BillRM wrote:
Don't forget until fairly recent times having sex without a strong committment were a wonderful way for women to ruin their lives by having babies out of wedlock and most people married right out of high school as a result.
Fairly recently?
Depends on how you view what recent means.
I'm 51.
People were using bc pills and condoms regularly when I was starting to get interested in sex, in the mid to late 70's.
If by recent you mean turn of the last century or before, I think most people are pretty much over that.
My first husband was 16 years older than I am. So he was about the age I am now when we first married.
I asked him once how many dates he and other people around his age would go on (when young, meaning I guess early 20's, late teens) before they would have sex.
He said, "I don't know, it just depended. Sometimes on the 2nd date, sometimes on the 4th or 5th." He thought a little more and said that definately by the 4th or 5th, because by that time you knew if you got along well, and either you'd take it to the next level, or the dating would stop.
That made sense to me. Not the sex part so much, but if I've been out with someone 5 times, I must like them, or I wouldn't be hanging around with them.
You last sentence about getting married right out of high school makes my point.
People got married, whether they found the right person or not, because they were, as soz said hot.
So, you marry to get sex, and wake up next to someone that you may have been compatible with when you were 17....but now you're 25, 30....
I have to be honest, I have had sex with a man or two that were absolutely AWFUL in bed.
Even if I had had nothing to compare them to at the time, I still would have known they were AWFUL. I don't buy that "well, you wouldn't know any better" Nice guys (or I wouldn't have slept with them), but, did I say, AWFUL in bed.
I know it's an old expression, but I'm gonna try those shoes on before I buy them.
That other expression about why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Well, that goes both ways, and I can't help it if some people just give it away.
Anyway, what soz said rings so true.
It seems so unfair to deny a person one of the most pleasurable experiences, because you want to control them.
Give them condoms, give them birth control pills, make sure they use them.
If I had a daughter who wanted to have sex, I not only would get her on the pill, but would insist on watching her put it in her mouth and swallow it each day.....at least until she was married...