Thanks both to you and RJB for the info. I was looking to see whether O'Donnell had any way, at all, to garner enough non-GOP or non-strict conservative votes, such as Independents, to be successful in the general.
I just found
this at Rasmussen. Given this info and that of you guys, it looks, again, like Castle is the GOP's best best bet in the general. Assuming, in the general, that all Republicans vote for an O'Donnell in the general she still needs another 11% just to tie. That would require her to take all the undecided plus 2% of those who prefer some sort of 'also ran' candidate. I don't see that, or any combination of that happening. So the only chance I see for her is if she wins the primary and Castle is gracious enough to use his popularity to vouch for her. But then the baggage she carries plays into Dem hands.
Oh well, by the end of tomorrow we will know at least the first half of this story!