Poem To Wounded Lovers
It is a new day today!
And my fire?
Where is it?
I used to be myself, bright,
Sparkling….full of zest.
Today I am wounded,
With arrows of sorrow piercing my heart.
Is there a way to heal my emotions?
Can I again indulge on my creations?
My love hurt me without mercy in the past,
Then, it went away and disappear….
It did not last!
I loved him!
He was my pillar,
The source of my dream,
With him I was a happy flower,
On the shore of a stream.
He left me! Saying “You are too cruel”,
I blamed him for creating the duel.
Now I hate him!
My heart is full of anger!
God! Be merciful and help me see,
It tears me apart,
This consuming hunger.
A poet once said,
“Love is a passing fancy”,
He forgot to add….,
“It leaves you hurt also… without mercy”.
No more of this sorrow!
That was yesterday!
I want to live today,
And also tomorrow!
I will forget the bitter moments in the past,
And I will remember only,
The happy memories
Which did last.
Yes! These happy moments are there,
In the deep corners of my mind,
From which I can gain strength,
Against this solitude,
Which stops me to rime.
Anger be gone!
Stop tighten my wings
There is no room for you in my soul,
I will face you,
And you will dissipate….
And disappear in the winds.
I need to heal my wounds,
And be ready for a new date.
He is handsome and strong,
I know!
He also will sing me a new song.
A song which I never heard before,
Full of passion and melody…
With the trimmings of folklore.
I Thank the Heavens for the lessons of the past….
And, I know for certain,
My new love will meant to last.