@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;170895 wrote:Xris and Salima - regarding arctic sea ice.
The trope that Arctic Sea ice area is not showing a year-on-year decrease is put about by Lord Monkton and other denier-pundits. You can see a short critical vid on the Lord here:
YouTube - Debunking Lord Monckton Part 1
However, as the vid above states, he is talking about area when he should be talking about volume.
the lengthy ad hom aside;
Topic 1/ Area is one measurement taken, as seen: this one calls it "concentration" ..intergovernmental report.
Observed sea ice September 1979 and September 2003 - Figures and Tables
whereas "volume" and "mass" are different things. Still, Monckton with a "c", is not making a silly comparison, because after all, it is one way of measuring - and of course, icepack coverage area measurement is DONE BY SCIENTISTS, too, and they say the same kind of words as Monckton.
as a interesting aside, even WIKI ( almost an official organ of the Hockey Stick Team ) also says this,
Quote: Winter 2007/2008 Arctic ice growth
Extremely cold temperatures for the Northern Hemisphere in the Winter of 2007/2008 helped the Arctic ice pack to grow to more near normal levels
in terms of surface area covered.
The ice was also found to be 10 to 20 centimeters thicker than the previous year in some areas****
so..how badly is Monckton burned by this part of the "expose" ?
---------- Post added 05-30-2010 at 09:58 PM ----------
Topic 2/ No
statistically significant cooling, just as Professor Jones in 2010, says that
Quote:for the past 15 years there has been no 'statistically significant' warming.
...Key term "statistically significant". Monckton uses it, but I don't think it's warranted.
However, the "debunking" vid seems to disagree with Jones ( who is known to be inclined to hide some declines )...to present the notion that Profesor Jones is not correct about no "S.S." warming.
Read more:
Then, after going on about cherry picking short terms, or points, as being deceptive, the "debunking" vid shown goes and does what ? They cherry pick a month. Jan 2010 ( as opposed to showing a statistically significant warming trend )"Global Warming, and where has it gone?" they say the sceptics ask... and the answer: "There it is" - "There it is", they say.
Right through March 2010. Global Warming from Jan to March...3 months. "There it is." [Voice over]"The warming continued right through March..."
And right after they just said such method was to be viewed with suspicion
They seem to have very low regard for their viewers' intellect.
However, there is no doubt that Monckton is a showboater, and he makes some bad errors or gives some untruths.
Topic 3/ Greenland. Sounds very frightening the way they say it.
But what % of Greenland's Ice Sheet is being lost per year or decade ? Do they tell us ? If not, why not ?