to the potholer vid.

Watch it.

I broadly agree with his assessment.

Maybe - MAYBE - he uses a word clumsily here or there.


You may think that makes his assessment bunk, but I don't agree.

I don't think they are infalliable.

I just think there's more to be learned from ten minutes of watching them than a day spent arguing with you.

With that - like others seem to have done, I'm going to leave you to the thread unless something interesting comes up. It's not worth the time.
Yes, you cannot stand on your own two feet and name two emails. Because we can pin you down, whereas the YouTube fellas, we won't.

You see, though you think what I was doing was insubstantial, I had to first get an admission that there was a conspiracy, even though it had to be with no attached words of "sinister" or the like. This so that when the proof of what was done is shown, you cannot then claim "But no conspiracy".

I know your tricks, and so I commence by first cornering off your escape route. But now you are shy.

that's OK, everyone can see that you have refused to name 2 of the "Taken out of context" emails to look into thoroughly. What a small thing to ask, and how could I ask for a more biased choice - one that biased as the most likely to come out good for you ?

But, you're satisfied with your YouTube video. Carry on.
Reply Sun 3 Jan, 2010 04:29 am
here's the proof that Dave Allen did say that the one statement was what Rex Murphy was using.

Originally Posted by memester
bunk. that statement is not the only evidence on which he is basing his words, they are just ONE PART of the evidence.
It's not bunk, it's true. Watch the video yourself again if you don't believe me. It's there at 1:45. Are you denying this?
and now, after all, he says this
Sure - the knife was evidence that convicted the killer.

The only evidence?

Not necessarily.

It might take time and patience to get to the bottom of some untruths. This was a quickie.

thanks, Dave Allen.
Reply Fri 8 Jan, 2010 04:55 pm
here a climate scientist talks about the science being influenced by the agenda

noted that this scientist publishes the journal that took some heat for accepting a poor paper - and then heads rolled.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jan, 2010 08:52 am
Now it is over, has anyone, on any side of the issue, anything good to say about the late Copenhagen fiasco? What an utter waste!
Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2010 01:57 am
Douglass talks about the trouble

American Thinker: A Climatology Conspiracy?
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2010 12:34 pm
memester;119315 wrote:
Douglass talks about the trouble

American Thinker: A Climatology Conspiracy?

An what of this? More deniers. According to Gore (I suppose) the clock should have been set to a minute after midnight.

LiveScience.com livescience Staff

livescience.com - 1 hr 45 mins ago The Doomsday Clock has been set back 1 minute for the first time in its 63-year history. In moving the clock from 5 minutes before midnight to 6 minutes before midnight, scientists expressed optimism for humanity's future.
This end-of-the-world clock, set up in 1947, is meant to convey how close we are to the end of the world via catastrophe caused by nuclear weapons or climate change, among other factors.
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 10:52 am
Thanks K. Krauss is a strong supporter of GW ideas BTW

This guy Schneider, first an Ice Age Alarmist, now AGW Alarmist, is a curious mix of phobias resulting in nothing but more confusion.

He admits AGW scientists at times tend to overstate the case and avoid presenting contrary data to the public - he supports that idea to a limited extent - while allowing his phobias to dictate, an over-estimation of the severity of the problem of public not being able to handle conflicting data, thus necessitating, forcing the proffering of "partial" truths rather than whole truths.


On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but - which means that we must include all the doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well. And like most people, we'd like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climate change. To do that, we need to get some broad-based support, to capture the public's imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This 'double ethical bind' we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.I hope that means being both)
Reply Mon 1 Feb, 2010 10:52 pm
here's a nice selection from East Anglia, for the admirers of authority

'Botch after botch after botch' | Lorrie Goldstein | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun
Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2010 10:55 pm
Our Government of Canada has sent them our money to pay for nice vacations for the Peers at the trough.
Another "failure" to declare possible conflict of interest.



The peer leading the second Climategate enquiry at the University of East Anglia serves as a director of one of the most powerful environmental networks in the world, according to Companies House documents - and has failed to declare it.
Lord Oxburgh, a geologist by training and the former scientific advisor to the Ministry of Defence, was appointed to lead the enquiry into the scientific aspects of the Climategate scandal on Monday. But Oxburgh is also a director of GLOBE, the Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment.
GLOBE may be too obscure to merit its own Wikipedia entry, but that belies its wealth and influence. It funds meetings for parliamentarians worldwide with an interest in climate change, and prior to the Copenhagen Summit GLOBE issued guidelines (pdf) for legislators. Little expense is spared: in one year alone, one peer - Lord Michael Jay of Ewelme - enjoyed seven club class flights and hotel accommodation, at GLOBE's expense. There's no greater love a Parliamentarian can give to the global warming cause. And in return, Globe lists Oxburgh as one of 23 key legislators.

yes, another stinkily tainted enquiry is going on
Air flights, yes air flights... to recompense them for their interest in forwarding the "Global Disaster due to CO2" notion.

Little expense is spared: in one year alone, one peer - Lord Michael Jay of Ewelme - enjoyed seven club class flights and hotel accommodation, at GLOBE's expense. There's no greater love a Parliamentarian can give to the global warming cause

Elliot Morley MP, GLOBE International, charged with theft by false accounting.
Stephen Byers, UK president of Globe International, bragging about being a taxi for hire, and the charades he arranges to be played out for public consumption.

Three former cabinet ministers, Geoff Hoon, Stephen Byers and Patricia Hewitt, were suspended from the Parliamentary Labour party last night in an unprecedented crackdown on sleaze.

and then there is Professor Trevor Davies. Yes, the good professor.
he hates the criminal act of leaking documents. sometimes.


heeeeres..Trevor !

The publication of a selection of stolen data is the latest example of a sustained and, in some instances, a vexatious campaign which may have been designed to distract from reasoned debate about the nature of the urgent action which world governments must consider to mitigate, and adapt to, climate change. We are committed to furthering this debate despite being faced with difficult circumstances related to a criminal breach of our security systems and our concern to protect colleagues from the more extreme behaviour of some who have responded in irrational and unpleasant ways to the publication of personal information.

and yet, Professor does entertain other views at other times

I now have a leaked document which spells out some of the research
councils' thinking. I will get a copy over to CRU today. Please keep this
document within the CRU5, since it may compromise the source. NERC and
EPSRC are signed up. ESRC are not yet. Given the EPSRC stake, it will
certainly be be useful to get RAL etc involved. The funding might be
2million per year. That might imply that the Councils favour multi-site,
clusters, etc, but they stress they have no preconceptions.

Given some of their requirements, the JIF bid may be useful.

An important requirement seems to be to attract an "internationally
renowned and charismatic scientist" to be overall Director. Do you think we
should sound out Schneider? Watson? ??
Climate Audit

conspiracy ? no conspiracy here, eh, Dave Allen !

oh..here's a grotesque for ya:
UN climate change chief Rajendra Pachauri says sorry — and switches to neutral - Times Online


But Dr Pachauri, 70, rejected calls for his resignation and insisted he would remain as chairman until after publication of the IPCC's next report in 2014. ...

"It is not correct to say there are people who don't trust me," he said.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 03:56 am
Climate Rescue Weblog: Will the real ClimateGate please stand up? (part 2)
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 04:14 am
BBC News - Climate science must be more open, say MPs but i dont expect it to be of any consequence and will be pooped
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 04:46 am
xris;148148 wrote:
BBC News - Climate science must be more open, say MPs but i dont expect it to be of any consequence and will be pooped
they agreed not to ask him the tough questions. They did not did not investigate "hide the decline" properly. They did not investigate Jones telling the group that Briffa is to supply a false statement. They did not investigate claims that the Hockey Stick was OK now, all has been resolved. etc etc.
It was simply a vote of 3 MPs against one.
In any case, this is now a job for several courts to proceed on, not for friendly enquiries, not for stacked university panels.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 06:11 am
memester;148150 wrote:
they agreed not to ask him the tough questions. They did not did not investigate "hide the decline" properly. They did not investigate Jones telling the group that Briffa is to supply a false statement. They did not investigate claims that the Hockey Stick was OK now, all has been resolved. etc etc.
It was simply a vote of 3 MPs against one.
In any case, this is now a job for several courts to proceed on, not for friendly enquiries, not for stacked university panels.
If you think your acidic drip drip torture will be effective then your sadly mistaken. The truth is out there except for a few fools who are obsessed with misinformation as if it was relevant.

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