Climate Change Politics

Reply Wed 26 May, 2010 02:50 pm
xris;169201 wrote:
The point I have made is, it is significant, something you find strangely confusing. I tried to tell you, if your house is on fire you dont ask how much.
Of course not. But if a known liar tells me that, I don't sell him my house for ten bucks on the spot. In fact, if you personally told me that, I would not believe you, because TO ME, it seems you're hysterical, perpetually, and have not demonstrated what it takes for me to trust you in any way. If my neighbour told me that, I'd know it was very likely true. I'd assume it was true. But you ? You'd need to have done some good work on your credibility, your "believability".

We have people known to be lying, like Pachauri, on board. So we need to think about who it is that is making the claim that the house is on fire. someone who will gain enormously by telling me that ? Or a neutral, truthful person. You're only doing screaming, and accusing.

For the majority of us the fact that it is seriously disappearing and may not be here for much longer, is sufficient. When im told the permafrost is in danger of melting, it scares the hell out of me.
of course, it is a scary thought that we don't know what will happen or how bad it could be. Scary thoughts are like that....but don't , xris, equate your fearful thoughts with scientific facts -and push them as if facts, and squeal and snort and throw insults if people do not bow down before your "fear thought".


These stupid skirmishes on misunderstood emails and the insignificance of them in global terms is stupid when compared with the blatant truths that we see before us. For me it is highly dangerous that these truths are not treated with the utmost urgency.
We need to know factually what is going on. And , as we know, IPPC reports have been in error, non transparent, not disclosing methods, hiding, and so on.

It's now been commented on repeatedly, that all this has to be made public, scientific methodolgy and data cannot be hidden for private reasons any longer.

---------- Post added 05-26-2010 at 05:01 PM ----------

xris;169201 wrote:
The point I have made is, it is significant, something you find strangely confusing. I tried to tell you, if your house is on fire you dont ask how much. For the majority of us the fact that it is seriously disappearing and may not be here for much longer, is sufficient. When im told the permafrost is in danger of melting, it scares the hell out of me. These stupid skirmishes on misunderstood emails and the insignificance of them in global terms is stupid when compared with the blatant truths that we see before us. For me it is highly dangerous that these truths are not treated with the utmost urgency.
so are you refusing to tell which scientific study gives the figure 35 % , so that I can look at same page as you are ? why not tell ? what's that about ?
The summer ice has reduced by 35% over the last two decades
Reply Wed 26 May, 2010 03:09 pm
memester;169207 wrote:
Of course not. But if a known liar tells me that, I don't sell him my house for ten bucks on the spot. In fact, if you personally told me that, I would not believe you, because you're hysterical, perpetually, and have not demonstrated what it takes for me to trust you in any way. If my neighbour told me that, I'd know it was very likely true. I'd assume it was true. But you ? You'd need to work on your "believability "

We have people known to be lying, like Pachauri, on board. So we need to think about who it is that is making the claim that the house is on fire. someone who will gain enormously by telling me that ? Or a neutral, truthful person. You're only doing screaming, and accusing.
of course, it is a scary thought that we don't know what will happen or how bad it could be. Scary thoughts are like that....but don't , xris, equate your fearful thoughts with scientific facts -and push them as if facts, and squeal and snort and throw insults if people do not bow down before your "fear thought".

We need to know factually what is going on. And , as we know, IPPC reports have been in error, non transparent, not disclosing methods, hiding, and so on.

It's now been commented on repeatedly, that all this has to be made public, scientific methodolgy and data cannot be hidden for private reasons any longer.
Im sorry if I became abusive but you can be very evasive in your replies and very frustrating. I do hope I am led by scientific evidence and not spin. I am also aware that actual visible evidence is more convincing than any self interested findings. I am fearful of the future not my future but my grandchildren's. I cant be so circumspect and hope it is all fearful political scaremongering, we cant take that chance.
Reply Wed 26 May, 2010 03:10 pm
xris;169217 wrote:
Im sorry if I became abusive but you can be very evasive in your replies and very frustrating. I do hope I am led by scientific evidence and not spin. I am also aware that actual visible evidence is more convincing than any self interested findings. I am fearful of the future not my future but my grandchildren's. I cant be so circumspect and hope it is all fearful political scaremongering, we cant take that chance.
right. we don't need to insult each other. it's a very serious issue. Which paper says 35 %, lets get down to business and see what the science says, shall we ? I googled 35 % sea ice loss, summer ice 35 %, and others, but i did not find your source of info.
Reply Wed 26 May, 2010 03:35 pm
memester;169220 wrote:
right. we don't need to insult each other. it's a very serious issue. Which paper says 35 %, lets get down to business and see what the science says, shall we ? I googled 35 % sea ice loss, summer ice 35 %, and others, but i did not find your source of info.
To be honest, I lied , I could not find actual figures for the present only 55%, expected for 2011. I inferred, with some reservation, it must be nearer thirty at the moment. The north west passage is open longer and further , something unbelievable earlier in the last century. I'm off now I will endeavour to find out the true reported figure tomorrow..thanks xris
0 Replies
Dave Allen
Reply Wed 26 May, 2010 05:06 pm
Xris - the key is to notice the difference by area to the difference by volume. One fluctuates - the other always - afaict - diminishes.
Reply Wed 26 May, 2010 06:39 pm
@Dave Allen,
ok, no problem if you felt pushed into giving a figure.
0 Replies
Dave Allen
Reply Wed 26 May, 2010 06:41 pm
Hey - if anyone else admits to being interested I'll bother to look it up.


Not so much.
Reply Wed 26 May, 2010 06:59 pm
@Dave Allen,
I was just commenting to xris that it's not a problem if he "winged it". Dave allen, when you have something good to offer, I'll notice.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 May, 2010 02:38 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;169310 wrote:
Hey - if anyone else admits to being interested I'll bother to look it up.


Not so much.
I would be interested Dave, I had no luck.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 May, 2010 07:18 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;169310 wrote:
Hey - if anyone else admits to being interested I'll bother to look it up.


Not so much.

yes, i am also interested. to me the key is that it is getting warmer, but i dont know if humanity has caused it. i know it has happened before, and maybe we are going into an ice age and it is unavoidable. so there is also no reason to panic over this if nothing we could do would affect the outcome anyway. i cant believe there isnt someone who knows whether or not that is true. all we have to do is get the interested parties out of the way and find out independently what the historical impact is comparatively.
Reply Fri 28 May, 2010 07:29 am
here's a lighthearted post from a climateaudit reader about the problems being encountered, that have to do with instrumental temperature readings...with the purchase of defective thermometers or their housings or fans, and defective means of checking the thermometer reliability or bias, the adjustments, corrections. And Hansen.

| Permalink | Reply I can solve ALL of these adjustment problems. It's right there, in the second and fourth graphs on this page:
GHCN Global Gridded Data
All the corrections cross, at zero, in 1906. All we have to do is collect data exactly as it was done then. Since NOAA has determined that 1906 was the high point of temperature collection methodology, and requires no adjustments, all the adjustments we use today must be simply an attempt to reproduce the accuracy our great-grandparents knew. That technology isn't lost. We can still build equipment like they used in that golden age, before our 100 year long technological slide. Then, we can just measure the temperature, and immediately post the undisputed data. No TOB, no UHI, no MMTS. No spending a decade debating whether or not 1998 was REALLY warmer than 1934. Just actual measurements.
Does anyone know Hansen's phone number? This idea should save him a lot of trouble. I'm sure he'll jump on it.
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 11:41 am
here's a view that might surprise those who are scientific consensusites. "Unprecendented warming"...TRUE or FALSE ?

Unprecedented warming? | The Rational Optimist?
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 12:23 pm
Try reading this .Rapid Climate Change what I would say is look at the results and how long it took. From fully glacier to today's temperatures, took more than a century. Nature has never ever observed such rapid rises.
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 12:36 pm
xris;170427 wrote:
Try reading this .Rapid Climate Change what I would say is look at the results and how long it took. From fully glacier to today's temperatures, took more than a century. Nature has never ever observed such rapid rises.
rises in temperature: From your view, what change over what time are we talking about ...this century ? 1 degree or less.
How does that compare with other changes ?
Nature has never ever observed such rapid rises
extremely speculative
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 12:42 pm
memester;170432 wrote:
rises in temperature: From your view, what this century ? 1 degree or less.

how does that compare with other changes ?
All other rises and the most dramatic, if you read this extensive link, took one degree every thousand years. Their dramatic rises are nothing like we see now.
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 12:46 pm
xris;170438 wrote:
All other rises and the most dramatic, if you read this extensive link, took one degree every thousand years. Their dramatic rises are nothing like we see now.
but the article depends on information such as "varves" if you dig deeper, you find out the problems with each of their methodologies or with sampling or stats or with interpretation.

Treemometers, ice cores, all have problems, as can be seen when you check for chironomid larvae in lakes...if it does not fit what they look for, they do not show it to you. when the larvae study does show what they want to see, they trumpet it. Same with varves, same with just about all of their stuffs.

looking at the graphs may not tell you what happened in a hundred years, all these graphs by necessity are very highly worked over. may not contain the actual variance information on the shorter spans, or longer spans, and you can get anything you want from data by working it over, deleting what you don't like, and by setting start and end points...
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 01:07 pm
memester;170440 wrote:
but the article depends on information such as "varves" if you dig deeper, you find out the problems with each of their methodologies or with sampling or stats or with interpretation.

Treemometers, ice cores, all have problems, as can be seen when you check for chironomid larvae in lakes...if it does not fit what they look for, they do not show it to you. when the larvae study does show what they want to see, they trumpet it. Same with varves, same with just about all of their stuffs.

looking at the graphs may not tell you what happened in a hundred years, all these graphs by necessity are very highly worked over. may not contain the actual variance information on the shorter spans, or longer spans, and you can get anything you want from data by working it over, deleting what you don't like, and by setting start and end points...
Well you have not proven it does occur with such rapidity either. We must assume the worst and believe only catastrophic events cause rapid changes in climate. Can we see these rapid temperature changes occurring without a major event, in recent history, no we cant. Every rapid change has been the result of a natural disaster, as we have had no natural disaster, we must assume its mans activity.
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 03:20 pm
xris;170450 wrote:
Well you have not proven it does occur with such rapidity either. We must assume the worst and believe only catastrophic events cause rapid changes in climate. Can we see these rapid temperature changes occurring without a major event, in recent history, no we cant. Every rapid change has been the result of a natural disaster, as we have had no natural disaster, we must assume its mans activity.
you actually can't tell what happened, say, in a comparable time period as they are suggesting the "unprecedented rise" has happened ( 30 year period ? )

look at this , and see such changes in even shorter times. C3: ClimateGate: IPCC Claims of "Unprecedented Warming" Now Proven To Be Irrefutable Bullshit

so either it's the slope if the rise, or it's the actual temp, which is the problem...actual temp seems to have been higher more than once fairly recently, and slope is matched many times for short periods.

---------- Post added 05-29-2010 at 06:21 PM ----------

The Doctrine of RC Infallibility Climate Audit

can you really take the RealClimate crew of liars seriously ?

Here is Keith Briffa, whose work is used most extensively in paleoclimate work, by email, telling it the way it is about "independent" studies.
Yamal and the Decline Climate Audit

"Peck, you have to consider that since the TAR , there has been a lot of argument re "hockey stick" and the real independence of the inputs to most subsequent analyses is minimal."
Reply Sat 29 May, 2010 08:59 pm
just for a minute, back to politics and climate change, rather than climate change itself.

an interesting find by McIntyre of climateaudit. I've added space between paragraphs

Last week, in the wake of the BP fiasco in the Gulf of Mexico, I wondered whether David Eyton, BP Group Vice President, Research and Technology, and former Vice President of BP's Gulf of Mexico Deepwater, didn't or shouldn't have something more important to do than wade through CRU emails - like, say, R&D into blow out preventers.
(And why climate scientists had been silent on the BP presence in this inquiry.)

There was another small puzzle in the Eyton appointment. Unlike most of the other appointees, he didn't seem to be connected to Geoffrey Boulton's Royal Society of Edinburgh or University of Edinburgh.

CNN has been carrying wall-to-wall coverage of the oil spill, with James Carville calling every day for criminal proceedings to be instituted against BP executives, saying that the notorious Louisiana prisons (seen in many American movies) would have a special place for BP CEO Anthony Hayward - who otherwise looks like Mr Bean Visits the Beach. (The situation is very difficult, but Hayward has sure done about as bad a job of dealing with the public as it seems possible to do.)

The answer to the David Eyton mystery lay not in his CV, but in Hayward's CV.
BP appears to be a generous contributor to the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the University of Edinburgh (and Hayward himself personally.) Hayward has a PhD in geology from U of Edinburgh.
On March 2, 2009, Hayward was appointed a Fellow of Boulton's Royal Society of Edinburgh.
On June 29, 2009, Hayward was awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science from Boulton's University of Edinburgh.

Climate Audit

I asked, last week,
What was the claim ? That deniers are funded by Big Oil, right ?
not really to ridicule the claim, which of course, most likely has some bit of truth to it ( I do think that money has been spent by such corporations, though it's not correct to indicate that sceptics in general are funded, or even that the well-known names are. ), but to question whether Big Oil is not invested, and supporting climate science as we know it.

Eyton and Hayward seem equally inclined to hide the sudden decline in coastal marshland condition as to hide the decline in ethical standards at EAU.

It's still the "old boys club", don't you know..whichever side of whichever issue.

Too bad these old boys didn't spend a bit more effort keeping their s..t together under the sea.

However, we see articles come out telling us that the oil would be much more damaging had it been burned in your car engine. Unbelievable.

How much would it hurt these guys, if, due to the climate science, gas prices or the taxes on consumption, increase ? It's not as if we can stop using oil yet.
Reply Sun 30 May, 2010 07:00 am
We are back where we started and a confusing amount of controversial evidence that needs more than our debate to clarify. I wont get into it Memster, sorry. Its not that I concede but it is pointless. I believe that from my reading we have never seen this increase in temperatures, so rapidly, without a major disaster causing or it causing a major disaster. I sincerely hope this does not cause the adverse effects it predicts and we live through it but you have not convinced me. When I see the arctic diminishing and the fear of the permafrost melting , no amount of your attempts at poo pooing the figures will give me comfort.

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