William Butler Who?
Let's return to the point. As I said:
Gargamel- I hope that you have a dictionary at home--
Racism- A doctrine that INHERENT ( I do hope that you know what this word means) differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement.
So, if you are not one who persists in making generalizations, your playing of the "race" card without any real evidence that the person you are attacking believes that there are indeed INHERENT differences among the various human races which determing cultural or individual achievement, is a ploy which has been used in the hopes of frightening the person it is aimed at.
What you may not be aware of, Gargamel, is that there are many valid reasons why politicians of all races, Caucasian, Black or Asian, can and MUST be criticized on principle. The criticism cannot and must not be deflected by using the "racist" mantra unless it can be proven that the person doing the criticism is indeed a racist under the terms of the definition above.
My advice to you, which I am sure that you will decline, is that name-calling and ad hominem attacks on posters does not advance the dialogue, therefore , you must debate on the substance of the issue.